Seeing the girl still crying, Zhang Yi could only tell her:

"You only have two choices now, try to keep the baby or abort it. Think about it carefully first. I will arrange a gynecological surgery for you after you think about it."

The girl raised her head with tears in her eyes and asked:

"Doctor... Is there any way to avoid harm to my body as much as possible..."

Zhang Yi looked at her:

"Did you have medical abortion or surgical abortion three times before?"

"One medical abortion, two surgical abortions..."

Zhang Yi thought for a while, and medical abortion would cause less damage to the uterus.

As long as the medical abortion is clean, there is no need for curettage.

Abortion is to directly use a suction device to remove the gestational sac in the uterus. After the abortion, you have to use a spoon to scrape the uterus to remove the remaining gestational sac residue.

This kind of curettage is very harmful to the uterine wall.

Especially this girl has had two abortions. If she chooses abortion again this time, she will inevitably have to have a curettage again.

If the recovery is not good in the later stage, if you want to have a child later, the child may not be able to continue to grow when it grows to five or six months, six or seven months because the uterine wall becomes too thin, and you can only choose premature birth.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, you should choose medical abortion.

"In this case, I suggest you choose medical abortion. Of course, it is best to discuss it with your boyfriend. If you want, I will prescribe some medicine to preserve the fetus for you immediately."

The girl sobbed a few times and looked at Zhang Yi and said:

"Okay... Then I will call him and ask."

Zhang Yi nodded.

The girl was lying on the bed in the infusion room.

Zhang Yi did not have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's phone calls.

While the girl was on the phone, he went to the bed next to her to check on the other patients receiving infusion.

After a while, he heard a howl from the girl:

"Feng Chen, you bastard! Woohoo... You can't do this to me! Woohoo...

Hello?! Hello Feng Chen?! You can't hang up on me! Feng Chen..."

The girl was very emotional, crying and pounding the bed with her hands.

Zhang Yi hurriedly took two steps forward and held her:

"Calm down, don't get excited, you're still bleeding down there."

"Woohoo... How can I calm down... He hung up on me... He doesn't want to take responsibility at all!"

The girl screamed and cried very badly.

But she didn't care about the strange looks from the people around her.


Zhang Yi sighed silently, thinking that the girl might have been betrayed by a heartless man.

"Forget it, girl, if it doesn't work, I can only abort the baby."

The girl cried loudly in the infusion room, attracting many patients and their families passing by the emergency department to look over here.

The nurse who was receiving the IV drip also came to comfort her.

Although, comfort at this time may not work...

"Miss, you should end your relationship with this man as soon as possible. He is so cold-blooded that he doesn't recognize anyone. What do you want from such a man?

No matter whether you can get pregnant in the future, remember to keep exercising and eat more blood-replenishing foods after the child is aborted.

Take good care of your body, relax your mind, and don't think too much.

Emotions also have a great impact on the body. Keep your mind calm, and what is coming will come."

The girl looked up at the nurse and nodded:

"Thank you, maybe he is really a scumbag... We have been together since college... I have been pregnant with four children for him for nearly seven years...

But every time he said that he couldn't have it, didn't want it, or the time was not right, he was not ready...

Woo woo... It's like this every time..."

"Could it be a scumbag? This is a scumbag, okay! Oh..."

Zhang Yi couldn't help rolling his eyes, and he didn't know what to say.

I have never seen such a scumbag and such a stupid woman.

But seeing the girl crying so miserably, it was pitiful.

Zhang Yi took out a paper from his bag and handed it to her, saying:

"You should decide as soon as possible whether to keep the baby or abort it."

The girl looked up at Zhang Yi and nodded softly.

More than an hour later, the nurse in the infusion room came to report to Zhang Yi:

"The girl said she decided to abort it. She will do whichever the doctor decides will cause less harm."

Zhang Yi nodded, called the gynecology department, and asked the doctor to come down and take the girl away.

Only after the girl left did the nurses in the department start gossiping again:

"Hey, I really don't know what to say about this girl. She didn't get married after having four babies for her boyfriend, but she still hasn't woken up?! The man is really a scumbag. I'll be reborn as a scumbag in my next life.

Go away, pig!"

"The woman is too stupid. If it were me, I would break up with him immediately after my first pregnancy and found out that he was an irresponsible scumbag. I would not have dragged it on until now."

"Hey, maybe it's really a case of one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the nurses and said:

"Do what you need to do, ladies, don't keep talking about useless gossip."

Several nurses immediately looked at Zhang Yi excitedly!


Doctor Zhang took the initiative to talk to us~!

Several people immediately threw a wink at Zhang Yi:

"Okay, Assistant Zhang~ Whatever Assistant Zhang says is what it is~"

Zhang Yi felt like sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in his back and a fishbone stuck in his throat when he saw these dense winks...

He quickly lowered his head and did his own work.


A week later, Zhang Yi received a strange call.

Looking at the number on the caller ID, it was from the capital.

"Hello? Hello?" Zhang Yi picked up the phone.

"Hello. "The voice on the other end of the phone was full of energy, with a bit of calmness and majesty.

Zhang Yi felt as if he had heard this voice somewhere before?

"Excuse me, is this Doctor Zhang Yi?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am Qin Wei's son, Qin Changzheng, the Doctor Zhang we have met, in Ping An Hospital."

Zhang Yi remembered.

Is it Colonel Qin, the son of the old man Qin?

"Hello, Colonel Qin, the old man Qin should have recovered recently, right?"

"Thanks to Doctor Zhang's great medical skills! My father was discharged from the hospital a week ago and is now recovering slowly at home. He will be able to participate in the parade rehearsal in a while."

"That's great. I am also honored to fulfill the old man's wish."

On the other end of the phone, Qin Changzheng's tone became gentler:

"Doctor Zhang, I am really sorry to bother you today. But our family's gratitude to you cannot be fully expressed in one phone call.

I respect and admire my father very much, so I naturally hope that he can live out his life in peace.

So, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I am very busy with work and don't have many holidays throughout the year. I will definitely visit you, Dr. Zhang, in person when I am free next time! "

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Then there is no need to trouble Colonel Qin so much. I am a doctor, and my duty is to treat diseases and save lives, just like you and Mr. Qin. Once you put on your military uniform, your duty on your shoulders is to defend your country.

You are greater than me!

It is absolutely my honor to be able to perform surgery on Mr. Qin.

If there were no heroes like your father who defended the border of our country, there might not be me now.

So please don't be so polite. These are what I should do. You don't need to thank me specially.

I think your phone call and a thank you are enough. "

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