The first time, the doctor said, "I'm afraid the doctor will not be able to do this.

Only you dare to make such a small incision in a major heart surgery!

After this operation is completed, it must be another arterial dissection operation that can be used as a teaching material for young doctors!

"He Fei? What are you doing? Wipe the blood."

Seeing that the assistant next to him was almost dumbfounded, Zhang Yi hurriedly urged.

"Oh! Okay!" He Fei responded awkwardly.

Another assistant stared at He Fei with a covetous look.

That look seemed to say: Are you too nervous to be Zhang Yi's assistant for the first time? If you can't do it, go down, I'll do it~!

He Fei glared back at him: You wish~! I won't give you this chance!

After cutting the skin layer by layer, use a spreader to stretch the skin to expand the field of vision.

Cut the ribs and stop the bleeding with bone wax, then pull the ribs apart and fix them to fully expose the top of the heart.

At this time, half of the heart and a small section of the bend of the ascending aorta can be seen.

The heart is wrapped in the pericardium and beats again and again.

Several thick arteries tremble regularly with every beat of the heart.

Seeing so many young doctors watching in the operating room, Zhang Yi fiddled with the blood vessels above the heart, revealing an unusually thick and red blood vessel and said:

"See, this is the dissection."

The young doctors looked at the display screen in the operating room and nodded obediently.

"Oh~ So this is a dissection, it is indeed different from a normal artery?"

"What nonsense, how can it be the same if it is already a dissection?"

"Oh, this is not the first time I have seen it!"

"Teacher Zhang, I... I have a question for you?"

The interns were talking in a low voice, and one of the short boys suddenly asked a question.

Zhang Yi lowered his head and responded while cutting the pericardium: "Ask."

"That is... this operation is so big, why did you only make a five-centimeter incision? I have to put on the extracorporeal circulation machine later, and those connecting catheters will not have any surgical field of view at all? How... how do you replace the blood vessels?"


This intern is really new.

It seems that he has not seen Zhang Yi's awesomeness yet.

Just when He Fei wanted to brag to these interns who were watching and flatter Zhang Yi,

Zhang Yi's slightly serious voice rang out:

"Let me explain the incision issue. Generally, doctors do make a ten-centimeter incision, or even larger, to ensure that the surgical field is absolutely clear. This is correct.

As you said, once the catheter is connected, the surgical field is occupied by more than half.

Compared to five centimeters, the surgical field of more than ten centimeters will be much wider.

But the greater the trauma, the greater the chance of postoperative infection in patients.

And... I am not an ordinary doctor.

But don't learn this, you can't learn it.

Unless you can do the same operation as me, a five-centimeter incision is unrealistic for you."


Everyone fell silent after hearing this!

Isn't this what he meant...

Unless you are as awesome as me, you can't do this five-centimeter incision at all? ?

Many of the residents who were watching blushed.

Don't talk about them, even if the director comes, I'm afraid he can't do this five centimeters.

Only Zhang Yi!

Only he can do it!

The operation continued.

After cutting the pericardium, Zhang Yi began to push away the lung tissue to expose the aorta more fully.

Then he began to prepare to connect the extracorporeal circulation machine.


Just as the operation was being carried out in an orderly manner in the operating room.

A terrifying scene occurred in a taxi heading to a men's hospital.

An hour ago, the young couple still kept pestering Zhang Yi after getting in the car.

"What kind of person is this? He chased us out after we left and asked us to sign. It's obvious that he doesn't want to take responsibility!"

The man looked at the gate of Union Hospital through the car window and said with a disdainful "tsk":

"That's right. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and didn't sign. Otherwise, I could have pushed the responsibility away. Doctors at Union Hospital are not reliable these days!"

The driver in the front seat also started chatting with them after hearing this:

"What's wrong? Aren't doctors at Union Hospital pretty good?"

"Pah." The man waved his hand quickly: "Did you see that doctor just now? His name is Zhang Yi, and he works in the emergency department of Union Hospital. Uncle, don't look for him when you go to Union Hospital in the future

He treats patients.

This young doctor is really unreliable! I told him I had stones at the beginning and showed him the check list, but he just didn't give me the painkiller. I almost died of pain. Fortunately, I have recovered now, otherwise I will definitely sue him! "

The driver frowned, sat up straight and asked: "Wait, what do you say the doctor's name is?"

"Zhang Yi, I saw that his work card says Zhang Yi, and it seems that he is the assistant to the director. Bah, he is so young and works as an assistant. He must have got into Union Hospital through the back door!"

The man was still complaining.

The driver seemed to suddenly remember something and said with a smile:

"Oh, no wonder I felt that the man looked familiar just now. It turned out to be Doctor Zhang!

Haha, you may have really misunderstood. Don't you know that Zhang Yi? Zhang Yi! A famous doctor, a famous doctor of Union Hospital. "

The couple were both confused and looked at each other: "What? What famous doctor? Haven't we heard of him?"

Besides, is there such a young famous doctor??

You are bragging!

"Hey!" The driver sighed slightly, and understood the feeling of Dr. Zhang when he stopped them in front of the car just now.

He didn't say much, pointing to his mobile phone and said: "If you don't believe it, just search it. You can find out how great this person is by searching on the Internet. Not long ago, he was invited by a foreign hospital to perform surgery, and you didn't listen to him, hey! "

If something happens, you deserve it.

Of course, he didn't say the latter part.

The couple immediately opened their phones with a skeptical attitude and searched.

A minute later, they looked at the detailed introduction of Zhang Yi and the videos of saving people on their phones.

The couple looked at each other again!

This time, in addition to shock, they also had a trace of regret in their eyes.

His wife slowly said: "Husband... we... seem to have really misunderstood..."

The man was still in a state of disbelief and hadn't recovered.


That guy is really a famous doctor!

Is he trying to cheat me out of my money??

For a moment, the couple didn't know whether to turn back or go to the men's hospital for painkillers.

Just then, the man suddenly felt a tightness in his chest!

Then there was a sharp pain!

"Uh! Wife... I... my chest hurts so much...!"

His wife didn't react a little bit, and asked hurriedly: "Ah? What's wrong? Didn't it stop hurting just now? Why is it hurting again? "

"I... Ugh! It hurts so much, my chest hurts like a knife!"

The man held his chest tightly, and within a few seconds, a lot of dense sweat had seeped out of his face.

This look scared the driver in front:

"Fuck brother, are you okay? !"

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