After the immortal lizard arrived at Baihu City, it roared. His target was Lin Fan. He had always regarded Samoyed as his competitor, but he didn't expect that Samoyed was caught in Baihu City.

He didn't know for the time being that Samoyed was caught by Lin Fan, because Long Zhan didn't release the news that Lin Fan caught Samoyed. Everyone only knew that a level 5 superpower caught Samoyed.

The immortal lizard came to the battlefield domineeringly. His eyes swept over those level 5 night watchmen. Everyone was his suspect.

"Little level 5 lizard, dare to be so rampant, I will kill you!"

A god-level night watchman couldn't stand it and flew directly to the top of the immortal lizard's head.

"Go to hell!"

The big knife in the god-level night watchman's hand slashed out a hundred-meter-long knife energy, which directly slashed at the immortal lizard.

However, the immortal lizard smiled grimly and directly withstood the knife. The knife directly slashed a huge wound on his body, but the terrible thing was that the wound healed in an instant.

The god-level night watchman was shocked. He used all his strength to strike the lizard, but he couldn't hurt the immortal lizard.

No! It was already hurt, but the immortal lizard's healing ability was too terrible, and it recovered completely in an instant.

"It is worthy of being an immortal lizard. This immortal power is really terrible!"

The god-level night watchman also had to sigh. The immortal lizard has a terrible immortal power. Their bodies can be constantly reorganized. Even if they are cut into several halves or chopped into meat sauce, they can still wriggle little by little and recover to become a complete individual. This is the terrible immortal power!

Every immortal lizard is invincible on the battlefield, because they are almost difficult to kill. Even if people of higher levels than them attack them, it is difficult to kill them.

Although this immortal lizard is only level five, even if a god-level strongman or even a god-level strongman attacks, it may not be able to kill him.

"I can't kill you, but don't even think about attacking others!"

This God Machine Night Watchman came here not to kill the Immortal Lizard, but to pester the Immortal Lizard.

Because the Immortal Lizard's lethality to the Night Watchmen is too terrifying, if left alone, he can kill most of the Night Watchmen on the scene by himself, because he is almost indestructible and can heal his wounds continuously.


The Immortal Lizard sneered disdainfully, with a hint of mockery in his eyes, and then his huge body jumped high directly, rushing towards the Night Watchmen in front of him. He didn't care about the attacks launched by the Night Watchmen on him at all, because he could heal continuously.

When he jumped high, the face of the God-level Night Watchman changed. He tried to stop the Immortal Lizard, but his knife could only leave wounds on the Immortal Lizard, and these wounds recovered quickly.

The huge body of the immortal lizard fell from the sky and hit a group of night watchmen fiercely. These night watchmen also fought back frantically, and dense attacks fell on the immortal lizard.

Bullets and shells fell on him, leaving some pitted wounds on his body at most, but these wounds recovered quickly.

The immortal lizard opened his mouth, or stretched out his claws, and flicked his tail, and he could kill countless night watchmen. He could resist thousands of troops alone.



The immortal lizard rushed forward and killed hundreds of night watchmen in his hands. This terrible scene made everyone gasp.

The god-level night watchman gasped. He tried to stop the immortal lizard, but his knife could only leave hideous wounds on the immortal lizard. The immortal lizard directly ignored the attacks of the god-level night watchmen.

He specifically attacked the night watchmen below the god level and didn't care about everyone attacking him.

He endured the attacks of countless people in an instant, but no matter how serious the injuries left on him, he could wriggle quickly and recover in the blink of an eye. He was immortal and almost no one could kill him.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me, but I can slaughter you at will!"

The immortal lizard laughed and taunted the night watchers crazily. He kept going to the place where the night watchers were the most. No matter how many people were in front of him, he just rushed forward.

He blocked countless night watchers by himself, and he directly disrupted the rhythm on the battlefield.

Originally, the night watchers were oppressing the dark world army, but because of the arrival of the immortal lizard, the pattern of the battlefield was instantly changed. He was like an indestructible stone, rolling around on the battlefield, constantly killing the night watchers.

The dark world army saw that the immortal lizard was so brave, and their morale was greatly shaken, and then they followed the immortal lizard to attack the night watchers.

Suddenly, the night watch army suffered heavy losses.

The situation on the battlefield was instantly changed by the arrival of the Immortal Lizard, and the Night Watchmen were directly below.

Seeing that the Immortal Lizard was so ferocious, several god-level Night Watchmen also attacked the Immortal Lizard at the same time. The Immortal Lizard laughed and took the initiative to welcome their attacks.

When their attacks landed on the Immortal Lizard, they directly knocked it away.


Even, a huge bloody hole was directly punched through the body of the Immortal Lizard, but he laughed and didn't care about the wound on his body at all. He seemed to feel no pain.

The hideous wounds on his body and the huge blood hole were wriggling frantically, but in just a moment, they were intact, as if they had never been injured.

"Too weak!"

"Is this the power of the god-level night watchman? It's just like tickling."

The immortal lizard taunted the night watchman crazily.

On the night watchman's side, everyone looked ugly. This immortal lizard could not be killed at all. Even those god-level night watchmen were scalping. They had already tried their best, but no matter how they attacked, this immortal lizard could not be killed.

"It's worthy of being an immortal lizard that is immortal and indestructible. It's really tough."

"This guy's health bar is too thick. It's worthy of being one of the races that the dark world can't provoke the most. This is only a level 5 immortal lizard. If the god-level immortal lizard comes, these night watchmen may not be the opponent together."

Even those god-level dark world creatures were scalping. Although this immortal lizard came to help them, they were also very afraid.

The immortal lizard is one of the most terrifying races in the dark world. Their number is also very rare, but each immortal lizard is extremely terrifying. No matter how strong or weak they are, they are difficult to kill!

The god-level immortal lizard is almost invincible when it is born. No one dares to fight with them because the opponent's blood bar is too thick and cannot be killed at all.

"Seal him!"

Even Long Zhan was very troubled. He did not expect that this small White Tiger City would attract an immortal lizard.

Although it is only level five, it is enough to cause them huge trouble.

Now they can't let this immortal lizard slaughter the night watchmen. They can only find a way to keep it where it is. The best way is to seal it.

Suddenly, ten god-level night watchmen came around the immortal lizard and began to arrange the god-level sealing rules. Only by using the sealing rules can the immortal lizard be sealed.


The rule they arranged is to sleep. Anyone who is in the rule will fall into sleep instantly.

When the rules were established, the immortal lizard also felt uneasy. Maybe he couldn't be killed, but if he fell into a deep sleep, he would not be able to fight.

"Get out of here!"

The immortal lizard roared, and its huge body rushed around, trying to break out of the rules, but he was facing ten god-level night watchmen.

Although he had the power of immortality, he was still affected by the rules.

"No, stop them! Don't let them seal the immortal lizard!"

Chapter 133 The blood bar is infinitely restored and constantly reborn

A group of god-level dark world creatures instantly killed the immortal lizard, blocking those god-level night watchmen for him, preventing them from establishing rules, and at the same time they were also trying to destroy the rules.

When this group of god-level dark world creatures came over, those god-level night watchmen could not seal the immortal lizard. The immortal lizard seized the opportunity and rushed out directly from a weak rule.

"You want to put me to sleep? No way!"

After the immortal lizard rushed out, it arrogantly killed the night watchmen. He rushed forward, and his huge body even knocked down the tall buildings next to him with his tail.

He rushed forward like a giant, killing the night watchmen and smashing the tall buildings next to him into pieces. The falling debris knocked many night watchmen unconscious or buried them directly. No one could stop it.

"This big lizard has such a thick blood bar!"

Lin Fan was among a group of dark world creatures. He had just killed this group of dark world creatures and harvested the experience points, then looked at the immortal lizard in the distance.

He saw this immortal lizard, with a blood bar of 100% on its head, LV5.

It seems that the blood bar of the immortal lizard is no different from that of a normal level 5 mutant, but every time the immortal lizard is attacked and injured, its blood bar will drop from 100% to 90%, 80%.

However, in a short while, his health bar will be restored to 100%.

"Infinite health bar restoration! Is this the power of immortality?"

The immortal lizard is not only very famous in the dark world, but also in the Federation, because the immortal lizard is one of the taboo creatures listed by the Federation and is the most unprovoked existence. Once you encounter an immortal lizard, just run away, don't fight with him.

Because you can't kill him at all, but he can use his own health bar to consume you alive. Even if your realm is higher than his, you can't fight him, because you will be exhausted to death in the end!

At this moment, this immortal lizard, relying on his thick blood bar, rushed around and slaughtered the Night Watch army. He blocked countless Night Watchmen by himself, and the Night Watchmen were dragged down alive by him.

The creatures in the dark world also took this opportunity to kill those stunned Night Watchmen, and the Night Watchmen suffered heavy losses.

"Whoever caught the Samoyed, come out and fight!"

When the immortal lizard was slaughtering the night watchmen, he was also roaring wildly, wanting to catch the Samoyed and fight him. Lin Fan knew that this immortal lizard was coming for him.

Lin Fan sighed. This immortal lizard was too arrogant. He was a little uncomfortable with it. At the same time, he didn't want other night watchmen to be slaughtered again.

Since the immortal lizard came to find him, then he went to meet the immortal lizard to see how thick his blood bar was.

Just as the immortal lizard killed a group of night watchmen, Lin Fan came to his head, but this immortal lizard didn't know that Lin Fan was on his head.

Lin Fan was in stealth mode, and the immortal lizard could not see it.

"I thought it was so powerful, but even I can't see it. Compared with the Samoyed, it is much weaker than a Samoyed."

Lin Fan was worried at first that the immortal lizard had the same ability as the Samoyed and could sense him.

Unexpectedly, the immortal lizard's sensing ability was so weak. He was right above his head, but he didn't even sense it. Isn't it a sitting duck?

"Let me see how thick your health bar is!"

Lin Fan raised the Grim Reaper's sickle and cut a huge wound on the back of the immortal lizard with a fierce blow.

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