The patient was seriously ill.

Looking at the test results, Zhang Yi thought about it carefully and came up with an idea.

This woman should not have leukemia.

The reason for her leukopenia and thrombocytopenia should still be the rat poison.

But here comes the question.

She was poisoned four years ago, how come there is still bromadiolone in her body now? ?

Was it not cleared out before?

Hiss... No, no!

Zhang Yi looked at the chief complaint again. If the poison four years ago has not been cleared out yet, why did her gums bleed two years ago?

If bromadiolone has always been in the body, then the bleeding time should be shortly after she was discharged from the hospital four years ago.

So is it possible... that her rat poison poisoning four years ago was indeed cured?

But two years ago, she accidentally took rat poison again without knowing it?

So she has been suffering from frequent gum bleeding for the past two years?

Fortunately, the amount of bromadiolone in her body is not large, and it will not endanger her life for the time being.

But a small dose is equivalent to a chronic poison, which can reduce blood coagulation function and cause long-term repeated bleeding, not only gums, but also subcutaneous bleeding, nose bleeding, and even vomiting blood and bloody stools in severe cases.

Two years may be fine, but what about five years? Ten years?

Over time, nothing will become something.

"So it seems that this person may not have leukemia?"

Looking at the test results, the stomatologist was relieved.

"Doctor Zhang, what do you think?" Someone looked at Zhang Yi who had been thinking.

Zhang Yi raised his head and said, "Well, this person may still be poisoned by bromadiolone, but why did she start bleeding frequently two years ago? I wonder if she accidentally took rat poison again without knowing it?"

This gave other doctors a hint.


Since she had recovered and was discharged from the hospital four years ago, why was there still bromadiolone in her body?

That means the bleeding gums that started two years ago might be the time of the second poisoning.

"Why did she take rat poison again and again? This is too careless."

"I don't think she is such a stupid person. Oh, could someone have poisoned her?"

One of the doctors suddenly said this.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

Poisoning? ?

Don't say it, you really don't say it.

There are all kinds of people in this world, and anything can happen in the hospital!

Zhang Yi also narrowed his eyes slightly.

When it comes to poisoning, he is familiar with it.

Not long ago, they just encountered a college student who was poisoned by barium chloride in the emergency department.

He was also poisoned and almost died in the emergency department.

Was the female patient in front of him also poisoned?

Otherwise, how could she be poisoned by rat poison twice and be admitted to the hospital?

As he was thinking, the time to get off work at the hospital came.

Zhang Yi originally wanted to stay a little longer and ask her after the patient's puncture was done.

But when he thought of his uncle and aunt still waiting for him in the emergency room, he had to give up.

"I'm off work first. You can tell me if there is any situation. After asking clearly, if you really suspect that someone has poisoned you, call the police in time."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Zhang!"

"It's okay."

After saying hello to a few people, Zhang Yi hurriedly left the oral department.

Emergency room.

The two elders were still sitting on the bench outside waiting.

The first time they came to the capital, they were full of the word "restraint".

Even sitting was just sitting in the corner of the bench.

They were afraid of delaying the real patients here, and they were afraid that if they said something bad, it would cause trouble for Zhang Yi.

But fortunately, the nurses in the department were very sensible.

Sometimes he poured water for the two old people, and sometimes he brought them fruits, very attentive.

It made them feel a little embarrassed.

When Zhang Yi came over from a distance, he saw Xu Changyuan and Tang Xiaohe looking around the hospital with a curious look.

"Uncle and aunt, let's go, I'm off work."

"Xiao Yi, we didn't delay your work, did we? You don't have to think about me and your uncle. If you have something to do, you can do it first. We are not in a hurry."

When Tang Xiaohe got up, she looked at the office. It seemed that there were still many doctors who had not finished get off work yet.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Let's go, I'm really off work, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

Several people walked out of the hospital, and the nurses surrounded them attentively again.

"Oh~ Uncle and aunt, are you leaving?"

Tang Xiaohe and Xu Changyuan nodded with a smile: "Oh, yes, you can take your time to get busy.

. "

"Okay, come here often when you have time~"

"Hehe, okay, okay, thank you, thank you for bothering you."

"No, no, it's my duty~"

After leaving the hospital, Zhang Yi looked at them in confusion: "When did you become so close?"

Tang Xiaohe looked at her nephew with a look of disappointment and said:

"Alas! You are such a blockhead, why do girls show their affection to us? ? It's all for you."

Zhang Yi understood immediately.

Knowing what she was about to say, he quickly shut up.

He escaped Tang Xiaohe but not Xu Changyuan.

"Xiao Yi, I think the female doctors and nurses in your hospital are all pretty good, why don't you have an idea?"


He knew it.

"Uncle and aunt, we see each other every day, what's the point of having an idea? Just do your job well. ”

“You… Hey, forget it, whatever you want.”

Seeing that Zhang Yi didn’t seem to have any other intentions towards the female nurses, the two elders looked at each other and had to give up.


They were just worried that Zhang Yi would focus on his work and neglect the matter of starting a family.

Zhang Yi took the two elders to an authentic roast duck restaurant in the imperial capital.

Foreigners who come to the imperial capital can’t avoid the delicious roast duck when they eat.

After dinner, he took them to Tianmen Square.

They stopped and took photos and checked in. It was almost ten o’clock in the evening when they were sent to the hotel to rest.

Zhang Yi lives in a single apartment, and there are no extra rooms, so he can only let his parents live in a hotel.

However, Zhang Yi also thought, why not just buy a house in the capital?

The single apartment is indeed a little small, and it is not convenient for people to come to his house.

Well, this idea is possible.

In the evening, Zhang Yi went home after arranging the two elders.

As soon as he got home, he quickly opened his mobile phone to check the message.

It was sent by the stomatologist.

"Doctor Zhang, we have asked her, she said that she has always lived alone, and it is impossible for someone to poison her. She accidentally took it four years ago because she ate a cake that had been crawled by a rat, and the rat happened to be a rat that had eaten rat poison, so she was poisoned by accident."

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa, thought for a while and replied:

"Then ask her if it is possible that she accidentally ate this kind of food crawled by rats two years ago?"

The other party replied immediately:

"I asked, she said that she now lives in an elevator apartment with a better environment, on the 15th floor, and there are no rats at all. "

Seeing this reply, Zhang Yi fell into deep thought again.

This is really strange.

If there is no secondary poisoning, then where did the bromodiolone in her body come from?

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