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"Japanese food?"

By the way, I almost forgot to promise this girl to go out to dinner yesterday after a busy day.

"Okay, I can do it." Zhang Yi replied after thinking about it.

"Okay, then... see you at six o'clock? Can I drive to the emergency door to pick you up?"


This girl still has a car?

That's true, judging from the fact that her family must have some money.

I just don’t know why I graduated from the Magic City and went to a small place like Tianhe to intern.

"No, I ride to work too. Just send me the address and I'll ride there."

On the other end of the phone, Shen Lingyue stared at the screen and pouted, and then replied:

"It's so cold outside. Wouldn't it be even colder if you were riding a bike? How about taking a car and I'll drive over?"

This girl is quite stubborn.

"Okay, then come over."

Zhang Yi agreed!

On the other end of the phone, Shen Lingyue pursed her lips and smiled happily.

"Look! Let me tell you, Teacher Zhang must be interested in you too!"

Shen Lingyue blushed, glanced at her good friend and said:

"You misunderstood. Teacher Zhang is usually like this."

"Humph~ Anyway, Xiao Yueyue, I'm telling you, you, Teacher Zhang, are so outstanding and a golden bachelor now. If you don't try hard, you might be chased away by others one day!

Besides, you are still interning in Tianhe, so you have to take the initiative even more when you are far apart, right? "

Shen Lingyue lowered her head slightly and felt a little embarrassed:

"But Teacher Zhang... can you like me?"

Zhuzhu's eyes widened in disbelief! !

"Oh my God! Xiao Yueyue! You...forget it, they say love will make people feel inferior. Is that what it means?

But to be honest, if you have low self-esteem, then there will be no beautiful women in the world.

With your education, your family background, your looks, and your figure, you are considered a beauty in the entertainment industry!

What are you not confident about? As long as you take the initiative, I believe your teacher will definitely be attracted to you! "

Zhuzhu encouraged Shen Lingyue and said a lot.

But Shen Lingyue still had little confidence.

"Hey, Zhuzhu, you don't understand... Teacher Zhang is a very, very good person..."

Zhuzhu couldn't help but rolled her eyes:

"You...hey! Forget it, you can make up your own mind. Go change clothes quickly, don't you still have to pick someone up?"

"Oh yes, yes!"

Raising her head suddenly, Shen Lingyue rummaged around in the closet for a long time before changing her clothes and going out.

At the same time, the Emergency Department of Union Hospital.

Seeing that it was time to get off work, Zhang Yizheng was about to change his clothes and leave. Unexpectedly, Jin Zhenglun actually called him.

"Dean Jin is looking for me?"


Zhang Yi thought to himself that the news about the bet with Wang Ziwei probably reached Kim Zhenglun's ears in the afternoon.

After Zhang Yi changed his clothes, he came to Kim Zhenglun's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Kim Zhenglun and another director wearing glasses smoking inside.

After Zhang Yi came in, the director wearing glasses took a special look at Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, please sit down quickly. I have something to ask you."


As soon as Zhang Yi sat down, the director wearing glasses put out his cigarette. He looked at Jin Zhenglun and said:

"Then it's settled, Dean Jin. I'll leave first."

"OK, no problem."

When the bespectacled man left, Zhang Yi glanced at the work badge on his chest.


No wonder it looks familiar, it turns out that it’s really Wen Kang, the director of the neurosurgery department!


The door was gently closed, and only then did Kim Zhenglun reveal a smiling face.

Not only that, he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha... Zhang Yi, you kid is really..."

Zhang Yi looked at the expression on Jin Zhenglun's face and was a little confused.

What is this old man laughing about?

"Haha, this is the first time I have seen Dean Wen come to me to inquire about the situation because of such a trivial matter."

Zhang Yi asked in confusion: "Is it because of the bet I made with their department's Wang Ziwei?"

Jin Zhenglun nodded: "Yes."

Immediately, he put away his smile and said seriously:

"Zhang Yi, forget it this time, don't be so reckless next time.

Every medical staff in the hospital has been selected through layers of screening, and everyone forms the main force of Xiehe.

You young people are very angry, I know that.

But next time you make a bet, don’t take the initiative to resign and leave the hospital.

The outcome of this bet is too heavy. Whether it is you or Wang Ziwei, who of you will resign?

It's a loss for the hospital.

Especially you!

I spent more than two million yuan and three visits to invite you back.

What if you lose... wouldn't I have worked in vain for most of the day? "

"Dean Jin, I understand what you mean. I promise you that next time, as long as this person doesn't mess with me, I will never play such a boring bet again.

However, I am still confident that the paper will enter the first zone. "

Hearing this, Jin Zhenglun raised his eyebrows:

"First zone? Are you confident too?"


"Hahaha, that's good! Go ahead and try it. I will cover you no matter you win or lose. "

Jin Zhenglun smiled heartily.

Since Wen Kang has already left, then he, Jin Zhenglun, should also have a sense of participation, right?

If Zhang Yi loses in the end, it means that Zhang Yi is indeed not as knowledgeable as these master and doctoral students.

Of course, Jin Zhenglun will definitely not agree to resign.

After all, Zhang Yi's surgical skills are still beyond the reach of most people in the entire hospital.

As for the thesis, Zhang Yi can only wait for himself to take the postgraduate entrance examination and improve step by step.

Zhang Yi was also very happy with Jin Zhenglun's words.

Although it is not necessary, it is still nice to hear someone cover the win or loss. Very comforting.

After leaving the dean's office, Zhang Yi hurried to the emergency room door.

He turned on his phone while walking.

Zhang Yi had muted his phone before entering the office.

He opened more than a dozen WeChat messages, all from Shen Lingyue.

Zhang Yi knew he was late, so he quickened his pace to the door.

Sure enough, there was a silver-brown Audi parked on the side of the road.

Zhang Yi looked inside, and it was Shen Lingyue's car.

Knock knock!

Zhang Yi walked over and knocked on the car window, and Shen Lingyue looked up and said with surprise:

"Teacher Zhang, are you off work?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I was in the dean's office so I didn't check my phone."

"It's okay, you're so busy, I can wait a little longer. "

Shen Lingyue smiled shyly, Zhang Yi turned his head to look at her.

This girl might really be a rich and beautiful girl.

This Audi A7 must be worth hundreds of thousands, right?

"You can drive? I haven't seen you drive in Tianhe before?"

On the way, Zhang Yi and Shen Lingyue chatted casually.

"I was just doing an internship in Tianhe, and I didn't drive for a short time."

"You are a local of the capital, right?"

"Well... not really? My parents moved here for work when I was ten years old, and then we settled down here."

"Oh~ so that's how it is. "

Originally, Shen Lingyue was a little nervous.

But Zhang Yi chatted with her all the way, which also eased her awkward mood.

Soon, the two arrived at the Japanese restaurant.

Because they were handsome men and beautiful women, they attracted a lot of attention from passers-by on the way from the parking lot to the store entrance.

Until entering the store, passers-by recognized Zhang Yi and clamored for autographs.

Of course, Zhang Yi refused them all.

He is not a star, so he doesn't need to do this.

After dealing with the fans, the two found a quiet corner to sit down.

"Teacher Zhang, when will you go back to your hometown for the New Year this year? I heard that your hometown is in Chengdu?"

"Well, the tickets are all bought, and I will leave in a few days. What about you? When will you rest and go back to Tianhe to work?"

The two chatted and ate.

But Shen Lingyue lowered her head and smiled:

"As for me, I may not go back to Tianhe."

"Well? You are not going back? What's wrong? Don't you still have to do your internship?"

Interns can't get their diplomas unless they finish their internship.

What is this girl thinking about?

"No, I mean I changed hospitals for internship and will report after the new year." Shen Lingyue explained quickly.

"Change hospitals? Can you change hospitals during internship?"

"Well, I changed to Lianshi People's Hospital."

"Lianshi? You were doing well in Tianhe, why did you suddenly change to Lianshi? ”

Lian City is not far from the capital, but to be honest, it is not necessary.

Shen Lingyue’s family is well-off. She could have stayed in the capital or the magic city for internship, but she went to small hospitals and small places.

I don’t know what this girl is thinking.

Others can’t wait to mix in the big city, get some experience and then go back to their hometown.

Just like Chen Fang, staying in Union Hospital for a few years and then returning to Tianhe, that would be completely different.

But Shen Lingyue did the opposite.

Shen Lingyue smiled and raised her head:

“Because… because I have my own goals and ideals.”

“Goals and ideals?”

“Well, I want to be a doctor, but my ideal is to travel all over the country to see the system, atmosphere, and system of various local hospitals, and learn from them.

Order something and gain experience. "

Zhang Yi laughed after hearing this:

"You sound like you want to open a hospital yourself and be the leader in the future. You can just accumulate experience in a big hospital. Why do you have to travel all over the country? What a hassle."

Shen Lingyue also smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Yi glanced at her and thought that this girl would really want to open her own hospital in the future, right?

Haha, you are really decisive and courageous.

Her family background is probably not small, otherwise she would not dare to have such an ideal.

Ordinary people are satisfied if they have enough food, clothing and clothing and earn a little money.

It's good for her, she still has ideals to talk about~

Hmm, interesting.

The two of them were eating when a scream suddenly came from the table next to them!



"Son! Son, what's wrong with you! Son?!"

"Son, don't scare mom? Are you choking?!"

The voice sounded like a young woman calling for help, and her tone was very anxious.

Zhang Yi looked back and saw a little boy at the next table holding his throat with a look of discomfort on his face.

His face was red and his expression was very painful.

"Ugh... ugh!"

While holding it in his mouth, he kept retching.

Zhang Yi immediately realized that he was choking!

Shen Lingyue is also a doctor. When she turned around to look at the situation, she could probably guess that the little boy was choking when he saw the uncomfortable look on his face!

The two of them rushed to the boy almost at the same time.

"Don't be nervous! Relax kid, I'll help you squeeze it out!"

Zhang Yi walked up to the boy and said something.

The boy looked about eight or nine years old, and he was probably in a hurry to eat. From what Zhang Yi saw, he could see a piece of raw fish stuck in the boy's trachea.

This silly kid ate too fast and probably swallowed it without even chewing it.

The result was unexpected and he was swallowed in the trachea.

After the human body chews food in the mouth, the food will enter the esophagus and then to the stomach for digestion and decomposition.

However, because the esophagus and trachea are very close (parallel and share the same opening), if you eat too quickly, or if the swallowing function of the elderly deteriorates, food may accidentally enter the trachea.

This is called choking.

The first aid for choking is the Heimlich maneuver.

Zhang Yi also popularized science before when he went to the TV station to record a program.

The principle of the Heimlich maneuver is actually very simple. In layman's terms, it means squeezing the lungs to put pressure on the lungs, thereby squeezing the air in the lungs up the trachea, and using the pressure of the trachea to squeeze out the stuck food.

Therefore, the action of the Heimlich maneuver is for the rescuer to stand behind the patient, hug the patient, make fists with both hands under the patient's xiphoid process, and then squeeze hard.

After the lungs are squeezed, the air that was originally inhaled but not exhaled in the lung tissue will be squeezed up, rushing to the trachea and pushing out the food.

Choking is very dangerous, but as long as you get immediate rescue, you'll be fine.

If the rescue is not timely, the patient can easily suffocate to death.

After food gets stuck in the trachea, the patient's first symptom is difficulty breathing.

So choking is also very easy to judge.

"one two three!"

Zhang Yi was skillful in his technique. He pressed the little boy's xiphoid process and squeezed hard. In just three strokes, the lump of salmon meat in the trachea was squeezed out.

"Ugh... cough cough! cough cough..."

The boy's face turned red. After spitting out the food, he immediately breathed in fresh air.

"Oops! Son! Are you okay? How are you, son?!"

On the side, the young mother quickly supported her son and asked.

I don’t know if this was the first time he experienced the feeling of dying. After looking at the salmon he spit out, he burst into tears.

"Don't worry, he's fine. He was choking. Just squeeze out the food and he'll be fine. Eat more slowly in the future. You have to chew carefully, okay kid?"

Zhang Yi patted the little boy's shoulder and comforted him.

Only then did the young mother cast her gaze on Zhang Yi's face.

She was so impatient just now that she didn't even have time to see what the man who saved people looked like.

"Thank you! Are you...a doctor?"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Yes, we are all doctors."

What Zhang Yi is talking about is him and Shen Lingyue next to him.

"Ah~ thank you so much! Thank you, thank you!"

The family members kept thanking Zhang Yi, and the boy stopped crying after crying for a while. His mother also led the boy to Zhang Yi's table to thank Zhang Yi.

It wasn’t until after thanking her that the young mother was shocked!

"Huh?? I thought you looked familiar just now! Have you...been on TV?!"

"That's it...it's not TV either. Anyway, I've seen you on Douyin!"

Zhang Yi smiled and waved his hands and said:


, No, I am just an ordinary doctor. "

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn't say much, the young mother didn't ask any more questions.

A small episode that attracted the attention of most people in the restaurant just passed.

The restaurant is back to normal and everyone should eat and drink.

Shen Lingyue sat opposite Zhang Yi and couldn't help but laugh softly thinking about how Zhang Yi saved people just now.


Teacher Zhang looks so handsome and charming when he saves people~

She must also work harder, and she will definitely return to the Imperial Capital after completing her plans and goals!

By the time……

She also wants to get into Xiehe University with her own efforts!

After eating, Shen Lingyue suggested that she and Zhang Yi would go to the movies.

But Zhang Yi refused.


What movie to watch?

Watching movies is something couples do. They are master and apprentice, so what is there to watch?

We can't kiss, hug, and hold each other up in the movie theater. It's boring, so I won't go.

After returning home, Zhang Yi began to study his thesis.

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