Chapter 94: Tool Man No. 2.

As a good cop, such an interesting thing must of course come by yourself. Even her own Darling must not let her give up such an interesting thing.

“Then it’s up to you, but just in case, I’ll let people go and take the gold coins first, it shouldn’t affect your fun.”

“Of course, you can feel free.”

Caitlin had already put all her mind on the treasure map at this time.

Darling is worthy of being Darling, he obviously has no eyebrows at all, he has already got the final answer. His own Darling has solved all the mysteries, and he can’t leave too much behind.

As for the truth in Al’s words, she had no doubts at all.

“Damn, anyway, let’s check the door number of the merchant first.”

Since you can’t think of an answer for the time being, let’s act according to the original idea.

Although Caitlin had anticipated this as a wrong answer, it would not cost money to try it anyway. Maybe you can think of the right answer when you act, and staying where you are will not be rewarded. Caitlin quickly began to act, and Al followed behind the other with Joel unhurriedly.

The two of them are like a couple on a date, buying some favorite food at a roadside stall from time to time. Caitlin threw herself into finding clues, and didn’t even pay attention to the two happy people for a while. It was really difficult for her to not explode.

Could it be because the nerves that were provoked by Ryoko before have become thickened.

On the streets around Tokyo Tower, Conan and his friends also noticed the door signs of roadside shops. The two groups of people are shining in one place after another, and naturally they will meet together.

However, the little ones did not recognize Caitlin, and the hanamichi often has a very good transfiguration effect.

Also at this time, with Al’s instructions, Hanamichi was already on his way to the location of the Maple Leaf Gold Coins. She has completely accepted her fate.

There is no way to get rid of the fate of the tool man all day today. It’s good to lie flat, just open the swing and it’s over.

In the empty attic, Hanamichi often managed to dig through several full handbags. Open it, a golden light.

The saying that women are all dragons is not wrong at all, even if Hanamichi is used to seeing all kinds of precious treasures, this vast amount of maple leaf gold coins suddenly placed in front of her, still makes her heart beat faster.

Even some exclusive ideas arose.

It’s just that the idea disappeared in an instant.

After a brief stimulus, Hanamichi often recognizes a very real problem.

Fifteen thousand maple leaf gold coins, this weight is not something that ordinary people can bear. She often has this little arms and legs, where can she withstand this pressure.

It’s even more impossible to expect to move back directly.

“It seems that I can only find someone to help.”

If you want to talk about big guys, isn’t there a guy who is idle today and has nothing to do. I have been pulled out as a tool man, shouldn’t I come to help the field as a good friend?

The thought of being able to drag someone into the water, a little movement of the brain makes me feel much better.

“So… You came to me for this? ”

“We’re good partners, aren’t we?”

Looking at the two large bags of gold coins in front of him, Seti only felt a surge of anger welling up in his heart. Specially, this is some kind of hard work to treat yourself as a hard worker.

He was called from the port so that he could help carry things. So many little brothers, it’s not good to call two people casually.

Who do you think I am!

Feeling that his subjugation has been triggered, he now wants Bang Bang to give Hanamichi two punches.

“This task Mr. Al personally ordered me to complete.”

“Boss? So. ”

Feeling that Seti’s anger was about to break through the bottleneck, Hanamichi often interrupted his anger.

Hearing Al’s name, Seti resisted the urge to punch him, hugged his chest with both hands, and hid his fist under his armpit. If Hanamichi often can’t give him a reasonable reason in the future, she will definitely not be able to dodge these two punches.

“You know, Mr. Al’s mission is so important, how can it be possible to let those little brothers come, we are the safest to do it ourselves.”

“It’s rare that you would even say something reasonable.”

“Hmph, I’ve always been a very reasonable person, you found out too late.”

“Cut, praise you and you really dare to respond.”

Seti complained unhappily, but still bent down and picked up the two handbags directly. His strength is great, and Hanamichi Chang’s face can not be given, but the affairs of his own boss cannot be delayed.

If memory serves, these should be the missing maple leaf gold coins that appeared on the news in the morning, and I didn’t expect to be found in this place.

Worthy of being their own boss, this ability to collect information, who else in the world can compare.

As for the so-called human favor in Hanamichi’s mouth, he had already paid it off when he went to the parking lot of the museum to pick up the other party before. How many things she wanted to send herself to do with this personal favor could not be achieved!

Where is such a good thing.

“Where are these gold coins going?”

“Let’s return to your port stronghold first, Lord Al has no specific request.”

“You guy, Lord Al should mean to let you save these gold coins first!”


Holding the back of his head with his hands, his gaze unconsciously circled into the distance, so that people could tell that he was lying at a glance. What the hell is this guy up to!

I can’t act anymore!

He didn’t believe that the acting skills of the thousand-faced fox would be so hot, so he didn’t even bother to deceive himself. Sure enough, this task was given to you by the boss from the beginning.

Actually pulled him over as a coolie. Abominable thousand-faced fox!

“Then the rest of the matter is up to you, I’ll go back first.”


What you go back first.

This is your task, treat me well!

It’s a pity that Hanamichi is often very fast, trotting all the way out the door.

By the time Seti chased out with two handbags, there was no one in the aisle. Damn, it ran so fast.

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