Zhang Yi looked very seriously, and seeing that he didn't say anything, Bob also shut up.

At this time, Aaron, another surgeon in the operating room, who was from the emergency department, came out.

Seeing Zhang Yi come in, he looked a little excited but also a little scrutinizing.

Is this person Zhang Yi? ?


He is really handsome.

Especially when he frowns and looks at the computer, he is even more handsome~!

I just don't know... does he like men or women~?

Zhang Yi didn't have time to pay attention to the eyes of the two people next to him.

He just stared at the computer screen.

Because the black and white dynamic picture in front of him is the key point of diagnosis!

It is also the only way to explain that there is glass shards in the little boy's heart.

It's hard to tell the slight bleeding and ventricular concavity at first.

The main reason is that this echocardiogram looks too much like a normal heart!

It's probably because of the small amount of bleeding, so it's no wonder they can't see it.

Zhang Yi frowned when he looked at this animated picture, let alone them.

In fact, an echocardiogram records the state of the heart beating and the blood circulation.

It's just not a photo like a CT film, but a moving animated picture.

Such an examination can help doctors find heart problems in patients, and the examination will be more comprehensive.

Suddenly, Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows and raised his hand:

"Pause! It's here!"

"Hmm? Okay."

Bob immediately moved the mouse and clicked twice.

The black and white heart animated picture on the screen stopped beating and froze.

Aaron and Bob came closer to look at the picture in front of them.

Hmm? ?

What's wrong here?

Is there any problem?

The superior and inferior vena cava, aorta, pulmonary artery, and the four atria and ventricles, all are fine? ?

Zhang Yi glanced at the expressions of the two people, helplessly stretched out his hand and pointed to the outside of the right ventricle:

"See, it's here."

Zhang Yi pointed like this, and the two people's eyes widened instantly.

Then the surprise in their eyes became bigger and bigger.

"Oh my God! Here... there seems to be a depression! No, why didn't I notice it just now!" Bob said with some annoyance.

Although this change is very small, it is even difficult to find in the animated picture.

But why can Zhang Yi find this tight one-frame picture in this constantly beating heart as soon as he comes! ?

Bob didn't believe it, and he opened the animated picture again and watched it several times.

Not to mention, in this image of the heart that has been beating all the time, the picture of the right ventricle depression appeared for less than a second.

It is indeed too difficult to find!

Aaron looked up at Zhang Yi after observing for a while.

The admiration in his eyes was almost beyond words!


Dr. Zhang Yi~

You are really my idol~!

"But... why did this little boy have ventricular concavity? Concavity means that he does have pericardial effusion, which is indeed our negligence just now.

But where did the effusion come from?

The boy's electrocardiogram did not show any abnormality."

After being shocked, Bob also raised questions.

Sometimes seeing a doctor is like judging a case in the county government, you have to find clues to identify the suspect.

At this moment, Bob and Aaron still don't know who the "suspect" who caused the pericardial effusion is.

Zhang Yi was silent for a while, and then said calmly:

"I suspect... there is glass shard entering the blood vessels and flowing into the heart from the blood vessels.

We can do an intraoperative angiography. According to the echocardiogram, the depression is in the right ventricle, so the effusion is likely to come from the superior and inferior vena cava.

It is very likely that the glass shards cut the blood vessels and caused bleeding, which led to the pericardial effusion!"

Zhang Yi said it calmly, but Aaron and Bob were not calm at all when they heard it! !

They opened their mouths in surprise!

Damn it! !

Glass shards... entered the blood vessels? ? !


How could such a tiny probability happen! !


At this moment, Aaron and Bob's faces were full of disbelief!

In all these years of practicing medicine, this is the first time they have heard such a ridiculous speculation.

Of course...

Although they were surprised, as doctors, they really couldn't rule out what Zhang Yi said.

Sometimes an impossible guess may be the final answer.

Bob calmed down and immediately made a judgment:

"Dr. Zhang Yi, your guess is indeed

It makes sense. The child does have a wound on his neck, and there is more than one.

If such a large screen of glass shards all shattered and fell, there is indeed a certain probability that this situation will occur.

Aaron, you quickly contact the angiography room, we have to do angiography immediately! "


Aaron also nodded.

This guess is outrageous, absurd and unlikely.

But, medicine is sometimes like this.

The more impossible, the more likely!

Soon, someone came to the angiography room, and the operation continued in the operating room.

Zhang Yi was invited by Bob to the second floor. This position is high and can directly look down and see the doctors' operations.

At this moment, the contrast agent has been injected into the boy's blood vessels, and the imager is full of gray-white images.

Soon, the winding blood vessels slowly appeared like half of a black earthworm.

"Found it! There is indeed a bleeding hole in the superior vena cava! "

Seeing this, Bob, Aaron and several other doctors present all breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the bleeding site was found.

If the medication was used without knowing why or if it was not found...

Then the child might be dead.

Thinking of this, Bob couldn't help but look up at Zhang Yi, and then made an 'OK' gesture to him.

This 'OK' was both a thank you and a respect.

Zhang Yi nodded to show that he had received it.

Now that the bleeding site has been found, everything will be simple.

Bob immediately went out to explain the reason to the family, and an emergency interventional surgery was performed again in the operating room.

No need to open the chest, just do an intervention to remove the glass shard stuck in the blood vessel.

In less than half an hour, Aaron's tweezers took out a glass shard the size of a mung bean.

Seeing this scene, the people around were all amazed.

"Oh my God, this boy really has a piece of glass stuck in his heart!"

"It's so rare! ”

“This case today can be used as a teaching material for our emergency department.”

“Put away the glass shards carefully and show them to the family members later.”

Aaron instructed while finishing the work.

Seeing that the operation was almost over and the boy was no longer in danger of death, Zhang Yi left quietly.

After a while, the boy was pushed out of the operating room.

When the boy’s mother came over, she looked at Aaron and cried while saying thank you.

Aaron was very relieved. He looked back around the operating room and found that Zhang Yi had disappeared.

However, he still told the family members about this:

“I think you should thank a Chinese doctor named Zhang Yi. Strictly speaking, he saved your child’s life today.”

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