The patient was about to die in the hospital, but the family members were still so indifferent.

At this moment.

The patient on the bed suddenly became more awake, not knowing whether it was because of the medication, but still a little breathless.

He slightly opened his eyes and looked at the group of doctors in front of him and said:

"I... I don't... I don't... I don't have any family members... Don't call my family members, I can do it alone."

Zhang Yi looked at his weak and stubborn appearance and said helplessly:

"Your condition is very serious now, maybe in the next second... I mean, there is a rule in the hospital that your family members must come to the hospital to discuss the condition.

Also, have you ever had such a stomachache before? Do you stay up late? Do you drink alcohol?"

The patient closed his eyes in pain and shook his head, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Zhang Yi could only hurriedly say: "Well, don't worry. If it doesn't work, you can ask your other family members to come over. I will help you contact them to come to the hospital. You must have family members around you."

"Nephew... nephew... call nephew..."

"Nephew? Don't you have other relatives? Are there any older ones? Can your nephew make the decision? It's best to be a direct relative."

"No... There is no one else at home... You can call my nephew and inform him. If I die, you can ask him to... collect my body..."

"Don't, don't, don't be discouraged. We will definitely try our best to save you. My name is Zhang Yi. I don't know if you have heard of my name. I have good medical skills. Please believe me and give yourself some confidence, okay?"

After saying this, all the doctors on the bed were waiting for the patient to reply.

But after waiting for a while, they could only see that the patient tilted his head twice in annoyance and never replied again.

The whole person's condition seemed to have deteriorated visibly!

(Patients with confusion and shock will show symptoms of irritability or restlessness.)

The situation looks very bad.

Kang Yanming took the initiative to come forward and examine the patient.

Just at this time, the results of the emergency blood gas analysis came out.

Blood pH: 7.254 (7.35-7.45)

Oxygen partial pressure: 87.7mmhg

Carbon dioxide partial pressure: 20.4 (35-45mmhg)

Actual base excess: -16.4 (-3.0-3.0mol/L)

Actual bicarbonate: 8.9 (21.0-25.0mol/L)

Alveolar arterial oxygen partial pressure difference: 42.8 (5.0-15.0mol/L)

Lactic acid: 13.2 (0.5-1.6mol/L)

Everyone saw it and immediately the alarm bells rang in their hearts!

Lactic acid is 13.2? ? !

Oh my god~!


Common causes of elevated lactate include ischemia, insufficient cardiac perfusion, shock, hypovolemia, intense exercise in a short period of time, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.

Zhao Xiaolong obviously has insufficient cardiac perfusion due to myocardial damage.

But it is so much higher than the normal line, it is really outrageous.

Zhang Yi handed the patient's mobile phone to Xiao Li again, and asked him to take the phone to notify the patient's nephew.

In any case, a family member must come first.

Otherwise, no one will come to collect the body when the person dies in the hospital.


Xiao Li just left, and all the blood results from the laboratory came out.

Because when the doctor in the emergency department signed Zhang Yi when sending the samples for examination, as long as they saw this name, the doctors in the laboratory would silently put these samples in front.

First, because the name Zhang Yi has gold content and a say.

Second, the whole hospital knows that all patients who can be diagnosed by Zhang Yi are basically acute and serious, and they dare not delay.

So as long as they see that it is the sample submitted by Zhang Yi, they will give the results as soon as possible.

However, when Zhang Yi saw the stack of test results in his hand, he showed a puzzled and surprised expression.

All liver and kidney functions are abnormal.

The blood routine showed that the white blood cell count and neutrophil count increased, and the lymphocyte count decreased.

The five coagulation tests showed that the prothrombin time and normalized ratio were normal, but the D-dimer was surprisingly high!


Dimers are degradation products of fibrin and are often used to check coagulation function.

Once D-dimers are elevated, it indicates that the blood may be in a hypercoagulable state or secondary hyperfibrinolysis.

This means that an increase in D-dimers indicates that there may be blood clots in the body.

But Zhang Yi just looked very carefully, and this person does not have blood clots!

Wait a minute!

There is another reason for the increase in D-dimers!

Malignant tumors! !

Some malignant tumors can also cause an increase in D-dimers.

Tumor? ?

Is it a tumor? ?

But Zhang Yi just looked at the patient's body and didn't find any tumors in the patient? ?

Damn it!

Didn't he miss it in a hurry? ?

Or didn't he look carefully? ?

When he thought of this, Zhang Yi set his sights on the patient again.

Starting from the head, he did not miss any blood vessels.

This time, he must look carefully!

And while Zhang Yi was watching, he asked the doctor in the ultrasound department to do another color Doppler ultrasound of the abdomen.

The result was at this moment.

The color Doppler ultrasound doctor had just stood still.

The numbers on the ECG monitor suddenly began to change.

The heart rate dropped from 114 beats/minute to 82 beats/minute in two seconds!

"No, the heart rate is dropping! It's dropping very fast!"

At this time, if the heart rate suddenly drops sharply, then ventricular fibrillation must follow!

Sure enough!

The next second, the ripples on the ECG monitor became a mess of varying heights.

Ventricular fibrillation!

"Defibrillator ready!"

Almost at the same time as ventricular fibrillation appeared, Zhang Yi's order had been given.

A group of doctors surrounded the bed and were ready to join the rescue at any time.

Especially the two new apprentices and the foreigners.

Seeing someone rescuing, they also wanted to show off their skills to prove themselves.

But when they saw that the person standing in front was Zhang Yi, forget it, next time.


The sound of the defibrillator's current rang out again and again.

This man could still speak a few minutes ago, but in the blink of an eye, one foot stepped into the underworld.

The world is so unpredictable!




After four electric shocks, the ventricular fibrillation finally recovered.

The patient's heartbeat began to stabilize, but it was very slow, only 50 beats/minute.

The slowest heart rate for a normal person is 60 beats/minute to pass.

Zhao Xiaolong's heart rate is only 50 now, and he may not even be able to maintain 50.

Such a low number may stop beating at any time.

The atmosphere around the entire bed is very depressing.

"Give me two injections of adrenaline, push intravenously."


After the rescue, Kang Yanming stood aside and said with a heavy face:

"Zhang Yi, this person is too dangerous, we need to ask the family to come and sign immediately. Myocarditis usually develops very quickly, and the mortality rate is also high. If the patient cannot be saved, the family must be informed of the reason."

Zhang Yi nodded: "I understand, I have asked Xiao Li to go..."

Halfway through his words, Zhang Yi suddenly froze.

He looked at the patient's abdomen.

A look of shock gradually appeared in his pupils!

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