At this time, outside Sharon’s villa, Shuichi Akai hid alone behind a wall not far away, surrounded by a long gun box, and his attention was completely focused on the villa.

It’s just that this FBI top combat force didn’t know that in a villa more than two hundred meters behind him, Huang Que was staring at him.

“Crash! Headshot~”

I dubbed myself, the trigger clicked, and the bullet flew out,

Originally looking intently at the villa in the distance, as if feeling something, Shuichi Akai rolled to his side.

The bullet grazed his cheek, opening a piece of flesh and blood, and blood was scattered in the air.

Half of his face was quickly stained red with blood, and Shuichi Akai endured the hot pain on his face and hid with the help of the wall as a cover.

Seeing that Shuichi Akai dodged his own sniper like a prophet, Caitlin had not had time to react, and the other party had disappeared into his sniper scope.

“The response was so fast… But that’s what makes it interesting. ”

She raised an eyebrow unexpectedly, but Caitlin maintained her gun raise.

This guy is behind the wall, and all she has to do now is to put up the other party’s position.

The man, Shuichi Akai, at best, judged his direction by bullets, and she was pretty sure that the other party wouldn’t have time to observe her position.

She is still the absolute superiority.

Only for now, of course.

Unknowingly, Caitlin’s little heart had been completely put away.

Only now did she really treat Shuichi Akai as a rival.

After a moment’s stalemate, looking at the motionless wall, Caitlin scolded with some resentment.

Not far away, there were many FBI police officers in ambush, and the companion named Shuichi Akai was there.

That guy’s support will come quickly, and then the advantage he has now will no longer exist.

“Damn, I thought I couldn’t do anything about you if I avoided me.”

Scolding indignantly, Caitlin reached into her pocket with one hand and took out a bullet that was noticeably larger.

It was a special armor-piercing bullet called ‘Peacemaker’, and only the special sniper rifle she had in her hand could accommodate both types of bullets.

The bullet quickly reloaded, aimed at the wall where Shuichi Akai was hiding, and hesitantly adjusted the muzzle.

She wasn’t sure if the guy was standing or lying down, and if the shot hadn’t killed the other person, it would have left Yoel moving.

Moreover, with armor-piercing shells, the silencer will not work.

This shot is his only chance, and he must retreat after the shot.

The sniper whose position is exposed is the next piece of meat on the cutting board.

She had even notified Kevin to pick her up.

“Bet and see, let me destroy you.”


The crisp sound of gunfire startled a group of birds, and the armor-piercing shell seemed to hit a bird in flight, but it still penetrated the wall with undiminished speed.

A bullet hole appeared in the wall, and blood flowers bloomed in Shuichi Akai’s chest, and consciousness gradually dissipated.

In the distance, Judy, who had just run from the villa, saw this scene with her own eyes, and Shuichi Akai’s body slowly sat on the ground against the wall.

A very visible trail of blood was left on the wall.

“Shuuichi!” Ignoring the high heels on her feet, Judy quickly ran over, and soon more FBI agents surrounded her from all directions.

“Looks like I won the bet.” Although I couldn’t hear what those people were saying, after sorting out the equipment, I took a look through the sniper scope.

Looking at the reaction of the other party’s companion, his shot should have completed the task.

This is an armor-piercing bullet, much more powerful than ordinary sniper rifle bullets, and it is difficult to save the gods after hitting the opponent.

I’ll let them confirm later.

Making up her mind, Caitlin quietly disappeared into the villa.

Deep hidden merit and fame.

“I’m back!”

“Yo, welcome back, has Shuichi Akai appeared?”

“Of course, I gave him a shot, and the specifics will have to wait for the news from Yoel and them to come back.”

“What do you mean? Do we, Miss Caitlin, have doubts about her ability to shoot? Al stopped looking up the information on his hand and looked up at Caitlin curiously

“I lost that guy’s career and had to shoot blindly. But the armor-piercing shell definitely hit. Caitlin sat down on the couch a little helplessly.

Buzz – buzz – buzz –

While the two were talking, Al’s mobile phone on the table rang.

The caller was Yoel, who was still in the villa.

However, because of Caitlin’s previous shot, Sharon’s funeral was temporarily interrupted, and the celebrities left the place one by one for all of them.

“Where did that shot hit?” Caitlin grabbed the phone and asked hurriedly.

“Miss Caitlin? Your shot in the chest looks like you’ve lost a lot of blood, but I can’t see it up close. ”

“That’s no problem, my armor-piercing bullet is very powerful!” Listening to Joel’s answer, Caitlin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“You can also come back as soon as possible, you don’t have to stay in that place anymore.”

“I see.”

Hanging up Yoel’s communication, Al contacted Belmode for the first time.

The task is done, and the most important thing at the moment is to get the remaining 1500W Dao Le back.

The money you get in your own hands is your own money!

“Mission accomplished, remember to call the remaining half.”

“Yes, it’s really efficient.”

“As long as the price you offer is attractive enough, I can be more efficient.”


There is a little thing, the computer has no time to touch in the morning, so I can only send it at night.

Ready-to-sold, steaming.

If you have a problem, you can let me know in the comment area and I will change it quickly.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection!

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