The 17-centimeter fibroid was bigger than the head of the baby in the belly.

So the removal process was not smooth.

Even Zhang Yi had to use all his strength to clamp this big guy out.

With a "dang" sound.

The fibroid flowed along the vaginal opening with blood and water into the sterile tray.

This fibroid seemed to be quite heavy!

The sound when it fell into the sterile tray was still a very dull landing sound.

The largest fibroid was taken out, and the entire pelvic cavity was instantly half empty.

The pressure of the ureter disappeared, and yellow urine instantly appeared in the urine bag.

"Rinse it, I'll take out the uterus and appendages as soon as possible."


After briefly rinsing the surgical field, Zhang Yi inserted the scalpel again.

Free, ligate, free and ligate again.

Soon, the ovaries on both sides and the uterus were taken out.

There were three small fibroids on the uterine wall.

After taking it out, the other two doctors were responsible for taking the uterus to the operating table on the other side and separating the fibroids separately.

Next, the lymph nodes have to be freed.

The lymph nodes in the pelvic area are basically hidden in fat and fascia.

But they can be roughly divided into four groups, namely iliac lymph nodes, internal iliac lymph nodes, external iliac lymph nodes and common iliac lymph nodes.

Each group of lymph nodes corresponds to and diverts different lymph nodes.

For example, the internal iliac lymph nodes can drain most of the pelvic organs, deep perineum, and buttocks lymph.

This means that the lymph nodes in the perineum belong to him, so when removing them, this part of the lymph nodes should be removed first.

Because this part is the closest and has the greatest possibility of metastasis.

Then the other three groups of lymph nodes are removed. If necessary, all four groups of pelvic lymph nodes should be freed.


After the entire pelvic cavity was empty, Zhang Yi's operation speed became faster.

On the display screen, the electrocoagulation knife was shaped like scissors for a while, and then like an electrocoagulation knife.

This thing didn't look like an electrocoagulation knife in Zhang Yi's hand.

It was just like Zhang Yi's own hand.

Whatever works best, do it.

After cleaning the lymph nodes in the entire pelvic cavity, take it out and weigh it, and it is several kilograms of meat.

The operation is almost coming to an end at this point.

Confirm that several large blood vessels of the ovary and uterus are successfully ligated.

Then open the lower end of the ligated common iliac artery to restore blood flow.

The operation is completely over.

Before finishing, Zhang Yi quickly scanned the entire pelvic cavity again.

He put the tools back after confirming that it was clean.

At this moment, the entire operating room was very quiet.

It was so quiet that Qian Zhenggang could be heard standing aside, sighing long and ignoring the people around him.

Zhang Yi also heard it.

He knew that Qian Zhenggang was almost relieved.

"How much does the largest fibroid weigh?" Zhang Yi turned his head and looked at the four balls of different sizes in the sterile tray and asked.

"The largest one weighs ten pounds, and the smallest one weighs two and a half pounds."

The sterile tray contained the separated fibroids.

The blue sterile basin on the other side was full of the free uterus, uterine appendages, fat, fascia, and lymph nodes.

A pool of yellow tissue mixed with blood looked quite disgusting.

"The vital signs are stable, nothing abnormal, the time is 10:35, the operation is over."

With the anesthesiologist's relaxed and excited announcement, everyone in the operating room felt much more relaxed.

The anesthesiologist couldn't help but look at Zhang Yi twice more.


Zhang Yi!

Since you left, I haven't done such an easy, simple and short operation for a long, long time.

This operation requires so many places to be freed, and you actually finished it in just one hour!


Boss Zhang Yi~

We miss you so much~

Anesthesiologist (possessed by Sun Nan): Come back soon~ I can't bear it alone~ Come back soon~ Bring back my thoughts~ Don't let my heart be as empty as the sea~~~


"Zhang Yi, this time it's really thanks to you that my mother didn't have another cut on her stomach."

After the operation room was handled, several doctors came to the scrub room.

Qian Zhenggang walked to Zhang Yi's side and thanked him.

Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"It's nothing, Dean Qian, don't be too polite. After all, you often took care of me when I was in the hospital. Don't worry about this little thing."

"Hehe." Qian Zhenggang smiled with relief and asked:

"Don't worry, I told you before the operation that I won't let you go in vain.

How about this, I still pay for the operation fee

How about giving you 20,000 yuan for your flying knife? "

Zhang Yi nodded: "It's okay, you can give it as you see fit, I don't care."

Hearing him say this, Qian Zhenggang's appreciation and praise for Zhang Yi increased a lot.

This young man is really good at dealing with people.

He is grateful and repays his kindness, and he is not particular about money.

It's a pity that he is not a doctor in our hospital...

Yes, he should really go to a big hospital to develop his skills.

A small hospital will delay him.

After washing their hands and disinfecting, they just walked out of the operating room and saw Qian Zhenggang's younger brother and several other family members rushing over.

"How is it, big brother? ? How is mom? Is she okay? Was the operation successful?"

The person who spoke was Qian Zhenggang's younger brother, who looked a bit like Qian Zhenggang.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Mom hasn't worn off the anesthesia yet. It will probably take more than two hours for her to wake up.

This time, thanks to Zhang Yi, Mom didn't have to get a cut. "

"Really? Mom is really fine? Can this disease be cured later?"

Qian Zhenggang turned his head and looked at Zhang Yi before explaining:

"Don't worry, the operation was done very well. As long as Mom is lucky, she will definitely get better later."

Qian Zhenggang also knew that many malignant tumors may recur even if you clean them cleanly.

So as a son and a doctor, the only thing he can do is to complete the operation as well as possible.

Laying a solid foundation for his mother, the chance of recovery will be greater later.

The operation was successful! Very successful!

He was very grateful to Zhang Yi for helping.

So the rest depends on Mom herself.

"The wound is not big, just a few blood vessels and ligament tissues were ligated, and the recovery should be very fast.

After you are discharged from the hospital, you must remember to check the old lady regularly.

I don't need to say much about chemotherapy drugs. You must take them for a long time after you are discharged from the hospital.

There is nothing else to say. The operation was successful. I hope the old lady can be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible. "

As the chief surgeon, Zhang Yi said a few words to Qian Zhenggang's brother.

"Okay! Thank you, Dr. Zhang! Thank you!"

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang. I have heard that you are a great doctor. It seems that you used to work in the People's Hospital, but you went to Union Hospital a few months ago, right?"

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes, Dean Qian is my elder and has done me a favor, so I came back to help."

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