You heard Charles King, Shuichi Akai is worth 15 times as much as you.

That’s 5 times that!

Should it be said that the distillery is too rich, or is Shuichi Akai really worth that much?

Al only feels that his people are numb, what is the concept of 1000W knife music now.

At present, the exchange rate between Daole and the Japanese yen is 1:110 up and down, and 2000W is more than 2 billion

This is only a preliminary offer.

There really is no harm without contrast.

“Hmm… It’s not a matter of money, the main thing is that Shuichi Akai himself is not weak, and it is difficult to kill him…”

“2000W。” Belmode quietly quoted the price of 10 Charles King.

“Ding! Mission: Complete Belmode’s commission!”

“Mission Reward: Story character draw *2, random character draw *10!”

How can even the system come to join in the fun.

This is to let him go further and further on the road of the black side, he doesn’t want to become a pure black side.

In his plan, his future self should be in the chaotic and neutral camp.

However, it is not so easy to eat on both the red and black ends.

The most important point, that is Shuichi Akai, where is it so easy to solve.

“One by one, you guys will really give me a problem…”

“3000W, this is the final price.”

“How do you want Shuichi Akai to die?”

Isn’t it Shuichi Akai, as long as you give enough money, you will destroy the plot if you destroy the plot.

They have already crossed into the other world, and he is still afraid of these?

You are Conan standing in front of you, and the price given is enough for him to let Joel kill the other party.

Not to mention –

The system also gave such a rich reward, two plot character draws plus ten random character selections, can he refuse?

The obvious answer is no.

“Hmph, I don’t care about how he died, just confirm that he died.”

“The commission is established, and the deposit is half of the commission fee.”

“I know the rules, waiting for your good news.”

Hearing that Al accepted the task, Belmode’s tone was much lighter.

In order to make up for her previous mistakes, this job should be for her to find a new opportunity to do it, but Belmode considers her current state and it will take a long time to fully recover.

Now that they have been forced to tie up the chariots of those people, take this opportunity to make good use of the power of Al and their organization.

Hung up the phone, saw the account sent by Al, and directly made a deposit of 1500W Dao Le.

Thinking of Yol’s strength, Belmode had great expectations for Al and their actions.

You can also take this opportunity to try the strength of Al and their organization.

As for the 15 Charles King offers, Belmode is not distressed at all.

In a good mood, Belmode operated the computer next to him and sent out an email that had been edited long ago.

“Boss, I found an organization to assassinate Shuichi Akai, and the agreed reward was 5000W Dao Le.”

Heaven and earth can be seen, the remuneration for Al’s hard work to complete the commission is only 3000W, and the guy Belmode moved his mouth and actually increased the amount by two-thirds.

She also wants the organization to reimburse her!?

No wonder I didn’t feel sorry at all when I quoted before, it turned out that I didn’t pay for it myself.

I made 2000W with my mouth, and such a good money is really drooling.

Why don’t you report 100 million?

This is not to discredit the image of our organization, what if he creates a reputation that he charges very black here, which affects his business.

If you let Al know that Belmode has taken this opportunity to make such a large profit, he will definitely share a reputation loss fee with the other party.

“5000W? Is it the organization you reported to earlier called Shadows? ”

“That’s right.”

“Are they the organizations that have turned New York upside down lately?”

“Most likely, that’s the case.”

“How do you feel, how is that shadows guy?”

“It’s very mysterious, obviously it has such great strength, but I have never heard of that organization before.”

“In this way, don’t stop the investigation, do you need me to arrange someone to help you?”

“No.., I don’t need disobedient guys.” Originally, I habitually wanted to refuse, but thinking of the peripheral members who were not strong in the previous operation, it seemed urgent to find a competent helper.

And in the recent period, she has to prepare for the funeral of Sharon Wynyard, which is the most important thing.

“How about Calvados, that guy is quite capable.”

“That new wine, I know.”

It is understood that it should be a guy who is good at using various weapons, and he was able to get the code name of the organization, which should have two brushes.

At the very least, it should be more reliable than those peripheral members.

Hopefully not the kind of guy who is very troublesome.

On the other hand, although he accepted the commission from Belmode, it was not so easy to implement.

The most basic point is how he can determine the whereabouts of that guy Shuichi Akai.

The other party is the FBI….

His shadows have expanded a lot, but they haven’t been able to reach into an organization like the FBI.

Even Belmode, it was through the introduction of the silver-haired killer that Shuichi Akai was lured out.

When night approached, Joel and Caitlin returned to the clinic of the Underworld.

He told the two of them about the commission he had received earlier, but neither of them could do anything good.

The two of them are okay doing things, and it is impossible to expect her to come up with any good ideas.

Although Caitlin had some people she knew in the police department, she didn’t have that much to do with the FBI.

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