The exam was a big success, but the exam was a big success.

What? ? !

Full marks? ? !

Are you kidding me?

A small written test requires full marks to pass?

Does that mean that if you fail the written test, you will be eliminated?


After thinking of this result, everyone present was worried for themselves.

Although a small written test is not a problem for them.

But if the requirement is full marks... that's different!

There are many people who can get 80 or 90 points, but no one is sure of 100 points.

Even Zhang Xin is the same.

Seeing a flash of panic on everyone's face, Zhang Yi joked again: "What? You are scared by the full score? Don't say I am strict, because I can get full marks myself, so I hope you can do the same."


A series of gasps sounded quietly.

Good guy!

You are awesome to get full marks!

Not everyone is as good as you~!

Of course, since Zhang Yi said so, everyone can only bite the bullet.

No matter whether he can get 100 points or not, let's look at the test questions first.

Zhang Yi quickly distributed the test questions to everyone.

Just at this time, someone suddenly came in at the door of the classroom.

Everyone looked up and saw that it was Jin Zhenglun!

Everyone was surprised and confused!

No way?

Zhang Yi just said that he invited someone to help invigilate...

Could it be Jin Zhenglun? ? !

Oh my God, how could they be so worthy!

They actually let the president of Union Medical College come to invigilate for them in person? ! ?

The pressure came up!

In fact, Jin Zhenglun knew early in the morning that Zhang Yi was going to interview his apprentice today.

He also knew that Zhang Yi was busy, and he happened to be free so he wanted to come and help with the exam.

These doctors had some reputation before they came, so they were inevitably arrogant.

A person at the level of the dean can make them more humble and suppress their arrogance.

Sure enough, as soon as they saw Jin Zhenglun coming.

Everyone immediately sat down and prepared for the exam.

"Thank you for your hard work, dean. I'll get busy first. I'll put the test questions away and I'll look at them myself."

"Okay, okay, you go and get busy. Don't delay your work." Jin Zhenglun smiled and waved to Zhang Yi.

There was even a hint of cautious flattery on his face when he looked at Zhang Yi.

The doctors in the classroom were dumbfounded by this scene.

Jin Zhenglun... the dean of Union Medical College!

A big shot from the outside world!

An academician!

Actually... would show such a flattering smile to Zhang Yi? ?

Everyone rubbed their eyes, fearing that they had seen it wrong.

Unexpectedly, the next second, after Zhang Yi left the classroom, Jin Zhenglun immediately showed a scary look that kept strangers away.

He put away his smile and said coldly: "The written test starts now, 45 minutes, after 45 minutes, you must hand in the paper regardless of whether you have finished it or not."


Everyone's excited hearts immediately cooled down.

I thought Dean Jin was easy to get along with.

I didn't expect that his smile and his easy-going nature were only for Zhang Yi.

Presumably, they were able to get the honor of Jin Zhenglun's invigilation because of Zhang Yi!

The classroom was very quiet, and everyone was bowing their heads and silently thinking about the test questions on the test paper.

Jin Zhenglun didn't disturb them, and wandered around the classroom slowly.

He seemed careless on the outside~

But in fact, his narrow eyes were shining~

Looking left and right~ He took in everyone's movements and eyes.

Want to cheat? ?


This set of questions is not difficult, but it is not easy to get full marks because it is a general test paper.

All the doctors present are basically divided into departments.

What about hepatobiliary surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, interventional surgery, etc.

If they only take a single subject, they can still try to get full marks.

But general...

It is indeed a bit difficult.

Even Zhang Xin frowned at this moment, looking troubled.

For example, this cardiology question.

Patient, female, 65 years old. History of mitral stenosis for more than 20 years. In the past half month, the dyspnea has worsened and she coughs up pink foamy sputum. The following does not conform to the pathological changes of the patient's lungs:

A. A large amount of cellulose exudation in the alveoli

B. A large amount of protein fluid in the alveolar cavity

C. Red blood cells leaking out of the alveolar cavity

D. Dilation of alveolar wall capillaries

E. Heart failure cells can be seen in the alveolar cavity

He is not a cardiologist and does not specialize in this area.

But he remembered that he had learned it before.

It's just that he has been focusing on hepatobiliary surgery for so many years, so these things are almost forgotten if they are not studied for a long time.

The only thing he remembers is that BCD seems to be correct, because these are typical manifestations of left heart failure.

But he is a little unsure about A and E?

Is A also one of the manifestations of left heart failure?


At this moment, Zhang Xin, who has been thinking for a long time, secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard to be a general practitioner!

Just like Zhang Yi.

He knows every department and can perform surgery in every department!

After thinking about it, he chose A for this question.

After a sigh of relief, the next question still did not let him go.

The common pathological manifestations of aortic insufficiency are:

A, adhesion

B, calcification

C, thickening

D, curling

E, hardening

At first glance, 70% of people will choose B, calcification for this question.

Yes, Zhang Xin also chose this.

But is it really true?

We have come to Union Hospital, will you give such a simple free-point question?

Will you give you a question that you can see the answer at a glance? ?

No, no, no.

Definitely not.

Zhang Yi wants to recruit apprentices, and he is aiming for a perfect score to pass the exam. This question is definitely not as simple as it seems.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Xin chose C thickening among the two most likely options B and C.

Just at this time, Jin Zhenglun looked at his watch and reminded everyone:

"Pay attention to the time, there are still 20 minutes."

"Ah? So fast! I haven't done much!"

Unknowingly, half of the time has passed.

Everyone hurriedly lowered their heads and wrote quickly. No matter whether they can get full marks in the end, it is better than not finishing half of the paper and handing in a blank paper.

Then they will be scolded to death by the hospital leaders when they go back.

It's so embarrassing. It's okay if the test is not good, but they were eliminated in disgrace without finishing the paper.

In the remaining time, everyone was more focused than before.

They were concentrating on the test questions on their desks.

Twenty minutes later.

"Time is up, hand it in one by one."

Jin Zhenglun's words seemed to give everyone relief.

After taking a deep breath, they handed in the papers in their hands.

"You go back to the dormitory and wait for the news. I will come to inform you of the results tomorrow morning."

Jin Zhenglun waved his hand and left with the papers.

In the classroom, everyone collapsed like a deflated ball.

"Oh my god! I feel like I made a lot of mistakes. What should I do... I won't be kicked out as soon as I come here?"

"I think the questions are not difficult. Most of them are common clinical problems, but the problem is that we have already decided on a department. I have been in cardiac surgery for almost twelve years, and they actually asked me questions about neurology... Oh! I feel like I can't do it this time. I'll send it in."

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