The two of them were in a hurry.

"Hey! Zhang Yi! What's going on with you?" Wang Yufei's group hadn't boarded the plane yet.

He quickly approached Zhang Yi and the others to ask about the situation.


"What are you doing whispering to each other? Do you think I'm blind? This is a drill, an assessment! Don't say a word!"

Liu Congren scolded, and Wang Yufei immediately stood back in fear.

"Those who have finished the drill can take a break, and come to gather for morning exercises on time at six o'clock."

"Ah! You can take a break?!"

Hearing Liu Congren say this, Zhang Yi and the others couldn't believe it.

Liu Congren rolled his eyes:

"If you don't rest, you'll have to run 2.5 kilometers right now."


The five people immediately disappeared, all running back to the dormitory without looking back.

The group of doctors behind them who had not yet started the drill could only cast envious glances.


An hour later, the sky began to lighten up a little.

At almost six o'clock, when Zhang Yi and his team went downstairs, they just happened to see four helicopters parked on the playground.

The last group of emergency doctors who were training just happened to come down from above.

Then, four instructors also came down and stood next to Liu Congren.

"Assemble! Look to the right and look forward!"

It was exactly six o'clock.

All personnel assembled.

Liu Congren already had more than eighty answers in his hand.

But he divided these answers into two hands.

He scanned the two teams.

Liu Congren asked with an ambiguous smile:

"How many people do you think passed the drill this time and how many did not?"

No one dared to answer this question.


Liu Congren smiled, picked up the answer sheet in his right hand, randomly pointed to a name and asked:

"You Min, how do you think you completed the rescue mission this time?"

You Min was frightened when his name was called, and shrank his neck and said:

"I think... I... should be able to do it, right?"

"Should be able to do it? OK." Liu Congren was still smiling.

But the next second, his face changed immediately.

Pointing at You Min, he shouted angrily:

"What do you mean it should be possible?! The victim is in a coma and has a wound on his forehead, why didn't you consider intracranial hemorrhage?!

I have already reminded you before starting the drill!

The patient also has chest tightness and shortness of breath, why don't you consider lung tissue contusion or pneumothorax??!

I see that you didn't mention the two points about chest tightness and shortness of breath at all. What? Forgot the chief complaint I gave??"

You Min suddenly realized and explained stutteringly:

"I... No wonder I always feel that the chief complaint is missing something. I... I was a little nervous when I did a helicopter rescue for the first time... I forgot the chief complaint. I'm sorry..."

"What are you sorry for?! It's not me who asked you to save me, it's the patient! If you really encounter a rescue mission, you are not even qualified to get on the plane with your level!"

You Min lowered his head.

Liu Congren spoke very fiercely, and You Min was a woman, so her eyes were red with grievance.

Liu Congren was too lazy to look at her and continued to call the next name.

"Hu Xiaowei! Let me ask you, what is your diagnosis for abdominal pain? One of the main complaints of the patient when he called the emergency number was abdominal pain.

Why didn't you write a diagnosis related to abdominal pain in your diagnosis?

You did consider intracranial hemorrhage, and the treatment plan was also written correctly.

But your answer sheet is still not comprehensive enough!

For the injured who fell and are already in a coma, your diagnoses are unqualified!"

Hu Xiaowei was a little embarrassed, and lowered his eyes slightly without saying anything.

He is a grown man, and a top student of Qilu Hospital.

He was scolded before he could show his skills, and the result was unqualified...

How could he feel embarrassed!

Oh my.

It's so embarrassing!

He actually considered the abdominal pain before he wrote it down.

But combined with chest tightness and shortness of breath, he still suspected that the abdominal pain was caused by pneumothorax. Some patients would confuse the stomach with the chest.

So he didn't consider the cause of the abdominal pain separately.

Unexpectedly, he would fail here in the end.

After a sigh, Hu Xiaowei could only secretly decide that he must be more serious in the next drill.

Consider all possible problems before drawing a conclusion.

Then, Liu Congren flipped through the answer sheet on his left hand again.

After selecting ten, he raised his head and said:

"All the answers on my left hand are qualified, but this extra challenge

The ten selected are what I personally think are the most standard answers.

I will not announce the name first, but will tell you about the patient's symptoms and the situation at the scene.

First, the patient reported abdominal pain, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and pain in both legs that made it impossible to stand or move.

This sentence is the main clue. Secondly, after arriving at the scene, the patient's injuries have all been marked.

The main injuries are the forehead, chest, abdomen, and right calf.

Some doctors look superficially and only make diagnoses in these places.

But is it possible that there are potential injuries in places we did not mark?

The patient only injured the right calf, why can't he stand or move when only the right calf is injured?

Have you ever thought about the reason? Under what circumstances will a person be unable to stand or move when only the right calf is injured?

Even if a patient with a fracture only has one leg injured, he can stand up with the other leg. "

At this point, a doctor immediately answered:

"It's a lumbar fracture! It should be the cauda equina that was injured! That's why the patient can't stand up or move! "

The next second, most people showed a regretful expression of "Why didn't I think of it!"

Oh my gosh!

Lumbar fracture!

Why didn't I think of coming here?!

Liu Congren neither nodded nor denied, and continued:

"The ten copies I selected are the answer sheets with the diagnosis of lumbar fracture written on them.

In this drill, we did not mark the answer of lumbar fracture directly, but hid it in the chief complaint and the injured at the scene.

Only these ten people really remembered the chief complaint in their hearts and carefully observed and speculated when they arrived at the scene.

So they were able to make the conclusion of lumbar fracture. "

In the crowd, everyone began to talk.

In real clinical work, many patients will give very straightforward answers, such as my waist can't move, and my legs and feet are numb and have no sensation.

In this case, the doctor can quickly determine the cause of the disease.

But in some extreme cases, the patient is in a coma, he can't speak, and can only rely on the doctor to judge, which becomes very difficult all of a sudden.

Just like this drill.

Before departure, the patient only said the chief complaint, and found that he was in a coma after arriving at the scene.

Many young doctors are confused and don't know what the main diagnosis is. They can only make a diagnosis based on the wounds marked on the injured.

This is what makes Liu Congren feel a headache.

"I don't care whether you didn't hear the chief complaint clearly before departure, or you were too nervous during the first helicopter rescue drill, these are not excuses!

When facing death, these excuses are too pale and powerless!

Failure is failure!

I don't want to hit you, but I think you are all too bad!

I hope you can be more sober next time you rush for emergency rescue! Keep a clear mind in any situation, especially when it comes to emergency treatment! "

"Okay, now I'll read out the list of ten qualified people. "

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