As soon as the words "meet the parents" came out, Qin Qian's face flushed with embarrassment.

What about meeting the parents? The way he said it made people think about it, as if he and Su Heng were already talking about getting married.

When Qin Qian was typing to explain, Lu Ziqian seemed to be more excited than Qin Qian, and sent one message after another.

"Xiao Qian, you are progressing too fast, right? I didn't even realize it!"

"Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"The love tutorial I taught you, but I haven't reached the step of meeting the parents yet, you really beat my teaching ideas!"

"No, no, now is not the time to worry about these things. Xiaoqian, how are Su Heng's parents doing, are they okay with you?"

"Did I show you face, did you ask how much dowry your family wants?"

"They won't force you to have a second child on February 17, right?"

Qin Qian watched the news chug up, and couldn't get in the conversation. She could even imagine Lu Zi typing quickly on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, okay! Ziyu, calm down!"

"It's not what you imagined. I didn't come to meet my parents today. You may not know that Su Heng moved to Star River yesterday. I bumped into Su Heng's family when I went to eat this morning..."

Qin Qian told Lu Ziyu all about what happened today, and Lu Ziqian heaved a sigh of relief.

She thought that Su Heng had cast some magic to trick Qin Qian into meeting his parents at home.

If that was the case, the two of them would have progressed too quickly. Qin Qianming acted as if he couldn't get married. If he married, he would definitely be bullied.

Since it's all a misunderstanding, you can rest assured.

Lu Ziqian calmed down and asked Qin Qian how Su Heng's parents treated her. They didn't show any dislike.

Qin Qian thought for a while and typed back: "Probably not. I feel that Su Heng's parents are very warm to me, and they went out today and bought a gift for me.

"What gift? Let me see!"

Qin Qian took a photo of gold inlaid jade and sent it over. The little white jade elephant was inlaid with 24k pure gold, and it was very delicate on Qin Qian's white and greasy neck.

" gold inlaid with jade?" Lu Ziqian asked.

Qin Qian replied: "Yes, it's Fengxiang's goldware, it's not cheap."

"What do you mean Su Heng's parents bought this for me? I always feel that it is too expensive for them to give me this gift.

Lu Ziqian didn't reply to the message for a long time. It wasn't until Qin Qian became a little anxious that she laughed out loud and replied, "Xiao Qian, don't you really know what the other party's parents mean when they give you gold?"

"Ah? Is there anything else to say?"

"I'm really convinced... Let's put it this way, usually the woman goes to the man's parents to meet the parents, and the man's parents have to prepare a meeting ceremony."

"And this meeting gift is either a gold object, or some kind of ancestral jade bracelet. Generally speaking, the more precious the gift, the more satisfied you are with the woman."

Ah?! Qin Qian froze.

Su Heng's parents gave him... a gift for his daughter-in-law?!

No wonder, the two elders had to go out today to buy this gift, even if it was a day later.

So this is ah!


This this!!

Qin Qian's face suddenly became hot.

Su Heng's they treat themselves like a daughter-in-law?

It seems that this is indeed the case...

However, I never told the second elder that I and Su Heng were boyfriend and girlfriend, and Su Heng also said that he had already explained the relationship between the two of them, so there should be no misunderstanding between the two.

Could it be that Su Heng secretly said something to his uncle and aunt?

Qin Qian's heart was in a mess.

She looked down and found that Lu Zidai had already analyzed a large section of content by himself.

"Generally speaking, the meeting gift for daughter-in-law is bought from Zhou Xiaoxing, Fengxiang, etc., and it can't be like the three golds, as long as you have money, the more expensive the better.

"The meeting ceremony should be small and exquisite, usually one or two thousand yuan is about the same. But the one Su Heng's parents picked for you must be twenty or thirty thousand yuan, right?"

"So I think it can be seen that Su Heng's parents really like you. Congratulations. Xiaoqian, you have settled your in-laws ahead of time."

Qin Qian was so ashamed that she couldn't look directly at the word "father-in-law". Her face was hot, and she typed back quickly: "But...but I'm not ready to meet my parents yet, accept the gift

"I accepted the meeting gift without knowing it, what should I do..."

It's not that Qin Qian didn't want to accept it, it's that she felt it was too sudden and she was a little scared... 0

Lu Ziqian didn't take it seriously, and persuaded: "You don't have to think about it, didn't the second elder say that this is a meeting gift?"

"Don't you like Su Heng very much? If you become one, there will be a lot of greetings for the two elders.

"If it doesn't work out, it's not considered a meeting ceremony, and there's no embarrassment for each other."

"Since Su Heng's parents didn't say it clearly, that's what they mean. So I think it's pretty good, you don't have to worry about anything.

"At least, the attitude of the second elder is here. The rest is up to you and Su Heng.

Hearing what Lu Ziqian said, Qin Qian felt relieved a lot.

She subconsciously looked at the baby elephant on her neck, with a smirk on her face.

Does that solve the problem of one parent?

It seems that falling in love is not difficult!

After Lu Ziqian knew Qin Qian's current situation, he chatted with her for a few words, and then stopped, so as not to delay Qin Qian's business.

Soon, delicious food was prepared by Su Heng and served.

Today's lunch was extremely sumptuous, a big table was full of dishes, Su's mother and Su's father were still not satisfied, and wanted Su Heng to cook two more big dishes.

Qin Qian was so frightened that her face turned pale, saying that there are too many dishes, and it would be a waste to eat them all.

Only then did Su's father and Su's mother give up.

0.2 At the dinner table, Qin Qian sat among a group of younger sisters, eating in small bites, dignified and graceful.

Su's mother sat across from her and frequently served Qin Qian food, which made Qin Qian flattered.

The atmosphere of the meal was very harmonious, but every time she thought that Su's father and Su's mother treated her as a daughter-in-law, Qin Qian always felt that her face was hot, and she didn't dare to look up at the elders.

Halfway through the meal, Su's mother's cell phone rang suddenly in her pocket.

Mother Su smiled apologetically, and then answered the phone.

"Hello... oh, so it's Principal Wang, hello, hello... will you be next Monday? Okay, I see. You specially called to inform us of these, and we will make good preparations... ……Okay, bye!"

Su Heng picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork for Yaya, and asked at the same time: "What's the matter, mom, who's calling?".

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