The patient was diagnosed with leukemia.

Half an hour later.

The nurse pushed Li Junyu back after the angiography.

Li Junyu's parents also rushed to the hospital.

Zhang Yi took a look at the angiography results before explaining the condition to the family.

The coronary artery was open, with no signs of sclerosis.

Now the diagnosis can be made with 100%.

"Li Junyu has an acute non-coronary occlusive myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction is not common at his age because he took Viagra.

His blood pressure has also risen. If he does not have hypotension after two days of observation, he can be discharged from the hospital."

Li Junyu's parents were also confused.

"Ah? Myocardial infarction? Isn't that very serious? Will my son have any sequelae?!"

"General myocardial infarction is caused by coronary artery sclerosis. The coronary artery is the blood vessel that wraps around the heart, like a fishing net, wrapping the heart to supply blood to the heart.

Once the coronary artery is hardened and blocked by fat, the heart will be ischemic.

It will cause chest pain and angina symptoms.

But your son's current condition is not caused by coronary artery blockage.

It is because of taking Viagra, which caused acute hypotension in a short period of time.

That's why it happened. It caused the blood supply to his heart to be insufficient, which led to non-obstructive myocardial infarction.

Of course, this non-obstructive myocardial infarction is easier to treat than obstructive myocardial infarction.

If it is discovered in time, then fluid replacement, blood pressure increase, and oxygenation can basically cure it.

And the follow-up, you don't need to take this medicine anymore. I will talk to him about this after the patient wakes up.

Normal guys don't need to take Viagra at all.

And it's okay to take one, but he took two.

The sudden drop in blood pressure that occurred after the sudden increase in dosage, remember, don't take it again in the future. "

Zhang Yi said the following few words to the patient's wife.

Li Junyu's parents frowned and asked:

"What medicine, Xiaoyuan? What medicine did Junyu take? !"

"Dad...Mom, Junyu...took..."

It was really hard for her to say this in front of her parents.

"What medicine! Tell me!"

The patient's parents were anxious and yelled.

"It's that kind of medicine, Viagra, that kind of aphrodisiac."

"Oh my god..."


The two old men sighed wildly.

Good fellow!

You two are really extravagant!

Why do you take this stuff at such a young age? ?

Your father didn't take it at such an old age!

"What are you guys doing? What are you doing all day long?!"

The family members didn't know where to vent their anger.

On the side, Zhang Yi saw that the family members were not in a good mood and quickly evacuated the scene.

To be honest, the patient is only 27 years old this year, about the same age as Zhang Yi.

I don't understand, why do you take this kind of medicine at such a young age?

Kidney deficiency? ?

Short time? ?

And take two at a time.

Tsk tsk...

I hope he can remember the lesson!

He almost died this time!


The patient woke up an hour later.

As soon as he woke up, the doctor on duty told him the cause and effect of the incident.

The patient was also shocked when he heard it.

Myocardial infarction!

It was like walking through the gates of hell!

He immediately swore to all the doctors and nurses that he would never eat that thing again in his life.

In the emergency department, Zhang Yi was busy until after six o'clock in the evening after returning from the pediatric oncology department.

It is not uncommon to delay leaving get off work in the hospital.

The main reason is that Zhang Yi wants to see what is going on in the pediatric oncology department.

Bai Yufan is no longer worried about the hospitalization fee.

But he is worried about whether there are family members to take care of him.

The mother of the child seems to not want to take care of him, but what about the father of the child?

Will he continue to fight for the child?

Or will he be like the mother of the child, saying that he has a new family and will not care about the child?


Zhang Yi took off his white coat, and during the journey from the emergency room to the pediatric oncology department, Zhang Yi kept thinking about this matter in his mind.

As for why Zhang Yi was so concerned?

It may be because Bai Yufan was indeed a pitiful child.

It may also be because Zhang Yi couldn't bear to see another orphan in the world.

Pediatric Oncology Department.

When Zhang Yi came, he didn't find Bai Yufan's mother.

"Don't look, his mother is gone. She left not long after the police left, and threw away three thousand

Give us the money."

Before Zhang Yi asked, the doctor from the Pediatric Oncology Department spoke first.

"Didn't she say when she would come?"

"No, it's obvious that she doesn't want to take care of the child."

"What about the child's father? Can he come tomorrow?"

"Should... maybe? ? I don't know, and the police didn't say. "

Zhang Yi was silent.

These parents are really unreliable.

"Let's go, everyone has their own destiny, let's get off work first." The doctor from the Pediatric Oncology Department patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder.

"You go first, I'll go see the child. "

As he spoke, Zhang Yi had already stepped towards the ward.

In the ward, Suzhou, who was in the next bed, seemed to have been taken out by his family to play.

At this time, Bai Yufan was the only one left in the room.

Through the glass window at the door, Zhang Yi found that the little guy Bai Yufan was watching TV alone.

The TV was still playing Ultraman cartoons.

It seems that this little guy really likes Ultraman?

Seeing that he was absorbed in watching, Zhang Yi quietly observed for a while outside the door.

Gradually, Zhang Yi found something unusual.

Why did he feel that Bai Yufan didn't seem to be watching TV?

It felt like he was watching TV in a trance?

He sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It is said that when children watch Ultraman, there is light in their eyes.

But Bai Yufan didn't have that now.

Zhang Yi knocked on the door.

"Fanfan? Watching cartoons? Have you had dinner? Are you hungry? "

Seeing Zhang Yi come in, Bai Yufan forced a smile.

But this smile made Zhang Yi feel uncomfortable.

Silly child, if you can't smile... you don't have to smile.

"Uncle doctor, I'm not hungry. Before my mother left, she bought me bread, milk, apples, and delicious meals. I'm not hungry."

For some reason, Zhang Yi felt a lump in his throat when he heard Bai Yufan say that.

Looking at the bedside table again, it was indeed filled with a lot of food.

There were apples, some loose biscuits, small breads, and a box of strawberry-flavored Mengniu yogurt.

Looking at it this way, it was a sharp contrast to the empty cabinet before.


Zhang Yi opened his mouth, wanting to comfort the little boy in front of him who seemed very sensible and strong, but was actually only five years old.

But, as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say, where to start.

Mom came and left, leaving behind a lot of snacks that looked cheap and had no nutrition.

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