The old man was very surprised.

What the hell? ? ?

When did this brat learn this trick? ?

Isn't this the perfect way to cut open the ventricle that I worked hard on for decades? ?

Zhang Yi...

When did he learn it? ?

Jin Zhenglun looked at Zhang Yi in astonishment.

He remembered that Zhang Yi had only seen one in situ heart transplant surgery!

And it was performed by Jin Zhenglun himself.

Just this one time! !

And it was just a few days ago!

Could it be that...

This guy learned this trick in just a few days? ?

And, according to Jin Zhenglun's observation, Zhang Yi's technique might be even more accurate!

The conduction between the ventricles is closely connected, so the doctor's technique of cutting the ventricles is particularly important.

It is necessary to ensure that the two hearts are sutured tightly and that the important conduction is not accidentally injured.

Jin Zhenglun has studied this for several years.


Zhang Yi has only been doing this for a few days? ?

Not only has he learned his own operation, but he has also improved it!

For a moment, Jin Zhenglun opened his mouth in shock but didn't know what to say.

When Qin Huajun saw Zhang Yi's action, he had the same idea as Jin Zhenglun!

He has been an assistant to Jin Zhenglun for more than ten years, and he must know Jin Zhenglun's operation.

But I didn't expect Zhang Yi to be able to do this?

And he learned it in such a short time? !

It was unbelievable for Qin Huajun! !

Could it be...

Is this the legendary genius?


This can no longer be described as a genius!

It is simply a genius!

Looking at the entire Union Hospital, is there any top-notch person or overseas returnee who can learn it after just one look like Zhang Yi? ?

Most people must be the so-called "learn it after one look, but lose it after one practice".

Only Zhang Yi!

This guy is so strong that it is unbelievable!

For a while, the people in the entire operating room, that is, the surgical team following Jin Zhenglun, completely changed their views on Zhang Yi.

This guy...

Too scary!

Not only can he learn the heart transplant operation after just one look, but he can also learn Jin Zhenglun's best operation of cutting the ventricle.

And in such a short time!

It's... too scary!

The whole operating room was as quiet as a chicken!


Zhang Yi shouted after cutting the pericardium.

As a result, he waited for two seconds and found that no one moved around, so he looked up.

Good guy, everyone looked at him as if he was looking at a ghost.

Zhang Yi also understood it instantly.

It must be because his operation was so amazing that he could practice heart transplant surgery in just a few days, so they should still be in shock.

Zhang Yi pretended to be calm and reminded again:

"Dean Jin? Suction?"

"Oh...oh! Right away!"

Jin Zhenglun finally reacted and nodded repeatedly.

He took the suction device to suck away the excess blood around the ventricle that affected the surgical field.

Then rinsed it again to make the surgical field clearer.

Jin Zhenglun blinked and tried his best to hide his embarrassment.

Others also came back to their senses and focused on the heart transplant surgery in front of them.

After removing the necrotic ventricular wall, the other half of the trimmed donor heart was also handed over.

Zhang Yi looked at it and saw that there was no problem, so he started to suture.

First, use 3-0 Prolene suture to continuously anastomose the left atrium and the right atrium.

Then use 4-0 Prolene suture to continuously anastomose the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

Then reinforce the suture along the ventricular wall.

The whole suture process was done in one go, just like when the ventricle was cut open, smooth and extremely smooth!

As if...

As if Zhang Yi had practiced many times? ?

Otherwise it is hard to explain how he could complete the suture so quickly and so well,

He didn't even need help from others, he just sewed it by himself.

And Jin Zhenglun looked at it and found that the tension of the wound interface was normal, and there was no possibility of bleeding and incisional hernia.


Only the word perfect can be used to describe this suture!

It's really awesome!

At this moment, Jin Zhenglun felt that the two million and two hundred thousand he spent was really worth it!

Where can I find such a genius? !

He can learn it after watching it once, and he can operate it so well!

It's hard to find one in a hundred thousand people!

After the suture is completed, prepare to open the autonomous heartbeat and breathing.

Turn off the circulator first and remove the circulator catheter placed on the blood vessel.

Then follow

The clamp under the blood vessel was released again.

The aorta was opened, the pulmonary artery was opened, and the superior and inferior vena cava were opened.

Soon the blood vessels were filled.

Everyone stared at the pieced-together heart.

As long as it can move, it means that the heart is useful!

One second, two seconds, three seconds later.

'Plop' 'Plop' 'Plop'!

The heart moved!


Zhang Yi said with a sigh.

The others in the operating room also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the surgeon was not Jin Zhenglun, but Zhang Yi.

If such a young doctor was the surgeon for the heart transplant, no one would believe it.

But... this was what really happened in front of them!

After the heart was successfully re-beaten, Zhang Yi observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no embolism or other problems, he began to suture and close the chest one by one.

While closing the chest, a drainage tube was placed.

At the step of chest closure and suturing, Zhang Yi's operation once again shocked the doctors around him.

Those interns also had stars in their eyes and stared at Zhang Yi with admiration.

Ding Ding Ding!

Zhang Yi's fans +1+1+1...

Of course, while admiring Zhang Yi, these interns also felt uncomfortable.

Why is he so much more awesome than me when we are about the same age? !

Why is he already the chief surgeon when I am still an intern when we are about the same age?

Woo woo woo...

Oh my God, which window did you close for Zhang Yi? ?


The patient was sent directly to the special care unit with sterile isolation.

During this period, visitors can only watch through the glass outside the ward, and family members cannot go inside.

"Okay, the operation is over. Thank you for your hard work, and thank you Dean Jin for giving me the opportunity to be the chief surgeon."

After the operation, Zhang Yi thanked the doctor in the operating room.

Jin Zhenglun's face flashed with relief and pride:

"You're welcome. You are so good that you can get this opportunity to be seen by others."

Then, Jin Zhenglun asked again:

"Let me test you to see if you have paid attention to the treatment of the patient after the operation while learning to perform the operation.

First of all, what medicine will this patient take after leaving the operating room?"

Zhang Yi said without hesitation: "Cardiac tonic, isoproterenol is the first choice."

Jin Zhenglun and the doctors behind him nodded with satisfaction.

"What about anti-rejection? How to make a doctor's order?"

"Cyclosporin 4mg per hour, intravenous drip, anti-human thymic immunoglobulin 10mg per kilogram per day, also intravenous drip.

However, the dosage of anti-human thymic immunoglobulin can be increased depending on the situation, up to 25mg.

After three weeks, depending on the situation, hormone drugs can be appropriately increased."

"Well... not bad!"

Jin Zhenglun raised his head and patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said:

"It's really good. It's really right to ask you to come to our Union Hospital, haha!"

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