The crowd began to talk.

Many people saw this thing for the first time, and they were inevitably excited and scared.

"Quiet!" Liu Congren shouted, and the crowd immediately quieted down.

"Today's training is mainly about the high jump platform behind you.

As for why we are training on this high jump platform, I believe you have already guessed it.

Ambulances are classified into mountain off-road types and helicopter types.

So, under what circumstances will helicopters be used for rescue?

First of all, it must be a dangerous place that ordinary vehicles cannot reach or a high place where the patient can only be found by helicopter.

At this time, the rescuers must jump from the plane to successfully help the patient.

Don't think that what I am saying now seems very easy. You will know the feeling after two days of actual experience.

Now, I first want to train your courage to jump from a high place.

Only by jumping down first can you carry out subsequent rescue work.

Let me ask you first, is there anyone among you who is afraid of heights? Raise your hand to indicate."

There are a few people in the clinical medicine team who raised their hands.

Not many, just four.

Liu Congren glanced at them and said indifferently:

"Four of you are afraid of heights? That's easy to solve. You four go first.

It's okay to be afraid of heights. Practice more and feel more. Once you get used to it, you won't be afraid of heights anymore."

Everyone was petrified on the spot! !

What? ? !

How can there be such a dramatic coach like you in the world! ? !

For a moment, everyone understood Liu Congren's character.

What you are afraid of, he will give you what you are afraid of.

Want a reward? ? Okay, I will punish you immediately.

You are afraid of heights? ? Okay, I will arrange for you to jump from the high platform a few more times in a minute.

Oh my God!

What kind of weird coach is this!

Those four people who are afraid of heights are in tears.

If we had known earlier, we would not have raised our hands!

Maybe I only need to jump once...

"I'll go up first to prepare the rope and show you how to do it.

Coach Han will line you up below.

Go up to the platform in groups of five.

Let's make a promise first, don't be scared!

A bunch of big men don't dare to jump from such a high place. How can you save people when you need a helicopter in an emergency?"

After saying this, Liu Congren went up.

He fiddled with it for a while, and then he jumped down from the top!

There is a controlled sliding rope around the waist, and the speed of descent can be adjusted by oneself.

But Liu Congren is really a tough guy!

He came down with the rope in his hand!

When he was two or three meters away from the ground, everyone was sweating for him!

Who knew that this guy only started to grab the rope to slow down his speed at this time!

This control is really amazing.

It can be seen that he often practiced in the past.

Zhang Yi shook his head, admitting that he was not as good as Liu Congren in this aspect.

After all, he was a military doctor who had served in the army!

"Did you all see it clearly?"

Liu Congren loosened the rope around his waist and walked towards the team, asking as he walked.

Some people nodded, while others shook their heads.

Liu Congren frowned at the mixed answers:

"Whether you saw it clearly or not, what I demonstrated just now is the standard for your final assessment!

Fast, accurate and steady is your goal!

When you find a patient, you must land with a folding stretcher and first aid kit as soon as possible!

You can slide down slowly, but the patient's life will not wait for you!

So this is what I ask of you!

You are all top students from big hospitals. You should understand that I have such high requirements for you.

Okay, the four people who were afraid of heights just now, come up with me first.

The people behind you should form a group of five, and you can form a team in any way you want. Come up and jump at once."

Soon, the four people who were afraid of heights were taken up by Liu Congren.

As they walked, there were waves of resentful eyes.

Oh my God...

People who are afraid of heights are really scared!

This platform must be fifteen meters high!

So scared, I really want to go home to my mother!

Everyone looked at the platform above. After Liu Congren taught for a while, they saw the first person jump down.

At the same time, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered...

"Ah! Ah!"

This scream caused a burst of laughter from the people below.

"Haha, Mu Hong, this guy, why is he so cowardly! Hahaha..."

"Mu Hong is just a nerd

, I read so many books but my physical strength is so poor, haha..."

"Mu Hong! Stop screaming, I almost screamed out my soprano voice!"

Mu Hong was still in shock and stood on the ground holding the rope. As soon as he took a step, he found that his legs were weak!

He fell to the ground with a plop.

This caused everyone to laugh again.

Mu Hong's face turned red in an instant. He wanted to stand up immediately and find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

As a result, his legs were weak as soon as he stood up, and he fell down again immediately.

Everyone didn't want to laugh, but this guy was really funny.

Even Han Lian, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand it anymore. He tried to hold back his laughter and walked over to help him take off the rope.

"It's okay, it's just fear of heights and weak legs. We had people like you in our recruit company before. Don't worry, you will be brave after practicing a few more times."

Han Lian comforted him.

As a result, Mu Hong almost cried:

"Ah? I still have to jump? ? ”

“Yes, jump until your legs are no longer weak!”

Mu Hong: %¥#¥&*!!

On the high platform, the military medical team jumped down one after another.

It can be seen that they are not very skilled, but their courage and bravery are definitely greater than those of the clinical medicine team.

Liu Congren only taught it once, and they basically understood it.

Even if they didn’t practice it in the army before, they must have seen others practice it.

It took a long time for Zhang Yi to go up.

The people in front of Zhang Yi were from Union Hospital.

Yang Caini covered her chest and grabbed the railing on the escalator and didn’t dare to look down.

Seeing that Yang Caini was so scared, Wang Yufei plucked up the courage to save the beauty:

“Caini, don’t be afraid. If you are really scared, just... just hold my hand and I will help you.”

Yang Caini looked up at him and asked:

“Aren’t you afraid of such a high place? "

Wang Yufei smiled manly and said:

"What's there to be afraid of? It's only a dozen meters high."

He took his hand off the railing while saying this.

The escalator is narrow, only wide enough for two people to stand, and there is no space between the railing and the escalator.

It does look a bit dangerous.

Zhang Yi saw that this guy liked to show off, so he deliberately reached out and patted his shoulder lightly.

Who knew that this guy screamed instantly!

"Ah! !"

The next second, he saw him lying on Zhang Yi like a gecko.

Instantly, the air was filled with an awkward smell.

Yang Caini's eyes revealed a trace of disgust.


You are the only one who is holding me??

It's a good thing that you don't fall down yourself, and you still hold me?

Pour it out, trash!

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