Since everyone is here in the emergency department and they don't line up, it should be fair for each group to work one day.

Zhang Yi nodded and agreed.

From now on, Group 1, 3, and 5 will take over, and Group 2, 4, and 6 will take over.

He will rest on the remaining Sundays.

When Zhang Yi turned back to Group 1, he saw Chen Fang and Xiao Long walking over silently.

"Zhang Yi, that Cai Yuanpei went to see Director Kang again."

"Huh?" Zhang Yi frowned slightly.

"Yes, and I saw that his expression seemed very determined. I guess he was unhappy because of what happened in the morning and wanted to talk to Director Kang again."

The two reported the situation in the department to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi glanced at the tightly closed office door and didn't react much:

"Just say it, anyway, the position of the assistant director won't change in the end."

Xiao Long smiled when he heard it, but he was very surprised in his heart.

Zhang Yi is so confident? ? !

There are many people in this department who are aiming for the position of assistant director.

If not Cai Yuanpei, there are people like He Xiao and Li Guangming.

After all, it's a promotion and salary increase, who doesn't want it?

But Zhang Yi's attitude is as if he is very sure that he will not be pulled down.

Tsk tsk, so confident, so admirable, so like~

I hope Xiao Long has bet on the right treasure!

Zhang Yi~ don't let me down~!


In the office.

Cai Yuanpei still mustered up the courage to say this, and also tried again to fight for the position of assistant director.

I have to say, this guy is really slippery.

He first played the victim in front of Kang Yanming, saying how many years he had worked in the emergency department and how much he had contributed to it.

This made Kang Yanming feel a little guilty.

Then he hinted that if Zhang Yi was forced to be the assistant director, he might have to resign.

Kang Yanming narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

You are really good, have you become more capable?

You are talking about resignation?

He stared at Cai Yuanpei for a while before slowly saying:

"Cai Yuanpei, you are not threatening me with resignation, are you?"

Cai Yuanpei hurriedly shook his head:

"No Director Kang! I just don't understand why Zhang Yilai should be the leader.

He is too young, only 26 years old, and has just graduated for less than a year.

How can he manage a department well?

If he is asked to perform surgery, I have no objection.

But I do have more experience than him in managing emergency departments, so I am so opposed to it."

Kang Yanming touched the pen in his hand, lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then said:

"Okay, I know, I will think about it again.

As for resignation, I don't agree, you go ahead and do your work."

Seeing that there was some hope, Cai Yuanpei felt relieved.

He smiled and bowed slightly to Kang Yanming and said:

"Okay, thank you Director Kang!"

After Cai Yuanpei left the office, Kang Yanming still sat in the chair and pondered.

He tapped the table again and again with the pen.

He knew what Cai Yuanpei meant, but he was not so easy to persuade.

He was just thinking, how should these old employees recognize Zhang Yi wholeheartedly?


It's really a bit troublesome!

Just when Kang Yanming was about to call Zhang Yi in for a talk, the phone in the office rang.

"Emergency Kang Yanming."


"Okay, I'll come right away."

Kang Yanming received a call from the Department of Respiratory Medicine for a consultation.

Soon, Kang Yanming came to the Department of Respiratory Medicine.

As soon as he came in, he saw that there were many doctors in the entire conference room.

In addition to the Department of Respiratory Medicine, there are also Departments of Pathology, Infectious Diseases, Thoracic Surgery, Laboratory, General Medicine, Radiology, Immunology, etc.

It was almost a consultation for the whole hospital.

This situation made Kang Yanming's eyelids jump.

The patient who could make the whole Union Hospital consult must be very difficult!

Immediately, Kang Yanming also became serious.

He walked to Huang Qi, the director of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, and asked:

"Director Huang, did your department call for a consultation? What's the situation?"

Huang Qi turned around and replied very respectfully:

"President Kang, there is indeed a patient who is too difficult."

Huang Qi hesitated to speak. He glanced at the expression on Kang Yanming's face before continuing:

"A person with the same symptoms as the patient named Chen Tian five years ago appeared!"

Chen Tian!

This name hit him like a blow to the head.

Kang Yanming's heart.

The expression on Kang Yanming's face darkened visibly.

"Really? Is there also unexplained corrosion all over the body?"

Huang Qi nodded solemnly:

"Yes, in addition to the skin corrosion, the upper respiratory tract has also corroded.

And what's strange is that this patient has hair on his body this time?

The hair on his body grows faster than normal, but the color is not black, but light yellow."

The wrinkles between Kang Yanming's eyebrows deepened.


This time is even more serious than Chen Tian five years ago? ?

When I think of that patient and her family...

The girl was only seventeen years old, such a cheerful and lively girl, and she died a week after coming to the hospital.

Before she died, she was so unwilling...

Memories flooded into my heart, and Kang Yanming felt as if something was blocked in my heart.



Not wanting to recall the past, Kang Yanming tried to calm down and sat in the consultation room.

Soon, all the doctors who had been notified arrived in the consultation room.

The family members of this patient were sitting next to them.

In the center, the doctor of the respiratory department turned on the projector and began to play the patient's information and medical records.

"I won't waste any more words. All the doctors invited today to consult are doctors who participated in the treatment of patient Chen Tian five years ago."

"Chen Tian?!"

"Oh! I remember it! It's the patient whose whole body was corroded by unknown pathogens, and even the patient whose head was found to be moldy during the autopsy!"

"Ah! I remember it too, it's her! A little girl in her teens, her condition deteriorated too quickly, and she died within a week of admission.

And her death was too bizarre! At that time, the entire hospital could not find pathogens and antibacterial drugs to inhibit bacteria!"

Seeing that everyone had remembered this person, Huang Qi continued in the center:

"Let me briefly introduce this patient this time. His symptoms are very similar to those of Chen Tian five years ago.

Male, 29 years old, fever lasted for three months. Last month, he was transferred to the Imperial Capital Infectious Disease Hospital after the treatment in the hospital in his hometown was ineffective.

He was treated in the Infectious Disease Hospital for another half a month, but his condition not only did not improve but worsened.

So he was transferred to our Union Hospital last night. This is the patient's lung CT scan done in the Infectious Disease Hospital. Let's take a look."

As he spoke, Huang Qi pressed the control key in his hand.

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