The immortal lizard was immediately enraged, and was filled with murderous intent towards Lin Fan. His huge body suddenly stood up from the ground and roared to the sky.

The god-level dark world creatures around him disappeared in an instant. They didn't dare to stay here. They were worried that the angry immortal lizard would vent his anger on them. In this case, it was right to disappear.

The immortal lizard roared in the same place for half an hour before calming down. He was panting and lying on the ground with his eyes blazing. He still hadn't recovered until now. He didn't expect that his hind legs would be roasted and eaten by Lin Fan.

"Damn Lin Fan, I must eat you!"

The immortal lizard gritted his teeth, but when he thought of Lin Fan's terrible invisibility ability and the ability to control his body, his scalp numbed.

Lin Fan seemed to be born to restrain him. In front of Lin Fan, he had no power to resist at all. He was like a living target, letting Lin Fan slaughter him!

This happened twice in a row. If a group of god-level dark world creatures hadn't come to save him in advance the second time, he would have been torn into pieces by Lin Fan.

"Samoyed, I heard that you were redeemed. When will you come to Baihu City to seek revenge on Lin Fan?"

After the Immortal Lizard calmed down, he immediately sent a message to Samoyed. He hoped that Samoyed could come and fight Lin Fan with him.

As a genius among snipers, the Immortal Lizard sometimes had to admit that Samoyed had its own uniqueness.

He felt that Samoyed could see Lin Fan. If Samoyed could see Lin Fan and cooperate with him, he should be able to kill Lin Fan.

The only flaw in his battle with Lin Fan was that he couldn't see Lin Fan. If Samoyed could act as his eyes, the two of them would have an 80% chance of killing Lin Fan.

"I'm in seclusion. When I become a powerful god, I will naturally come to take Lin Fan's head!"

Samoyed quickly replied to the Immortal Lizard's message. Seeing that Samoyed refused, the Immortal Lizard roared angrily.

"Do I have to retreat to the One God Realm before I can take revenge?"

The Immortal Lizard began to doubt his life at this moment. At the level 5 realm, he was no match for Lin Fan, and he couldn't find any other helpers. The only way left was to break through to the One God Realm.

The Immortal Lizard had to admit that at the level 5 realm, he was indeed no match for Lin Fan, and only by breaking through the One God Realm could he have hope of revenge.

"Then I will retreat too!"

The Immortal Lizard raised his head and glanced in the direction of the Night Watchman. He had already remembered Lin Fan in his heart, and then he was ready to leave White Tiger City.

He had a hunch that White Tiger City would soon be occupied by the Night Watchman, and the dark world creatures here could not be stopped.

There was no point in him staying here. He had to find a safe place to break through to the One God Realm first. The Immortal Lizard howled to the sky, and then left White Tiger City directly.

"The Immortal Lizard has left!"

A group of god-level dark world creatures who had been secretly observing the Immortal Lizard saw the Immortal Lizard leave White Tiger City without looking back, and their faces changed.

"The Immortal Lizard left. Did it hear something?"

However, they did not dare to ask the Immortal Lizard and could only watch it leave.

After the Immortal Lizard left, the battle between the Dark World and the Night Watchmen gradually fell behind. Even the area of ​​the Dark World was occupied by the Night Watchmen by one third. They were no match at all.

"We can't stand it!"

Although the gluttonous rabbit was taken away by the space beast, they still couldn't stop the Night Watchmen, because many of their god-level dark world creatures were eaten by the gluttonous rabbit before, resulting in a lot fewer masters on their side, unable to resist the god-level Night Watchmen.

The number of people below the god level on their side was not as good as that of the Night Watchmen, and slowly, they were no match.

After Lin Fan ate the long legs of the Immortal Lizard, he burped, and then instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared on the battlefield.

Seeing the dark world army retreating, he directly charged into the dark world creatures, killing the dark world creatures around him one by one.

He kept harvesting experience points, and soon his experience points broke through 800,000. With another 200,000, he could upgrade one of his talents.


Long Zhan also launched the final general attack from behind. At his command, all the night watchmen rushed forward, ready to catch all the dark world creatures in Baihu City in one fell swoop, or drive them out.

Facing the crazy attack of the night watchmen, the dark world army retreated step by step, and was not an opponent at all, leaving corpses all over the ground, and finally their territory was occupied by most of them.

Only a small part was left, and they were driven to the edge. In this process, Lin Fan also continued to kill the dark world creatures one by one.


At this moment, a golden rain of arrows fell from the sky. One after another, golden arrows cut through the sky, fell from the sky, and shot directly into the Night's Watch army. Countless Night's Watch were shot dead by an arrow, and their bodies were nailed to the ground. Countless Night's Watch were killed and injured in an instant.


In the sky, handsome elves with wings and wearing golden armor flew neatly over the White Tiger City.

These elves are slender, handsome men and beautiful women, with long golden hair draped over their shoulders. Each of them is very beautiful. They have golden wings behind them, holding golden bows in their hands, and shooting at the Night's Watch below!


Long Zhan roared, and all the Night Watchmen retreated. Mechanical cards appeared in their hands, resisting the attack of the elves in the sky.

Chapter 137 Upgrade your talent to control everything. Within a thousand meters, I am the master!

A dense rain of golden arrows fell from the sky, killing some Night Watchmen, and most of the arrows were blocked by shields.

"Go back!"

A powerful god-level Night Watchman waved his hand, and suddenly, the golden arrows falling from the sky returned to the original path and shot into the elves, killing some elves.


Some powerful Night Watchmen soared into the sky and directly killed into the elves!

Lin Fan looked up at the elves in the sky, and he was shocked. These elves looked so good, but they were enemies!


Lin Fan disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in a group of elves. Thunders of destruction spread out around him, and all the elves within fifty meters were killed by him.


Under the control of everything, some of the arrow rain around him was controlled by him, and shot into the eyebrows, hearts, and throats of some elves, killing a large number of elves again.

"Who is it!"

Because he was in stealth mode, the elves around him could not see him. Of course, they could see the destructive thunder and the controlled arrow rain that killed a large number of elves, making them realize that there was an invisible enemy next to them.

Some god-level elves came nearby, and when they got close, they could see Lin Fan.

Unfortunately, Lin Fan disappeared in an instant. He specialized in killing elves below the god level and did not give those god-level elves a chance to get close.


Where Lin Fan passed, pieces of elves fell down. He killed into a group of elves, disrupting the elves' formation, making it impossible for them to attack the night watchmen below.

At the same time, some powerful night watchmen also killed in and out of the elves.

"Elf Arrow!"

At this moment, the densely packed elves suddenly gathered together, and then a golden longbow appeared above their heads.

This bow, covering the sky and the sun, was suspended in the sky. A golden arrow appeared on the bow, and the bow was fully drawn.

The next second, the arrow was shot out, and the god-level night watchman in the front wanted to escape in fear, but was pierced through the heart by the arrow and shot dead on the spot, turning into ashes.


One by one, the god-level night watchmen wanted to escape in the sky, but they were all shot and killed by the elf arrows one by one. Every time the elf arrow shot an arrow, a god-level night watchman would be killed. There was no solution!


All the night watchmen who rushed to the sky to fight the elves began to retreat frantically. They returned to the bottom and kept a distance from the elves. The elf arrow was too terrible. Once locked, they would be killed almost instantly.

Lin Fan felt a sense of crisis, and without hesitation, he disappeared from the spot at 90,000 meters. The moment he left, an elf arrow flew past where he was standing, almost killing him!


The elf arrow directly hit a tall building below, and the tall building was instantly blown up. Moreover, it continued to blow up ten tall buildings before disappearing.

"What a terrible attack!"

All the night watchmen were frightened by the power of this elf arrow. At this time, the elf arrow of the elf tribe instantly fell from the sky and shot into a group of night watchmen. The elf arrow instantly shot up dozens of night watchmen.

A passage was directly cut out among the night watchmen, and countless night watchmen were shot and killed along the way!

Long Zhan, who was in the back, saw that the attack of the elves was so brutal, he had to order the night watchmen to mix with the creatures of the dark world.

Suddenly, the densely packed Night Watchmen rushed directly into the creatures of the Dark World. They mixed with the creatures of the Dark World, and they were in each other, which made the elves afraid to use the Elf Arrows casually.

In the sky, the Elf Arrows above the heads of the elves locked the Night Watchmen below, but they did not dare to attack casually, because the Night Watchmen were surrounded by Dark World creatures. Once the Night Watchmen were killed, the Dark World creatures next to them would inevitably be killed.


Finally, the elves in the sky fell from the sky and flew down to fight with the Night Watchmen in close combat. They cooperated with the Dark World creatures to kill the Night Watchmen together.

The combat power of the elves was very terrifying. In addition to their superior archery skills, their dagger assassination ability and swordsmanship were also very powerful.

Batches of elves rushed into the Night Watchmen and fought with them.

Their cooperation was very tacit. Three elves formed a group and attacked together. They were invincible. No Night Watchmen of the same level could resist them.

As the elves joined the battlefield, the defeat of the dark world creatures was reversed in an instant. The Night Watchmen were at the bottom and were being killed bit by bit by the elves and the dark world creatures.

Seeing this scene, Long Zhan's face was very ugly. They were about to occupy the White Tiger City and eliminate all the dark world creatures here, but they didn't expect a large group of elves to suddenly come.

These elves are unparalleled in combat power and are basically invincible at the same level. Now the Night Watchmen are being surrounded and killed, and he is a little helpless.

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly returned to the battlefield. He had just escaped the pursuit of the Elf Arrow, and he was also shocked. Fortunately, he was fast enough and escaped the attack range of the Elf Arrow in the first time.

After he returned to the battlefield, he no longer acted in a high-profile manner, but killed those elves in a very low-key manner.

He no longer used any attack that might expose his identity, no longer used the Destruction Thunder, but used the Control of All Things and the Death Scythe to quietly assassinate those elves.

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