The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Field rescue doctors are similar to military doctors.

It's a very hard job.


They don't have to compare with field rescue doctors, right? ?

"I heard from Wei Shen that they have to go on rescue missions in all kinds of inexplicable environments.

Sometimes, there are situations where there is no rescue equipment or there is little rescue equipment.

In general, these are basically rescue missions that test doctors' on-the-spot response ability and hard power.

And...there are drills! Or rescue drills that are not notified at all!

Anyway, I'm overwhelmed after hearing this, and I have to run! And physical training!"

"Is it true? It sounds very strict." Zhang Yi nodded after listening.

This kind of training is indeed too intense for ordinary doctors.

But think about it carefully.

All these doctors come from the best hospitals in North China and East China.

There is nothing wrong with strict requirements for doctors from these hospitals.

"Right? So I think girls should not be allowed to go to this kind of training at all... What if I run during my menstrual period... I will die on the playground..."

Yang Caini sighed repeatedly.

She didn't want to go to this crappy class for a day!

Woo woo woo~!

Wang Yufei saw that Yang Caini was in a bad mood, and immediately came over to comfort her like a gentleman:

"It's okay, Caini, I will pull you to run when the time comes. And I have inquired about this kind of training. In fact, it's just physical training for running two or three kilometers.

A few kilometers is nothing for people like me who exercise regularly."

Yang Caini looked at Wang Yufei and felt a little touched.

"Really? If I can't run by then, you have to hold me."

When Wang Yufei saw that Charlie Young took the initiative to reply to him, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say for a moment! !

After a long pause, he said:

"It's okay, I can carry you on my back when the time comes!"

Zhang Yi looked at the two of them silently.

A gentleman likes a beautiful lady, he knows, he knows~

I just hope that he can really carry the girl for a few kilometers by then.

Just at this moment.

The emergency phone rang.

It was from the cardiac surgery department.

"Hello, emergency department?"

"Oh, looking for Zhang Yi? Okay, I'll get him up right away."

The doctor who answered the phone immediately turned his eyes to Zhang Yi.

"Doctor Zhang, Dean Jin wants you to go to the cardiac surgery department."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

With doubts, Zhang Yi returned to the cardiac surgery department.

"President Jin, you're looking for me?"

President Jin had just finished surgery and was still wearing the spare slippers outside the operating room.

"I heard from Kang Yanming that he arranged for you to go to first aid training?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Jin Zhenglun smiled meaningfully and said:

"Zhang Yi, remember to take the training seriously.

This year's coach is much stricter than last year's coach.

I heard that he is a military doctor, and he came from the field army.

He himself has very rich experience in various field injury assessments and first aid.

Also, you know that we are Union Hospital, and the hospitals that go to the training together are all large hospitals in the entire North China and East China region.

Generally speaking, when natural disasters occur, such as earthquakes, floods, epidemics, etc.

In addition to soldiers, the first to step forward are us doctors.

The first batch of hospitals to participate in emergency rescue are our first-tier hospitals.

It is our responsibility and our mission.

So I asked you to come here to give you a shot in advance. No matter how hard it is, you must stick to it.

This training will only benefit you, not harm you.

I believe that you will become a better doctor, so I told you so much.

I hope you understand what I mean. "

"Of course I understand. Thank you, Dean Jin, for your advice. I know what you said.

The strength of the doctors who can enter the Union Hospital must not be bad.

Don't worry, I will fight for you and the Union Hospital. "

When Zhang Yi was parachuted into the Union Hospital, several directors were actually very unhappy.

Even the two vice presidents were the same.

Although Zhang Yi has now relied on his own strength to change their views on him step by step.

But there are still people who talk behind the back about the parachuting.

If he can make a name for himself in the training this time,


Then the noise in the hospital will definitely disappear completely.

Zhang Yi is also happy to see this.

Before 7:30 the next morning, Zhang Yi came to the hospital gate with a backpack on his back.

Because he had been notified before that he did not need to bring any toiletries or change of clothes.

So Zhang Yi only brought underwear and mobile phones, computers, chargers, etc.

A brown commercial vehicle was already parked at the hospital gate.

They all knew the driver, Lao Wang who usually drove an ambulance.

"I won't send you off. You guys should take care of each other after you go.

Especially male comrades should take care of female comrades more. If you don't understand something, you can guide each other.

After all, we are in the same hospital, and we must unite in the process of learning.

Okay, I won't say much about the rest. Be careful on your way.

Waiting for your triumphant return!"

At the hospital gate, Kang Yanming said a lot before they got in the car and left.

In the capital at the end of December, the temperature was really cold early in the morning.

Zhang Yi had felt this temperature before when he was still studying in the capital.

I didn't expect that after a year, I would come back to spend the winter, and the cold would be even worse.

I felt a cloud of fog in front of me just by breathing.

With one breath and one breath, the fog couldn't disperse at all.

How can I live without heating at this temperature?

Zhang Yi wondered if the training base had heating...

It would be so cold to sleep at night without heating.

With a yearning, longing and apprehensive mentality, the business car started slowly and drove towards the Imperial City Emergency Medical Center.


An hour later, the car drove into the Imperial City Emergency Medical Center.

As soon as I drove in, I saw rows of ambulances parked inside.

There were vans, off-road vehicles, and larger ambulances that could accommodate four or five injured people at a time.

And not far away, there was a very wide field with four rescue aircraft parked inside.

"We're here, get off the bus."

None of the doctors from Union Hospital who came to attend the training took the initiative to stand up and be the team leader.

However, everyone inexplicably chose to follow Zhang Yi.

It's really strange.

Because Zhang Yi is handsome? ? Or because they think Zhang Yi is awesome? ?

As soon as they got off the bus, there were staff from the emergency center waiting there.

"Are you here for the emergency training?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, we are from Union Hospital."

"Come and register, and then get on the bus."

When the staff heard that they were from Union Hospital, they didn't even blink.

It seems that no matter how good the hospital is, it doesn't work here.

"Seven people, right? Get on the bus."

After registering, the staff began to urge.

Yang Caini held her bag and asked carefully:

"I would like to ask, where are we going on this bus?"

"You will know when you get there!"

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