When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 562: "Pathway", "Messenger" and "Rosell's Secret Medicine&quo

  Chapter 562 "Pathway", "Messenger" and "Rosell's Secret Medicine"

  It's a very simple reason, even ordinary people can rationally evaluate risks and weigh whether it's worth it or not.

   Not to mention the kind of high-level existence with higher-level intelligence.

  Whether it is the King of Magic or the Primordial Mech God, neither is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will, but a different "section" of a prototype that stands at the forefront of divinity.

   is an eternal existence that does not exist in the cause and effect of the universe, and it is a reflection of different shapes projected under different time and space angles. It is like the shape of the "section" obtained by cutting a cone, which will change due to the different cutting angles. It may be a circle, or an ellipse, or it may be a parabola or a hyperbola...

Because the power of the archetype is so vast, it grows to an inconceivable level as a full-divine monster, as grand as it runs through the beginning and end of the origin, time and space can expand and contract according to one's own will, and everything revolves around its luxuriant power .

Therefore, each differentiated divine entity represents different "sections" of the archetype, and naturally they all possess great power, or have omnipotent existence... For example, the king of magic is in charge of all magic, magic, and runes. The **** of lies and tricks who masters infinite techniques; and the original machine **** also transcends the level of nature and concept colossus. Taking Chaos as an example, the ruler of stars like Zeus, the **** of machines, is nothing more than billions of them. One of the branches of power.


  —If there is only one such enemy, then many old days may join forces to hunt together tacitly...

  —But when there are two such enemies, the risk of even the old days teaming up to hunt does not appear to be very low...

Even if the siege is really successful, there must be some existence among them who will suffer heavy losses, and there may even be a lucky audience who will drag them on the road together... In this case, it is natural to think about it "sensibly" , Is it worth it to take the huge risk of being counter-killed to do such a thing?

  The answer is naturally obvious.

  Obviously on that insignificant planet, there is a gluttonous feast that they have been waiting for for a long time, and it is about to start. It is obvious that there is no force that can stop them from eating, and there is only competition among them...

  —Then why bother to think about it at this time and insist on taking this risk?

As a matter of course, the current delicate and balanced pattern has been formed. Gu Mo has joined the Star Alliance to some extent, and together with other old days, they are fighting each other openly and secretly in the outer space, while spying on the insignificant star. The planet is like one of the many evil gods waiting to be served...Of course, he himself will definitely not admit it.

   After all, he is a warm-hearted person, and he is not here to destroy the world...

  Ahem, well, it seems that few of the old beings came here purely to destroy the world, and they are not that boring.

  They have traveled through most of the universe, spanning endless light-years of time and space, from the sea of ​​stars to the solar system to gather together, and naturally have more definite and important goals. Some are to get back the source quality and characteristics that belong to them, and some are to obtain the source quality and characteristics that are close to themselves and can be accommodated, but...their existence itself is destructive, nothing else.

   What's more, even if they don't have any thoughts about human beings and the earth, in this case, the planet itself and the creatures on it have long become chess pieces in their struggle. In order to take the lead, even if they cannot directly interfere with the things on the earth, the old people always have the means to exert their energy indirectly. Various proxy wars have already begun on the planet.

  The magician was thinking, while quietly watching the tragic battlefield outside that seemed to last forever.

Outside the porthole is actually a simulated holographic image. You can see countless gorgeous fireworks blooming silently in the dark space, each of which is formed by an explosion containing huge energy, which means that a battleship or thousands Tens of thousands of demons fell, and tons and tons of alloy fragments and flesh and blood tissues couldn't even fall, and were torn into elementary particles.

  Fallen Goddess...

  The ruler of all the feminine forces in the entire universe, the mother of all spiritual forces, occupied the moon and became the primordial moon symbolizing the crimson moon.

It can only be said that it was directly conceived and created by the "initial", one of the three pillars at the top of all the old days, even if the source and characteristics were torn apart, and only the symbol of the pillar remained, it still stood on the top of all the pillars. The existence of the top of God. In the fight for the control of Roselle, Gu Mo has fought with him several times for more than a hundred years, and he is very clear about how powerful the opponent is.

  The rules of this world are crazy and distorted, and the power of high-level beings is also mysterious and inexplicable.

In the lowest-level code, authority and symbols are determined to be more important, and this group of authority dogs is a good illustration of this point. Their trouble is that they are linked to the infinite realm of the universe, which means All the rules of this universe can be "programmed" by their management authority, and they are the embodiment of the operating power of the universe.

   Just like the fallen goddess, she is the ruler of all the negative forces in the universe. After she was torn apart, the birth of life and the negative forces in the entire universe were also affected, and certain changes occurred.

   This is the most troublesome place.

  If the magician is not in charge of magic and runes, the personality is ridiculously high...

  If the blueprint template of the Celestial Fortress is not Chaos, but a Chaos God who can deal with the destruction of the universe...

  Then in this universe, it’s not always possible to get it right, let alone fight directly in the ring. In order not to be regarded as a soft persimmon, you have to fight back with the most vicious means. But fortunately, this is the case. Hitting with one punch, avoiding a hundred punches, and showing sufficiently strong muscles are the basic prerequisites for him to ensure stability at present.

  Although it is said that this "safety" is quite outrageous...

Looking at the efficient killing in the outer space, Gu Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and those clear eyes like a million-flower mirror lit up with a magnificent light, reflecting some abnormalities in the layered space. The shadows spread, they seem to be the filth floating up from the imaginary space, the sludge that violates reality, and is corroding the time axis of this world.

It was a space-time line full of screams, squirming, tumbling, crawling, distorted like an abyss, the "pollution" spreading from history and records soaked everything, and the nameless shadow played disturbing tones, The stars cursed blasphemy in that endless howl, and shapeless destruction grew uncomfortably in that strange dimension...

  Like the shadows floating up in the river of fate, this space-time line is spreading bit by bit, and will float up to the surface of history.

"It's coming again and again, without a little bit of sportsmanship of fair competition..." Gu Mo sighed, and then suddenly looked thoughtful, thinking deeply, "Well, wait, can it be said that Bangziguo Is it really a cosmic power?"

  Although the old man who secretly did these tricks was very careful and cautious, but this person is the highest-ranking magician, so he naturally has the highest-ranking eyes.

  —Clairvoyance (beyond) EX, can be described as the ultimate vision.

  —The Star Eye of God is the origin star eye that reflects the sea within the stars.

  —Combined with the tampering of records, rewriting of phenomena, and the concept of time travel, the magic vision that can freely observe infinite and parallel possibilities that exist side by side, superimposed together to achieve his eyes at the moment. As long as he is serious, it will be difficult to hide any troubles... And obviously, in this wartime state, his perception is at the highest level.

  After noticing the obvious abnormality, Gu Mo raised his finger to the area in his field of vision, gestured for a pistol, and fired lightly.

  The magic light on the fingertips was as fast as lightning, and the moment the spell was fired, it had already penetrated into another time and space, reaching the dimension dominated by chaos and untouchable by tangible things.

   Then, destroy everything.

The fired "bullet" exploded, and the rune text with a pre-set dimension reacted instantly, creating an extremely small low-energy vacuum ball, and then within a very short period of time, it changed from the size of an atom to Expanding at the speed of light, and causing the adjacent high-level vacuum to fall synchronously towards its energy level, this is an unstoppable chain reaction.

  When the volume of this vacuum sphere expands rapidly, expanding to an astronomical scale in a blink of an eye, the protons and neutrons inside decay instantly, and all the substances in the sphere are naturally destroyed and evaporated...

  The magician put down his hand and confirmed that the shadow in his field of vision had completely disappeared.

  His spell directly erased that illusory space-time line.

After all, it is not the real timeline, but one of the infinite possible futures derived from changes in probability. The possibility of these bubble-like short-lived and unstable parallel branches becoming the only possibility is extremely slim, that is, the possibility of using the old Only by interfering with Japan's means to stabilize it can it grow wildly and savagely, and even erode the correct history...

   It's a pity that it is always easier to destroy than to build. Building a building is troublesome, but blowing it into ruins is too easy.

  Moreover, the magician has too much experience in these things like creating "singularities" and "belts of lore", so naturally he kills them in the bud as soon as he makes a move.


   Unceremoniously pointing a **** in a certain direction, he shyly withdrew his gaze, and then continued to focus on his eyes. This space is a particularly empty space, and it is also his magic laboratory. In the past two hundred years, he has been here all the time except fighting with the old people, trying to bypass the barrier, and supporting the agent forces. study.

  Including but not limited to trying to repair the artifact in your hand, trying to separate the venom of the Aeter snake...

   Or study the mysteries of runes, master the runes of naming, binding and modifying...

  Like the "Vacuum Decay Spell" just now, it is one of its results.

At this moment, there seems to be nothing on the empty field, and it looks empty, but in Gu Mo's vision, there are endless layers of spiritual light shining, and there are countless "light particles" that don't seem to exist in reality. "Flying in mid-air. And if you look carefully, you will find that those "light particles" are actually runes, and any one of them contains infinite mysteries and mighty power.

  These near-omnipotent runes flow invisible in the void...

  Each rune seems to be a very small collection of powers, they are constantly dismantling and assembling...

  Thousands of runes are repeatedly combined, separated and superimposed, trying to find a fusion and coherent form that best represents power...

  —In the end, these flowing runes together constitute a complete rune system. Its shape seems to be a chain of order that glows, and it is like a long step of ascending to the gods that manifests in the void. It seems that as long as you walk along this designed "path", you can use species As the source, it reaches the top of the tree of life.

  The magician watched all this quietly. This is the blueprint for his transformation, and it is also a necessary resource to support the agent's forces.

After all, all secret organizations, even the Orthodox Church, must have one or more complete extraordinary paths, so that they can attract members of the organization to work hard and shine... The secret organization he established is naturally no exception. It can only be a rootless duckweed, at most it can only drift with the tide for a while, and it is difficult to last long.

  Gu Mo is incompatible with the painting style of this universe, neither has any source quality and characteristics, nor has he taken any extraordinary path—

Although in a sense, he has similar things, and it seems that he has gone through all the paths, but after all, it is a different system, a plausible path...but of course this does not bother him, It is not difficult to fake, and the way of hand rubbing is also very simple.

  Anyway, as long as something looks like an apple, smells like an apple, and tastes like an apple, then it is an apple... The same is true for the Extraordinary Path. Based on such a conscientious and advanced guiding concept, supplemented by his rich experience in counterfeiting, he used runes to carefully create an extraordinary way that only the agent forces he supported could master.

   - "Player".

   It looks very real, with the corresponding potion formula, the staged abilities of each sequence, and the step-by-step style is exactly the same...

   is actually fake, so it is not a real extraordinary path, and there is no possibility of getting out of control and crazy, and it can even coexist with any path...




  Shire Cloakroom.

  Sitting behind the counter, Mr. Shire, who was scratching his head at his old father's diary as always, with a dark complexion, suddenly felt something at this moment.

  He looked up, and saw that the spirit world was just torn apart, and a group of gorgeous light flew out of it, showing that the figure fell in front of him, but it was a slender bird with gorgeous feathers.

   "Your courier has been delivered, please sign for it..."

  The little guy folded his wings, pacing back and forth on the table with his head held high, but what he opened his mouth was not a chirping sound, but a mouthful of human words, with a high-pitched but clear enunciation.

  Charles raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised, but nodded: "I see, let's put it here..."

   "Confirm receipt..."

A strange light flashed in Xiaoniao's Doudou eyes, as if he looked at him seriously, and then he opened his mouth suddenly, as if "vomiting" this time from an unknown space connected to his mouth. The delivered package—with a muffled sound, a square black box about the size of a briefcase landed on the counter.

  Charles glanced at it, and knew that the box was made of materials specially used to isolate spirituality, and suddenly had a vague guess in his heart.

  Opening it, he also verified his idea. Inside were two potions held by the Secret Ritual Society—the materials of the "Cartographer" of Sequence 9 and the "Collector" of Sequence 8.

   "In other words, before leaving Tingen, at least let him be promoted to Sequence 8?"

  He was thoughtful, talking softly to himself.

"If possible, it's best to be able to advance to Sequence 7, but you will be under a lot of pressure, so I only sent these two materials..." The little bird was combing its gorgeous feathers with a sharp beak, hearing this and raised his head. To begin with, the serious one replied.

   "I understand..." Charles nodded slightly.

   This thing looks like a flimsy bird with gorgeous feathers, but it is actually the incarnation of some kind of sky spirit, and it is also a unique existence in the spirit world. Moreover, as the public messenger of the Secret Ritual Society, it is not a simple role. For example, the mission he is currently performing, the other party is obviously one of the few insiders in the society.

   Looking at the things in the box again, he sighed a long time, and couldn't help being a little envious.

  Sequence 9 "Cartographer" will give the person who takes the potion a chance to reshape the body. Even a sick child who is too weak to get out of bed can return to the absolute standard of normal people. In addition, it will give users a strong sense of direction and the ability to draw spiritual maps.

  It is said that as long as it is the road traveled and the area explored, the spirituality will firmly remember it, as if there is an extra map in the mind that is constantly lit up with the action, and will never be forgotten.

Sequence 8 "Collector", at this stage, Extraordinary people will surpass most of the paths and establish a deep connection with the spirit world in advance. This cannot allow them to exaggerately master the ability to travel through the spirit world at this stage. But it allows them to store things within a certain limit through the spirit world, and use them whenever they want.

  Many members of the Secret Ritual Society are at this stage, relying on this characteristic to become unexpected assassins or smugglers.

Naturally, Charles wasn't envious of the abilities of these two potions, he just felt a little bit emotional, that little Klein brother was really valued too much... I was so angry and kryptonous back then, I didn't necessarily get such good treatment from the other party, even Before he joined the Secret Ritual Society, the Secret Ritual Society had already started preparing to pave the way for him.

   "Mr. Shire..."

  Maybe it means that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived, but at this moment, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

  Charles raised his eyebrows, reached out to cover the box, and placed it under the counter. Although it is true that this little brother is going to be pulled into the club and become a member of the organization, he has not forgotten the premise, which is to be natural, not to appear abrupt and make the other party suspicious, so now there is no way to directly pull the devil The medicine is stuffed into the opponent's mouth.

  The bird spread its wings and left through the spirit world.

   And this scene happened to be seen by Klein who entered the door, and he froze for a moment: "Mr. Charles, this is..."

"A "messenger"..." Ciel spoke concisely and did not mean to explain in detail. His current identity is an Extraordinary who seeks the asylum of the Church of Steam, but it is normal to have some friends in the circle before. Letters are also very reasonable.

  However, Klein didn't care about this at all, he was just slightly dazed.

  The one just now... looks like a parrot!

   No, I must have misread it. Are there parrots in this world?


at the same time.

   On that distant sea.

   "Dawn" moored quietly in the distance, did not enter the port, and did not cause any panic.

  And the owner of the legendary ship, the "Queen of Mysteries" who was offered a reward of 650,000 pounds for the arrest of Loen alone, was just stepping onto the pier. She was wearing a lady's shirt with a lace flower bow tie, a knee-high gray skirt, a pair of long leather boots, and a floppy hat with black gauze hanging down. That overly elegant and beautiful style of painting seemed to be incompatible with this busy port. out of place.

   However, I don't know what method was used. The tourists, people, and busy dock workers who came and went didn't seem to notice her appearance.

It was still in full swing, working hard, yelling, yelling, and the sound of angrily rebuking and arguing came from afar, followed by the exclamation of the crowd, and a fierce scene was immediately staged in the scattered small space. Fist exchanges...

   Vibrant and full of energy.

  Bernadette stared at the harbor, and then at the small town in the distance, her expression remained unchanged.

The father sent a fleet to find the channel to the southern continent in the storm and turbulence, and opened the colonial era, and the predecessor of this seaport was the first supply station they opened up...At that time, my father should not have been old So where does extreme paranoia begin? It seemed that no matter how I searched, I couldn't find the thread.

  She was silent, just kept watching, not knowing what she was thinking.


   "Come and take a look, take a look, this is the precious remnant of Emperor Roselle when he first explored the waterway of the South Great Road..."

There were shouts from a distance, like those local hawkers who were wooing tourists and selling local products and souvenirs. It was just some key words inserted in the promotional words, which suddenly caught Bernadette's attention and played a precise role. The role of advertising.

  She turned her eyes slightly and saw a slender figure among the crowd, pointing and selling:

   "Don't miss it when you pass by. These are good things left by Emperor Roselle back then. They are of extraordinary value. Maybe there are some secrets left by him in them..."

"Don't believe it, look at it, this is a secret medicine invented by Emperor Roselle back then. It is because of it that the brain is so bright. This secret medicine has the effect of enhancing intelligence. As long as you take it, your intelligence will be improved." It will rise up, called "Zhizhang"...Emperor Russell still ate it in his later years, really, and he ate a lot! "

  While gesticulating to sell, the man patted his chest to reassure, and said with a boastful smile.

  It was a very hearty laughter, and it seemed to have a hint of teasing and ridicule.

  Bernadette slightly frowned her delicate eyebrows.

  (end of this chapter)

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