The wound was still alive, but the wound was still alive.

In the treatment room, the master and apprentice spent more than 20 minutes squeezing out the pus before they were almost done.

Not only were the master and apprentice tired, but the migrant worker was also in so much pain that tears welled up in his eyes.

Woohoo! I would have used anesthesia earlier!

It hurts so much!

"Hu... OK, wait in the emergency infusion room, the nurse will come to give you an infusion. Don't move your leg for the time being, be careful that the wound doesn't heal well.

First give you two days of infusion, and I'll take a look at your wound after two days to decide whether to leave the hospital, got it, uncle?"

The uncle's forehead was full of sweat, he glanced at Zhang Yi and nodded obediently: "Okay, okay..."

Zhang Yi was exhausted from squeezing the pus for more than 20 minutes.

The main reason was that the uncle didn't use anesthesia, and he was dodging while squeezing, which was not easy to operate.

And this Han Bing, he had already interned in a department.

But he still felt sick when he saw these things? ?

Zhang Yi couldn't help but turn his head and glared at him.

Han Bing also said a little aggrieved:

"Boss Zhang Yi... I really didn't see these when I was in pediatrics... And that leg is really disgusting... That white pus is even more disgusting than the white pus when I squeezed the pimples on my face!"

"Oh no, that uncle's pus is not white pus at all, it's yellow pus! There's a little blood in the yellow pus... Ugh..."

As Han Bing spoke, he pretended to vomit again.

Zhang Yi rolled his eyes at him and shook his head:

"You interns, you have to keep practicing!"

On the way back to the clinic, Zhang Yi asked him again:

"Your last department was pediatrics?"

"Yes, although it's busy and noisy, but the children are really cute! It's better than the emergency department~"

Thinking of the yellow pus on the uncle's leg, Han Bing couldn't help shrugging again.

Zhang Yi glanced at him and warned him:

"Remember, don't make this kind of vomiting action in front of the patient next time, so as not to affect the patient!

Also, I will only remind you of this kind of thing once. If you can't remember it, don't follow me in the future."

Han Bing nodded immediately: "Okay! I know, Zhang Yi!"


Just now I thought Zhang Yi could joke with me and thought he was easy to talk to.

I didn't expect that he would be quite scary when he was serious!

The two returned to the clinic to continue the consultation.

The number was called, and the second patient came in.

It was a young man in his twenties, about the same age as Zhang Yi, and he also came alone.

Zhang Yi took a quick look and wondered, this person is not sick?

Why come to see a doctor if he is not sick? ?

"Excuse me... where do you feel uncomfortable?" Zhang Yi asked.

The young man sat down and said:

"Doctor, I feel something is wrong with me recently."

"What's wrong? This is the emergency department. We only treat acute and severe cases. If you don't have any problems, you can go to the outpatient department."

There is a big difference between the general outpatient department and the emergency department.

One is for ordinary patients and patients with mild symptoms.

The other is for acute and severe patients, just like the uncle just now. His leg can be registered in the emergency department because he has to do incision and drainage as soon as possible.

But Zhang Yi took a look at the young man in front of him. There is nothing wrong with his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys?

Could it be that he didn't look carefully enough? ?

So, Zhang Yi opened his eyes again and read from beginning to end!


Something is wrong!

There seems to be something wrong with this person's mind!

In Zhang Yi's sight, he can clearly see the patient's vascular pathways and every nerve, organ, muscle, etc.

At this moment, Zhang Yi could see a little bit of abnormal light in the thalamus of this patient.

What's going on? ?

Is this person electrified? ?

Suddenly, the young man's right hand began to tremble constantly!

The young man hurriedly said:

"Hurry up and see the doctor, that's it! That's it! I've been like this for the past few months, what's wrong with me?"

The young man spoke with a crying tone.

This involuntary tremor made him unable to control it at all, so he was afraid.

Afraid that he really had a serious illness.

Zhang Yi's first reaction was!

This might be Parkinson's! !

And the small, almost invisible light near his thalamus is the abnormal discharge of nerve cells!

There are hundreds of millions of neurons in the human brain.

Neurons are also called nerve cells.

Under the conduction of nerve cells and fiber bundles, people have a series of perceptions and reactions such as feelings, smells, emotions, movements, etc.

And the thalamus is the high-level feeling


It is also a relay station for sensory conduction, and a conduction pathway for all kinds of sensations in the body (except for smell).

These sensations from the hands, feet or various parts of the body will replace nerve cells in the thalamus, and the thalamus will make a rough analysis of the transmitted sensations, and then project them to the cerebral cortex.

For example.

A cup filled with boiling water, a normal person will definitely put it down immediately within a second after picking it up.

Because it feels hot, and even feels very painful, and then you have to rinse it with cold water to relieve the pain.

So how do this feeling and action come from? It is transmitted to you by your brain.

When the hand is burned, the nerves in the hand will immediately report to the brain:

"Hey, brother! Can you help me see what this thing is?!"

Then the brain collects the information, passes it to the cerebral cortex after passing through the thalamus, the transit station, and the subcortical center of the unconditioned reflex, the hypothalamus and the striatum.

At this time, the brain will issue an activity command:

"You are scalded by boiling water, put the cup down quickly!"

At this time, your hand will immediately put the cup down.

Then the brain issues another command:

"It hurts a little? Don't be afraid~ Go and rinse it with cold water and it will be fine!"

Then you rinse it with cold water for a while, and your hand is not so hot or painful.

After this set of actions, it is not actually your hand that does it, but the information conveyed to you by the brain.

The human brain has unlimited potential.

This is also the reason why humans are so much more advanced than animals, no one else.

It is because humans have a smart and magical brain.

But patients like this with abnormal discharge of thalamic nerve cells.

The symptoms may not be obvious in the early stage, but in the later stage, he will not only have constant hand tremors, but also reduced sensation, slow movements, and even sit in a wheelchair.

It must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise surgery will be the only option later.

This operation is very difficult and has many complications.

Even Zhang Yi, who had practiced for almost half a month, did not get a perfect score of 100!

Parkinson's disease is generally more common in the elderly.

Because the brain of the elderly degenerates, the substantia nigra decreases, and dopamine secretion gradually decreases (dopamine is mainly secreted through the adrenal medulla and the substantia nigra of the brain).

What does dopamine do? It is a transmitter of brain nerve cells.

In other words, in addition to its excitatory effect, dopamine is also a deliveryman for brain nerve cells.

Without dopamine, nerve cells cannot be transmitted.

For example, you bought a bottle of shampoo on Taobao, and someone needs to deliver it to you from the shipping place, the capital, to Tianhe.

There are sources of goods, warehouses, and transit stations for transportation, but there are no deliverymen.

Then, can you not receive the shampoo at all?

So dopamine plays this role.

Without its transmission, the thalamus cannot send the converted nerve cells to the nerve reflex area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

If this type of patient holds a cup of very hot water, he will feel the heat a little slower than normal people, and then put the cup down.

So, this is the reason why the elderly have brain degeneration and Parkinson's symptoms.

But at this moment, looking at the young man in front of him who is about the same age as himself, Zhang Yi fell into deep thought.

How could this kid get Parkinson's when he is so young? ?


Thank you for your blessings, thank you very much! Because I have fewer and fewer friends after I changed my career to become an author, and no one said happy birthday to me after I posted on WeChat Moments... In the end, it was my readers who said it to me, thank you! Muah!

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