The patient was in a panic, but the doctor said that he was not very careful.

When the police arrived at the hospital, the patients and their families downstairs in the inpatient department cast curious glances.

What happened? ?

Who called the police again? ?


At the same time that Li Xigui called the police, Zhang Yi arranged for the nurse to draw a few more tubes of blood from the patient.

Now, the patient has clearly suspected that he was poisoned, but he is not sure what the poison is.

Not only do they have to call the police, but their hospital is also responsible for a toxicity screening.

Snake venom can be detected, such as the snake venom hemolysis test can find out whether the person is poisoned by snake venom.

The scale of urbanization in a place like the imperial capital is so large that it is very unlikely that you will be bitten by a snake or accidentally ingest snake venom in a big city.

However, since the family members have been suspected, snake venom cannot be ruled out.

Then there is the investigation of chemical poisoning.

Gas poisoning can be ruled out first.

Once gas poisoning occurs, it is impossible for Jiang Yimin to be the only one in trouble. People around him, including his family and even employees working together, will also be poisoned.

So we can only consider relatively common pesticide poisoning.

Similar to paraquat and dichlorvos.

Among them, paraquat is more complicated to check, but the most commonly used is spectrophotometric quantitative analysis, which has more advanced instruments. Most hospitals do not have it, only Class 3A large hospitals have it.

Dichlorvos is an organophosphorus pesticide, and organophosphorus in the blood can be detected when blood is tested.

Although it is not certain what type of chemical drug poisoning it is, we may be able to find it out by making more attempts.

Nephrology Department.

When the police arrived, as soon as they entered the ward, the two family members looked a little confused.

"Huh? What's going on? Why are the police here?"

Jiang Yimin's son put away his phone and looked at the police and asked.

The police looked at the ward and the doctor in the ward: "Did your nephrology department call the police?"

Before Li Xigui could speak, Jiang Yimin, who was lying on the bed, quickly responded:

"Yes, yes, yes! I asked the doctor to call the police!"

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"It's like this..."

The doctor in the nephrology department explained to the police.

Patients definitely don't understand such professional things, and only doctors can explain it clearly.

After a while...

Police: "So, you have determined that the patient's liver and kidney damage was caused by poisoning, right? Have you found out what kind of poison it is?"

Li Xigui shook his head:

"It is confirmed that the liver and kidney damage was caused by poisoning, but the exact poison has not been found out. The test has been done, and the results will be available in two hours at the earliest."

"Are there any suspects?" the police asked again.

At this time, Li Xigui stopped talking and looked at the patient himself.

For this kind of thing, he should speak up himself.

Jiang Yimin's eyes were somewhat evasive, and he was a little afraid to look at his wife and son's faces.

After all...

If he said the suspect, it would be equivalent to confessing his affair with the mistress.

"Dad! Who wants to poison you? It's so vicious! Why would they harm you for no reason?"

"That's it, husband!"

The patient's wife and son were both shocked and looked unbelievable.

In this day and age, there are still people who poison others? ?

When Zhang Yi heard the news and rushed over, he just heard the family members surrounding Jiang Yimin's bed, cursing angrily and crying.

It's not that Zhang Yi thinks too much, it's because his wife's eyes in the outpatient clinic a few days ago made Zhang Yi still remember it.

So at this time, seeing her sitting by the bed crying again...

It always feels a bit strange? ?

Seeing that Jiang Yimin didn't say anything after a long time of hesitation, the police urged:

"You have to tell the truth quickly. If you have a suspect, we can go directly to him for questioning.

If you were poisoned with pesticides on the market, then this must involve intentional homicide.

If you were poisoned with some rare gas or even contact chemicals, then it would involve more than just you.

It is very likely that other people will be poisoned invisibly!

The nature is very serious, I suggest you tell the truth!"

The police's tone was tough.

When this kind of thing happens, involving human lives, the police will not take it lightly.

"I... I... I suspect that the person who poisoned me... may be the mistress I kept outside...

She is... the pharmacist of Caishui Community Health Center...


“What?! Dad! You actually…you actually were out there…are you worthy of my mom?!”

Before the police could speak, the patient’s son instantly became furious.

This news was like a bolt from the blue, hitting the 20-year-old young man with a bang.

“Family members, don’t get excited! Be quiet. This involves your father’s personal safety. If you can’t calm down, please wait outside. Come in after we finish our investigation! "

After the police said this, the young man clenched his fists, looked at his father fiercely, and then went out.

This kind of blow is indeed difficult for people to accept in a short period of time.

As a young man in his early twenties, his parents usually respect each other and love each other, but suddenly he revealed that his father was raising a mistress outside.

This is difficult for anyone to accept.

In the ward, the patient's son left and the room became quiet instantly.

Jiang Yimin was a little afraid to look at his wife, and just kept apologizing:

"I'm sorry, Lin Yu, I... I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, I... I will never make this mistake again, I'm really sorry!"

While the patient was talking, Zhang Yi kept paying attention to the expression on his wife's face.

It's really strange.

His son was furious, but his wife was not angry at all?

Why did she only know how to cry?

It's really weird.

"What's the name of the mistress you mentioned? Are you sure she is a staff member of Caishui Community?

Also, what is her motive for wanting to harm you? ”

The police asked three times.

“I know that the mistress followed me because she was attracted by my money. She has always wanted me to divorce my wife, but I always used other things to fool her.

She must have started to resent me over time, so...

I guess she must have secretly given me some medicine from the hospital.

She is a pharmacist. She must know how to mix some medicines and how to poison me without me noticing! ”

“How old is she this year, and how long has your relationship lasted?”

“She...she is 30 this year, and our relationship...lasted...three years.”

Jiang Yimin glanced at his wife while speaking.

His wife was still crying, and her intermittent tears were mixed with a trace of emotion that others could not understand.

“How do you usually contact each other? There must be a way to poison her.”

“We...I arranged a one-bedroom and one-living-room house for her outside.

I...I occasionally go over to that with her. ”

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