The wound was not severe, but the wound was still alive.

Zhang Yi did not show off his skills.

After just a few seconds of thinking, most people at the scene understood Zhang Yi's intention.

The deceased is willing to use the last bit of his life to illuminate others, so he should be respected.

At this time, he really shouldn't show off his skills just to show off.

Show off? ?

Zhang Yi can show off so many times, not just this one.

After the suture was completed, the operating room was unusually quiet, with only the sound of running water on the washing table next to it.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yi opened his mouth and whispered to the little boy:

"I would like to thank you again on behalf of the patients who underwent this heart transplant surgery. Thank you!"

Without your end, there would be no beginning of her life.

Thank you!

As he spoke, Zhang Yi bowed slightly.

Seeing this, the assistants beside him looked at each other, and then bowed as well.

The doctors in the observation room on the second floor saw this scene and whispered that Zhang Yi was a good doctor.

Some doctors are arrogant because of their good skills.

But Zhang Yi is the rare one who is humble and low-key despite his skills, and he is always consistent with his patients.

At this moment, the idea in Phipps's mind is getting stronger and stronger!

I just don't know...

Will Zhang Yi agree? ?

Soon, the chest was sutured under the gaze of everyone.

The little boy was completely declared dead.

Zhang Yi covered him with a clean sterile cloth, and he would be put into the body bag after letting his family take a last look.

On the second floor, the people in the observation room kept whispering.

Tina, standing behind Phipps, raised her plump red lips slightly, and her eyes were full of interest.

Yes, this girl is interested in Zhang Yike now~

It seemed that she suddenly had some ideas in her mind. She lowered her head and whispered something in Phipps' ear.

Then she saw a rare smile on Phipps' face, and nodded slightly to Tina.

While the two were communicating secretly, the first floor was already preparing for the second step of the operation.

That is, heart transplantation.

The first step, the collection and processing of the donor heart has been completed, so the second step is to transplant the heart into the recipient's body.

The processed heart and the connected arteries and veins must be rinsed clean and stored at low temperature.

Like a severed limb, the best transplant time is within 6 hours.

In fact, time constraints and rare heart sources are the important reasons why heart transplantation is "difficult".

Soon, the person lying on the operating table was replaced by Yi Mingsheng's daughter.

"It's started! The real transplant is about to begin!"

"Oh my God, why do I feel more nervous than Zhang Yi?"

"No, Jace, you are wrong. Zhang Yi is not nervous at all. You can tell from his calm expression. Only you are nervous for him!"

The highlight is about to begin. Everyone in the observation room is sweating.

We are about to witness the first heart transplant operation of the boss! !

It is said that Zhang Yi has never done this operation in their country of China!

This is the first time!

Zhang Yi's first time! !

It was actually handed over to the cardiac surgery operating room of the General Hospital of Ma Si in their beautiful country~~


It's a big profit~? ?

On the operating table, all the instrument indicators are normal.

Disinfection is completed, entry point marking is completed, surgical towel padding is completed, and anesthesia is completed.

"Anesthesia is OK, Doctor Zhang."

"Okay, let's start the operation!"

As Zhang Yi spoke, the scalpel fell and made a five-centimeter incision on the left side of the girl's sternum, between the fifth ribs.


Blood instantly gushed out!



Kim Jong-Ryun held the spray gel and sprayed it twice on the incision. Soon, the blood was not so severe.

But Bob next to him frowned tightly.

"Doctor Zhang, is the incision... a little too small?"


How come you only made a 5-centimeter incision for a heart transplant? !

What are you doing? ? !

This length may not be visible when connecting the blood vessels later! !

Zhang Yi continued the operation and said without raising his head:

"No, 5 centimeters is just right."

"I... you..."

Bob was speechless.

Not only was Bob speechless, the spectators on the second floor were also shocked and speechless!


They can't be too surprised!

Because this is Zhang Yi!

For a master who can do blind cutting, what does a mere 5 cm incision mean? ?

Just watch it with peace of mind~!

With more experience, they will be one step closer to surpassing Zhang Yi!

On the operating table, the incision has been completely opened.

Then use a wire saw to cut the fifth rib, apply bone wax to stop bleeding, and then use a rib knife to cut the rib cartilage to completely open the chest view.

While Bob was shocked, his hands did not slow down at all.

Traction and widening the field of vision are what assistants should do in order to provide Zhang Yi with a completely open surgical operating environment.

After opening the chest cavity, you can start preparing the catheter for the circulator.

It is essential for heart surgery to connect the extracorporeal circulation machine to ensure that the patient can have a temporary heart and lungs while the heart is being operated.

Open the pericardium, ligate the blood vessels, and then connect the circulator catheter to the arteriovenous tube.

After confirming that the extracorporeal circulation machine has started working, disconnect the blood vessels connected to the heart.

Zhang Yi raised his knife and cut the aorta, pulmonary artery, superior and inferior vena cava, and the small veins of the left and right lungs. The deformed heart of the little girl was completely taken out.

Zhang Yi's movements were so agile that the people around him were amazed.

This guy...

His speed is too fast! !

He can accurately distinguish which one is the aorta and pulmonary artery in almost the first second of opening the chest cavity, and he can also accurately mark several small blood vessels in the lungs.

To be honest, no matter how familiar a person is with cardiac surgery, at the moment of opening the chest cavity, especially for patients with such severe heart deformities, they must observe for a while to confirm which blood vessel is which before operating.

This guy!

He confirmed it in one second and then started marking!

What does it mean? ? !

It means that he is really proficient in anatomy!

He can even accurately distinguish the deformed blood vessels and the heart!

Seeing this, Phipps was convinced!

Everyone said that Zhang Yi was a genius, and he fully admitted this.

However, geniuses also rely on 1% talent and 99% hard work to become geniuses.

I believe that Zhang Yi must have made unimaginable efforts to memorize human anatomy.

Without the sweat behind, how can he be called a genius today?

Thinking of this, Phipps even felt a little more admiration in his heart.

This young man is really amazing.

In the words of their Chinese country, there seems to be a word called "Niu what"? ?

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