The old lady was very tired, but she was still very tired.

Zhang Yi listened to her while observing the fingers of the old lady's left hand.

Have you been to a rheumatology hospital for treatment?

But this person... doesn't seem to have rheumatism.

Rheumatoid arthritis does have similar symptoms to hers, and is also triggered by rainy days or damp and cold weather.

When the disease occurs, there will also be obvious joint redness, swelling, heat, pain and tenderness.

But the pain of this old lady is not in the joints.

And the fingers, the tip of the ring finger on the left hand.

"Do you remember what medicine the rheumatology hospital prescribed for you?" Zhang Yi asked.

"Hmm... there seems to be something to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and there is also something called... aspirin? And there seem to be several other drugs."

"Aspirin? Aspirin?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, aspirin, aspirin."

"What about the others? Did you do any other tests?"

The aunt shook her head: "I only did a CT scan or an X-ray, and nothing else. They wanted me to have a blood draw after I was hospitalized, but I didn't have the money, so I didn't do it."

"Did you bring the film?"

"Oh, that was two years ago, and I don't know where it went, and... oh! Be gentle, doctor! Be gentle!"

As the aunt was talking, Zhang Yi quickly took the tail of a pin and gently pressed around the tip of her ring finger while she was not paying attention.

Before she could exert much force, the aunt started howling again.

"Hold on, do you remember the results of the film back then? Is there anything abnormal with your hand?" Zhang Yi continued to ask while doing the experiment.

This old lady doesn't have rheumatoid arthritis.

It may be a rare "tumor".

Three tests are needed to determine whether it is a tumor.

"Oh my, the film at the beginning... nothing... hiss, no problem, finger bones and so on... oh my... nothing can be seen!"

The old lady gritted her teeth and said, the two pin pokes really hurt her and she broke out in a cold sweat!

She couldn't stand the pain of the last one and retracted her hand.

Zhang Yi was not angry either.

Because it is normal to have this reaction.

This is called the Love's pin test, and the test result is positive without any surprise.

Next is the second test: Hildesth test, raising the affected limb for about five minutes to achieve the purpose of blood expulsion, so that the pain in the finger will be relieved.

After a few minutes, the old lady's expression was indeed a little relaxed: "Hey? It seems that it really doesn't hurt after raising it~"

There was a bit of excitement in her voice.

Great, this problem can finally be solved!

However, the next second, after Zhang Yi put her hand down, the blood flowed back and the pain came back immediately.

"Hiss... Ouch, it hurts again, doctor."

"Well, this disease does have this problem. Raising your hand can relieve it, but putting it down will start to hurt again."

Now the second test result is out, and it is still positive.

Finally, the third one is the cold sensitivity test.

That is, if the patient's hand is put into cold water or ice water, the pain will increase.

But this third one seems to be unnecessary.

Because the patient came to the hospital because the pain increased after touching cold water.

So the third test result is also positive.

"Doctor, does my mother have rheumatism?" Seeing that Zhang Yi finally finished his troubles, her daughter spoke carefully.

I didn't expect to let Zhang Yi see them when I came to Union Hospital for treatment today.

But it was precisely because her mother cried so hard that she attracted Zhang Yi's attention, otherwise it would not be their turn to let Zhang Yi see the doctor.

"Well... preliminary observation shows that it is not rheumatism, but a relatively rare subungual glomus tumor."

"Ah? Tumor?? This... does this mean tumor?!"

The family members were stunned when they heard it.

A flash of panic flashed across the aunt's face!

Tumor? ?

A tumor on the hand? ! ?

No way? ! ?

It's just rheumatism, how come it turned into a tumor after coming to Union Hospital?

"Don't worry, although this subungual glomus tumor is a disease that has only been named in the past 20 years, it is not a malignant tumor, and the range is very small. It can be removed surgically."

"Hey... I was scared to death, I was scared to death... I thought I was really going to go down to see your father..." The aunt patted her chest with a look of surviving a disaster.

Her daughter glared at her helplessly: "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Then she quickly looked at Zhang Yi apologetically: "Then... then how do you think my mother's illness should be arranged

What else do you need to check? If you need to be hospitalized, which department will you go to?"

"Come with me, I'll give you a checkup list first. The preliminary diagnosis is indeed subungual hemangioma. An X-ray, musculoskeletal ultrasound and MRI can confirm the diagnosis. You will go for the checkup first. After the checkup, I will help you arrange a hand surgery doctor."

Before her daughter nodded, the aunt was a little unhappy.

"Ah? Didn't you already tell me what the disease is? Can't you just have surgery directly? Why do you need so many tests? I heard that MRI is very expensive, and it costs hundreds of dollars for one part!"

Her daughter quickly pulled the aunt's sleeve and looked at Zhang Yi embarrassedly: "It's okay, Dr. Zhang, don't listen to my mother. We have to do all the tests. "

Zhang Yi responded, without too much surprise on his face.

He had seen this kind of situation many times in the hospital, and he understood that each family had different financial conditions.

He then explained slowly: "First of all, yours is a hemangioma anyway. If you don't do MRI and X-rays to accurately locate it, to see how big the tumor is and how wide the area is, how can the doctor operate on you after entering the operating room?

How can they operate on you without determining the specific tumor boundary?

All such diseases that enter the operating room must be fully examined, even including blood draws, such as whether your coagulation function is good, whether you have inflammation, and whether you have any infectious diseases. "

After hearing this, the aunt not only did not understand, but her expression on her face became more resistant: "There are so many tests? Wouldn't it cost tens of thousands to add up? Oh, Fengfeng, let's not have the operation, let's go home, I can bear it, anyway, it's not a malignant tumor, I won't die. "

Good fellow!

Zhang Yi was completely speechless after hearing what the aunt said.

Zhang Yi's mother tongue is almost speechless!

I have been explaining to you for so long about health and safety, but you didn't understand a word.


Forget it, Zhang Yi won't keep you if you want to leave.

Her daughter disagreed. If she didn't do the surgery when the tumor was already there, what if it got worse later?

Besides, it was Zhang Yi who treated her, so she couldn't leave.

"No, no, no, don't listen to my mother, Doctor Zhang. You order the examination, we have to do it."

"Oh, no, Fengfeng, you listen to your mother! No!"

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