The patient was still alive, but the blood pressure dropped to 70!" Mao Xiaoyuan hurriedly reported the situation.

Zhang Yi, who came on a motorcycle, had a red face and hands.

His cheeks were so cold that they hurt, but life was the most important thing at this time, and Zhang Yi had no time to worry about it.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming, Mao Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up instantly!

Oh my god~ the savior is finally here!

"Still rescuing! But the blood pressure is as low as 70!"

Mao Xiaoyuan hurriedly reported the situation.

Zhang Yi didn't even have time to change his clothes, and he walked into the emergency room first.

He casually took a white coat and put it on and walked to the patient that Chen Fang was rescuing.

Chen Fang didn't have time to look at Zhang Yi, he lowered his head and focused on doing CPR.

Zhang Yi came over and said:

"Do dialysis directly! Call the dialysis room!"

"Ah? Do dialysis directly?"

"Yes, filter the pathogenic bacteria in the body directly to see if the situation can be improved.

She has now been infected with bacteria in the blood, and the bacteria have spread all over her body.

CPR alone will not be very effective, do it while dialysis, it will be more efficient!"

During rescue, every minute and every second is golden time.

"Okay, then I'll make a call!" The nurse listened on the side.

When she saw Zhang Yi coming to command, she felt relieved.

She ran to call the dialysis room.

Bacterial infection entering the blood will not only cause septic shock, but also cause systemic poisoning.

This poisoning is caused by bacteria, which can also cause systemic organ failure and is very harmful.

Especially this is a patient with low immunity.

To be honest, Zhang Yi didn't dare to guarantee whether the patient could survive after the dialysis.

But if he could save his life for a while, he would have more hope of survival.

"Another dose of adrenaline, one dose of dopamine, and one dose of dexamethasone!"


"By the way, have the results from the laboratory come out? What kind of pathogen is it? Have they confirmed that it is a multiple bacterial infection?"

Zhang Yi asked while checking the chest wound of the aunt.


Good guy, it's really scary to look at!

A large piece of skin is gone!

Half of the chest is gone!

Tsk tsk!

Chen Fang shook his head: "No, it's almost an hour, and it's not out yet."

Zhang Yi thought for a while and said:

"Wait, I'll go up and urge!"

After that, Zhang Yi went up to the third floor to find the doctor in the laboratory.

At the door of the laboratory, Zhang Yi looked inside and the three doctors on duty seemed to be busy.

However, Zhang Yi thought of the patient and knocked on the door shamelessly:

"Ahem! Um...are you on duty tonight?"

Several doctors in the laboratory department raised their heads.

One of the female doctors immediately burst into tears when she saw that it was Zhang Yi!

"Yes, yes! We are on duty! What's wrong, Doctor Zhang? Do you need any help? Is there any emergency check in the emergency department? I can help you first."

"The emergency check of our department has been sent in, an hour ago.

I just came to ask why the results of our patient Wei Xiaojuan haven't come out yet?

She is in a very bad condition now. It is not confirmed what kind of bacterial infection she has. She is already in shock.

Wait until the pathogen is found and then prescribe the right medicine."

Zhang Yi's voice was a little anxious.

But the doctor in the laboratory department didn't say anything.

One of the male doctors sitting there suddenly slapped his forehead and said:

"Oh! Samples from the emergency department, right? Oh, sorry, sorry!

Just now, the inpatient department suddenly sent a few sputum samples, and I forgot about them because I was busy!

Sorry, sorry! I'll do it for you right away!"


Immediately, Zhang Yilian was almost angry!

Damn, which is more important, the emergency room or the sputum sample from the inpatient department! !

Forget it.

Don't be angry.

As a human being, it is inevitable that there will be times when you are careless and forget things.

Who can be without mistakes?

Zhang Yi looked at the male doctor and said:

"At present, we observe that the patient's wound surface suspects fasciitis. You should focus on checking whether there is Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococci, Gram-negative bacteria and anaerobic bacteria."

"Okay, okay! Doctor Zhang, wait for me for another half an hour, I will do it for you right away!"

The male doctor nodded in response.

Generally, the samples sent to the emergency department for urgent examination need to be tested as quickly as possible.

It is the duty of the laboratory department to do the examination with the word "urgent" in advance.

Although the hospital is large, even this

There are still many tests to be done at night.

But once it comes to "urgent", the laboratory department should do it as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Zhang, he just came here not long ago, maybe... he's not familiar with it yet, Dr. Zhang, don't be angry."

The female doctor next to him saw that Zhang Yi's expression was not very good, and hurried over to smooth things over.

Zhang Yi frowned and looked at her and said:

"Get the results as soon as possible, I can wait, but the patient's life can't wait! After it's done, let the nurse send it over, faster!"

"Okay, okay, no problem!"

After that, Zhang Yi strode back to the emergency room.

I have to find a chance to tell the director of the laboratory department about this matter today.

Urgent check!

What is urgent check!

Urgent check should be done as quickly as possible, how can it be put aside and forgotten!

Really careless!

When I returned to the emergency room, the doctor in the dialysis room had already started dialysis for this aunt.

The filter cartridges of the bedside dialysis machine are basically changed for each person to ensure no cross infection.

Of course, imported filter cartridges are also very expensive, with a basic price of around 400 to 500 yuan per time.

At this time, the symptoms of the old lady were still not very good, and she was still in a coma.

The only hope was that her heart rate had risen and her blood pressure was hovering around 80.

It was a little better, but still very dangerous.

In this case, even if Zhang Yi were to perform debridement on the old lady now, he would not dare to guarantee the success of the operation.

The patient's condition was too bad, and he had to wait until the condition was better before entering the operating room.

Just now, Mao Xiaoyuan went to talk to the family members outside again, because he had to do dialysis, so he brought the family members in.

He was worried that if the patient still couldn't do it after the dialysis, wouldn't that be the last time the family members saw each other?


When the three family members came in and saw that the tubes of the machine were full of Wei Xiaojuan's blood, they couldn't hold it back and started crying again.

Especially her two daughters.

No one in their family studied medicine, and they didn't understand what this machine was.

Anyway, they only heard Mao Xiaoyuan say that she wanted to filter her mother's whole body blood to filter out some of the pathogens.

Although they didn't understand, it sounded scary!

They were afraid that their mother would fall asleep like this, and she wouldn't be able to wake up even if the blood was filtered.


Late at night, a burst of sobbing sounded in the emergency room.

The two daughters and the husband surrounded the bed and called Wei Xiaojuan's name, but the patient didn't respond at all.

It really looked like a dying person.

Chen Fang looked at the patient on the bed, and then looked at Zhang Yi.

Then, he walked to Zhang Yi and asked quietly:

"Zhang Yi, are you sure about this person?"

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