The next morning, Zhang Yi finally went to work on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. As soon as he came to the department, he heard Mao Xiaoyuan asking him with envy: "Hey? I heard Zhang Shengwei say that you went to perform surgery yesterday? And you asked him to cover for you?!" "Well, what's wrong? I will pay him back later, and I won't let him cover for nothing. Besides, this guy wants to eat Cuiheyuan's roast duck." "Hey, how much do you charge for performing surgery?" "The price? Not necessarily. It depends on what kind of surgery it is. I've paid 50,000 yuan before, and at least a few thousand yuan." "50,000 yuan?!" Mao Xiaoyuan smacked her lips, envious to death. Zhang Yi can earn tens of thousands with a flying knife, but he works very hard for less than 20,000 a month...


I'm so jealous!

As he was talking, Wang Yufei walked in from the emergency room with a happy face.

Zhang Yi saw something was wrong.

This guy just works, how can he be so happy as a social animal?

On the side, Mao Xiaoyuan whispered to Zhang Yi's ear:

"Yesterday, there were few people in Group 2 and it was a bit too busy, so Yang Caini came to ask our group for help, and then Wang Yufei went.

It should be that the two finally talked to each other, otherwise how could this kid be so happy?"

"Oh~I see, Yang Caini didn't seem to pay attention to him since the training?"

"That's right, he is a bit fierce, if I were Yang Caini, I wouldn't pay attention to him."

As soon as Wang Yufei walked in, he saw Mao Xiaoyuan and Zhang Yi, who were like thieves, looking at him and muttering non-stop, and immediately walked over and said:

"What are you doing? Are you two saying bad things about me?"

"Ahem, no." Zhang Yi immediately turned around and sat back in his seat.

Mao Xiaoyuan shrugged:

"No, sister...sister, you are brave enough to go forward~"

Wang Yufei rolled his eyes at the two, and then he looked at Zhang Yi again.

I wanted to ask them for tips on how to chase girls.


When he thought of the dirty tricks Zhang Yi had given him during the emergency training, he got angry.

Forget it!

It's better to ask the female colleagues in the department directly about chasing girls. After all, women understand women best!


After lunch, Zhang Yi took advantage of his lunch break to go to the Pediatric Oncology Department.

Bai Yufan's attending physician was also on duty at noon.

"Doctor Li, is there any news from Bai Yufan's father?" Zhang Yi walked in and asked.

The news from the police was all handled by doctors in the Pediatric Oncology Department.

So if Zhang Yi wanted to know, he could only come and ask them.

Doctor Li looked up and found that it was Zhang Yi. Then he sighed and shook his head while holding a chair for Zhang Yi:

"No, the police in the capital said that it was too far away and they couldn't enforce the law across regions. They could only wait for a document from above before they could find someone across regions.

Or they could ask the child's other family members to go to Fangzhou County to report the case in person and let the police there find someone."

"Ah? Is that still possible? Does that mean that the work of the police in the capital is over now? They can only wait for the police in Fangzhou to find someone?"

"Well, that's about it.

Because the surveillance showed that the child's father did take the train back to Fangzhou's hometown, and the ticket number also showed that he bought a ticket to his hometown, and it was his ticket alone.

This means that he was alone when he left, and he didn't plan to take the child with him."

After listening, Zhang Yi was silent for a while.

It was too far away, and even if they wanted to enforce the law across regions, they had to get a reasonable letter from the police for cross-regional enforcement.

It might take a long time to go through a set of procedures.

What should we do if the child is alone in the hospital during this period?

"By the way, didn't the child's mother say she would give money? How much did she give?"

"Don't mention it." Dr. Li shook his head helplessly.

"These parents are so irresponsible. Yesterday, she sent a message saying that she would give the child 5,000 yuan for hospitalization and 500 yuan for food.

As a result, it's already noon today and the money hasn't been sent yet. It's like just talking but not taking action."

"Hurry her up! Send her a message again, this is her obligation!

You have to give some money if you don't take care of the child after giving birth, right? Otherwise, the child will starve to death in the hospital??

If it weren't for the help of doctors and nurses, the child would have starved to death long ago!"

Zhang Yi rarely gets angry, except for the fact that Liu Luo's mother made her feel particularly unworthy of being a mother.

Bai Yufan's parents are even worse!

They're the same!

They just abandon the child and don't care about it!


It's not that you are right because you have no money.

If you have no money, why don't you give birth soon? ?

After giving birth, you abandon the child in the hospital and don't care about it. Isn't this bad for your morality?

Do you not fear that you will not go to heaven after you die? ?


You are angry, but you finally spit it out.

Hey! What else can you do except sigh?

"I'll urge them again. Anyway, the police have helped to contact the police in Fangzhou County today. If there is any news, they will notify our hospital.

As for the money in the child's account..."

At this point, Dr. Li was silent again.

The child had chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but not only was there no money left in the account, but he also owed the hospital more than 5,000 yuan.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not the kind of conventional, cheap treatment methods.

Radiotherapy is priced according to the patient's condition, the size of the lesion, and the equipment.

If there are many lesions, or the lesions are too large, and the equipment is also advanced, then a radiotherapy can cost up to more than 100,000 yuan.

Of course, there are cheaper ones, ranging from a few hundred to a thousand.

There is also chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment, that is, the use of anticancer drugs to inhibit the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

The cost of a course of anticancer drugs is not cheaper than radiotherapy.

The medicines in Union Hospital are very complete, and there are both imported and domestic anticancer drugs.

The doctor in the pediatric oncology department actually wanted to change the child to imported targeted drugs for nephroblastoma before using the medicine.

But it is too expensive, and the child has no money in the account.

So they can only use cheap medicine.

In addition, radiotherapy actually only treats the largest lesion.

Other metastatic lesions cannot be treated, and the doctors in the radiology department cannot be so compassionate to the child and do it for nothing.


So, this child has only undergone one process of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are generally done once a month.

And because of his young age, he started to develop ulcers in his mouth on the fourth day of radiotherapy.

This is an obvious side effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

When Dr. Li saw that Zhang Yi didn't say anything, he thought for a while and asked with gritted teeth:

"Zhang... Assistant Zhang, I know this... shouldn't be said by me, but...

But... I remember you seem to have a..."


When Dr. Li was halfway through his words, two young men stood at the door.

"Hello! Is this the pediatric oncology department?"

Zhang Yi and Dr. Li looked at the door together.

There were two young men in casual down jackets standing at the door.

They looked about the same age as Zhang Yi.

Doctor Li stood up and glanced at the two people in confusion:

"Who are you...?"

"Oh, hello! We are reporters from Huachen Daily! We have received news that a five-year-old child in the Pediatric Oncology Department of Union Hospital was abandoned by his father and left alone in the hospital. Is this true?

I heard that the child also has a malignant tumor? Is this true?"

Faced with the questioning of the two reporters, Doctor Li was a little unsure whether to answer for a while.

After all, this is the patient's privacy, and the doctor has no obligation to tell outsiders.

And he didn't know how these reporters knew about this?

Bai Yufan's story has indeed spread throughout the hospital, but it is only limited to the hospital, right?

Could it be that someone leaked this news to the reporter? ?

"Uh...this matter, actually he..."

"Yes! That's right, there is indeed such a child in our department!"

Just as Doctor Li was stuttering, Wei Zhe, the director of the Pediatric Oncology Department, walked in.

"Director Wei?"

After Wei Zhe came in, he first glanced at Dr. Li and Zhang Yi behind him, and explained: "I notified the reporter, and I have already said hello to Dean Jin.

It is not a good idea for the child to stay in the hospital for such a long time without his parents coming to the hospital.

So I asked the reporter to interview him, and the main purpose is to use this matter to attract social attention.

If we can raise funds to provide the child with follow-up treatment, that would be the best."

It turned out that the reporter was asked by the director!


Come to think of it, it is not good for the child to stay in the hospital all the time. First, there is no money for hospitalization, and second, no one to take care of him.

We have to find a way to solve it.

Now the police are also waiting for news, but the word "wait" is very uncertain.

There may be news in a few days, or there may be no news in ten days, half a month, or even one or two months.

So Director Wei thought about it and finally came up with this method.

It would be good to raise some donations for the child's treatment with the help of the society and the majority of netizens.

If there is a special children's welfare home or volunteer

If anyone is willing to come and help take care of the child, that's fine.

It's better than having to live in the hospital.

"Director Wei? Hello! We are reporters from Huachen Daily. Let's interview you first. Please tell us the specific situation of this child in detail.

For example, what disease is it? Is it serious? Why did the parents disappear and abandon the child?

How much does the treatment cost? And what is the current condition of the child, etc.

We need such detailed materials for the interview. In addition, can we go and see the child directly later?

Because news events must have videos or photos of children."

"Then you have to mosaic it, don't affect the children."

"Don't worry, we will definitely mosaic it for minors."

After the negotiation, the two reporters followed Wei Zhe into the office to do a separate interview on the condition.

Zhang Yi had also heard of Huachen Daily.

It is also an old newspaper. Now newspapers have basically changed to online self-media.

Therefore, the way of publishing news is also to publish pictures, texts or videos.

Zhang Yi turned to look at Dr. Li and asked:

"What did you want to tell me just now?"

Dr. Li sighed and said:

"What I actually wanted to say just now... I remember you have a charity foundation named after you, right?

I checked yesterday, and the current funds in this foundation are more than 5 million in real time.

I think... with your influence... it shouldn't be a problem to help such a child, right?

Of course, I'm just making suggestions, after all, you use this fund to perform surgery on children with cleft lip and palate.

For terminally ill patients like Bai Yufan, spending money may not necessarily cure them.

Of course, I'm just making suggestions, it's up to you to decide."

Zhang Yi really listened to this opinion.

He actually thought about it when he was in his hometown two days ago.

But wasn't he still looking for his family at that time?

Zhang Yi thought about seeing what Bai Yufan's family said first.

If the child's father is willing to come back to take care of the child and pay for the medical expenses, then Zhang Yi doesn't need to help.

Or the child's mother is willing to take care of it.

However, until today, the child’s father not only disappeared, but also ran to his hometown more than a thousand kilometers away.

He just threw the child in the hospital.

The child’s mother was unwilling to come to the hospital, and even the money she promised to give was not received.



It is recommended not to do too many immoral things.

What can a five-year-old child do?

Just throw the child in the hospital so cruelly? ?


After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi nodded and said:

"Okay, no problem, Zhang Yi's charity fund can cover all the hospitalization expenses of this child!

But the father of the child still needs to be found. Such irresponsible family members must be punished!

And his mother, even if I cover all the medical expenses, the child's mother must not give less than she promised.

If she doesn't give, I will keep asking for it. If she still doesn't give, I can only let the police file a case against her."

"Really? Assistant Zhang... Are you really willing to pay for the hospitalization expenses of this child?!"

Dr. Li's eyes lit up!

He knew that Zhang Yi had a charity foundation, and the money in it was raised by many netizens.

He thought Zhang Yi would only be responsible for the surgery of children with cleft lip and palate, and he would not take care of emergencies like this and children with parents.


Zhang Yi still took care of it!

"I've already agreed, how can it be false?"

"Oh! Zhang Yi! You are so kind! I tell you that you will definitely be reincarnated as a god in your next life! People like you who do good things will definitely go to heaven after they die!"

Zhang Yi: ...

"Are you praising me? Or are you cursing me?"

"Hehe, sorry, it's a compliment, definitely a compliment, I'm just too excited.

No one is taking care of this child now, and there is nowhere to go except the hospital. It's not a big deal if the hospitalization fee is kept withheld.

To be honest, Director Wei found that I don't think the two reporters from Huachen Daily are reliable.

Huachen Daily has even fewer fans than you.

How many people read the news published by the tabloids?

It's better for you to post it on Weibo or Douyin directly, maybe it can cause a round of heated discussion. "

"Oh? You're right, why didn't I think of it? !

Since the hospital wants to find a media exposure, why do they still go to the newspaper? Why not just go to me directly? ? ! "

As he said, Zhang Yi turned around and came to Bai Yufan's ward.

There is a small TV in the ward.

At this moment, the TV is playing Ultraman cartoons.

Bai Yufan and the little boy in the next bed are watching it with relish.

Zhang Yi walked in quietly, and as soon as he came in, he found

Now Bai Yufan has changed into new clothes?

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