When I Have Money

Chapter 233 Returning to China

In Itaewon, Seoul, Yang Kun, who came from China, and a group of people of different nationalities attended an afternoon tea party in a coffee shop. In this gathering, everyone used English and Korean. The main reason is that this group of foreigners are learning Korean from each other. They are familiarizing themselves with Korean by chatting and telling stories.

The content of everyone's chats does not have any political related things. Some of them are some ancient history with document records, and some legends and stories handed down from different countries. While listening to them tell the history and legends of various countries, Yang Kun, as an audience, also felt that the afternoon gathering was very interesting.

Of course, Yang Kun also talked about some Chinese history, for example, why the Chinese civilization has continued to this day. In fact, many overseas experts have done academic research on this, but it is more convincing for Yang Kun, a Chinese, to say it himself.

Yang Kun talked about one point, Chinese culture is very inclusive, and has a strong cultural color of integration. To describe it in one sentence is 'take the essence and discard the dross! ’ Whatever works for me, we’ll learn and improve from there and implement it. We can learn about those that are useless to us, but we will not use them.

Regarding Chinese culture, Yang Kun talked about the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period. Of course, Yang Kun himself is not from the history department, so he is just talking about the great collision of ideas in China as early as BC, and finally the Chinese people learned to gather the strengths of all families!

No matter what kind of 'home' you are, as long as it is useful for our development, it is good!

So in many historical stages, Huaxia has attracted countless overseas businessmen, including now Huaxia still attracts countless overseas businessmen, doesn't it?

In fact, after chatting with this group of foreigners by chance this time, Yang Kun really discovered that his knowledge level is limited. Even if he just sits and chats, he can't tell so many historical allusions. As for the legends and stories, apart from the "Fengshen Bang" in the TV series as a fairy tale in Yang Kun's memory, he has a deep memory, and there seems to be nothing else.

After Yang Kun left the coffee shop, he made up his mind to read a book after returning home. I would rather spend more time reading books to enrich myself than sitting in front of a computer watching live broadcasts or playing games.

After coming out of the coffee shop, Yang Kun looked at the time and it was already 4:30 in the afternoon. He stood at the door of the store with some hesitation, not knowing whether he planned to go home or just stay outside for a while, because the Soon it will be time for dinner. And Yang Kun was hesitating whether to ask Pei Youxi to come out for a meal together?

At noon, Yang Kun couldn't think of Pei Youxi at all on the way back from Tang Tian's house. But after chatting with these foreigners in the coffee shop, Yang Kun felt that he was overwhelmed by their knowledge, and felt a little depressed in his heart.

Of course, the group of foreigners can understand Yang Kun, because the stories and history of their chatting together are all about the European continent. But China, where Yang Kun lives, has a history of 5,000 years. He may not even understand the affairs of his own family. How can he care about the history of the European continent?

So Yang Kun sat there and listened to some of the history of the European continent he told, and he listened very carefully. In fact, they recognized Yang Kun. But Yang Kun felt that he was overwhelmed by knowledge. The most important thing was that the Italian told about the "Tao Te Ching", which Yang Kun, a Chinese person, had never heard of. This made him very depressed.

Foreigners use traditional Chinese culture to make Chinese people feel frustrated, and his heart is very hurt.

Now that my heart is hurt, I naturally want to seek comfort. Nothing can comfort a man more than a woman, so Yang Kun is hesitating whether to ask Pei Youxi to come out for dinner together? In addition, the two of them agreed yesterday that if he didn't leave Seoul today, he would have a meal together.

Yang Kun stood hesitantly at the door of the coffee shop and took out his phone. He first checked Pei Youxi's number, then quit the chat software and then opened the ticketing software. If Pei Youxi was not asked to come out for dinner, Yang Kun planned to go home and pack his luggage right now, and forget about returning to Shanghai.

Looking at the time of the ticket, there is a flight to Shanghai at seven o'clock. Landing time.. Counting the time difference, it should be about ten o'clock in Shanghai, and eleven o'clock from the airport to home.

The main reason is that Yang Kun didn't have any thoughts about the opposite sex today, so he finally decided: "Let's go back, it's too disappointing to stay here."

After the plane landed in Shanghai, Yang Kun's mood did not improve after seeing the advertising texts in the airport changed into Chinese. In the afternoon, the shock of the coffee shop continued until now. Yang Kun turned on his mobile network, and soon, his mobile chat software got a notification.

Yang Kun took out his mobile phone and looked at the letter. Pei Youxi and Jin Yarong both sent messages. At 7:30 in the evening, Jin Yarong sent a message: "Yang Kunxi, have dinner together tonight?"

Yang Kun only saw Jin Yarong's news at this moment, and he replied: "I asked you yesterday, and you said that you have a filming today. I have already returned to China and just landed! Come to treat you to dinner another day."

After Yang Kun's message was sent, Jin Yarong didn't read it. He then looked at Pei Youxi's message: "Have you gone back?"

Yang Kun replied: "Well, I went back. I just saw the message from you when I turned on my phone when I landed in Huaxia!"

After putting away his mobile phone, Yang Kun took his luggage and chose to take the maglev back to the city. After he moved to COFCO in Lujiazui, it was faster and more convenient to get off the plane and take the maglev home!

On the maglev, Yang Kun took out his mobile phone and looked at his WeChat contacts. Except for some anchors who didn’t know him very well, there was really no one he could call out for supper in Shanghai. Of course, Yang Kun can ask people from the company to come out together for supper or something, but... it's off-duty time now, and Yang Kun doesn't want to occupy their rest time.

Those who can be called out to eat and chat with me are in Chongqing, not in Shanghai! Seeing that there was no one to contact on the phone, Yang Kun suddenly felt that Shanghai was as deserted as Seoul.

It was mainly the plane meal at night, and he didn't eat much. He thought that after putting away his luggage for a while, he would go make some skewers by himself. But I couldn't find anyone to toast with me, so I became even more disappointed.

There was no one to invite, so Yang Kun could only close WeChat, and said angrily, "It's better to stay in Seoul, at least Jin Yarong and Pei Youxi invited me to dinner."

At this moment, Pei Youxi's message came back, and she said, "Um, are you going back? I thought you wouldn't go back today."

"I was planning to have dinner with you today and leave tomorrow, but I was hit in the afternoon, so I went home and thought about it behind closed doors." Replying to the message, Yang Kun's maglev ride also arrived at the stop, and he dragged I went out of the station with my luggage and took a taxi home.

Sitting in the car, Yang Kun looked at Pei Youxi's reply: "Shock? What hit? Is the confession rejected?"

"What are you thinking, who are you going to confess to? It was a chat with a friend in the coffee shop in the afternoon and he was hit. He is a foreigner, but he chatted with me about some Chinese ancient Chinese, but... I don't have any at all. I’ve read those ancient texts! At the end he added, aren’t these the traditional Chinese culture? I suffered serious internal injuries, so I went home, and I plan to pick up the book and read again!”

Looking at Yang Kun's reply, Pei Youxi replied with a picture of [laughing], and then sent a text: "Actually, I also have a lot of traditional culture that I don't understand. So, don't be angry, after all, we live in modern!"

Yang Kun replied: "I just suddenly realized that I really should study a lot. How about you, have you had dinner yet?"

"Well, I ate it. I ordered takeaway. How about you, did you eat it?"

Yang Kun replied: "I just got off the plane, and I haven't had time yet. I plan to go home and put my luggage away before going to eat something. Airplane food is not good!"

Pei Youxi replied: "You should stay one more day, at least let me treat you to a meal before going back."

"Next time, I came to Seoul this time because I have some things to deal with. I will come back after I have dealt with it, and we will meet again soon, won't we?"

"That's right. When we meet again next time, let me treat you to a delicious meal."

Yang Kun replied: "Okay, I'm a reporter. I'll wait for you to treat me to something delicious next time."

"Okay, then I won't bother you. I look forward to seeing you next time." After sending this message, Pei Youxi put away her phone, then sat on the sofa alone and watched TV weakly. Dinner, she Haven't eaten yet. Originally, she thought that Yang Kun would stay in Seoul and have dinner with her.

After all, both of them made some progress yesterday, so as a woman, she thought that Yang Kun would take advantage of the victory to pursue her today, but in the end, Yang Kun didn't say hello in advance, and returned to Huaxia?

Pei Youxi watched TV, but her mind was not on the TV show at all, she just said to herself: "Is he a master at pushing and pulling?"

Yang Kun's simple hug yesterday could be said to tease Pei Youxi a little. But today Yang Kun retreated directly to the rear, which made her really puzzled.

Yang Kun put away his phone and smiled, because he felt that Pei Youxi over there, because he didn't invite her or even contact her today, made her take the initiative a little bit.

Yang Kun thought in his heart: 'If he continues to chat with her ambiguously on the Internet for the past two days, maybe in a few days, he can call her to Shanghai to throw himself in his arms. '

Today Yang Kun doesn't have any thoughts about the opposite sex, but he also needs to consider what he needs a week later!

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