By then, the entire federation world will be in dire straits.

White Tiger City is just a medium-sized city in the west, and the real battlefield is those once large cities and giant cities!

Thank you for the reward from Line 20210925!

Chapter 140 The passage to the dark world, the rule wall of Kuncheng

A huge black shadow gradually appeared in front of Lin Fan. His eyes were like a magnifying glass. Looking carefully, there was a huge city crawling in front of him. This city was much larger than White Tiger City.

There was a thick rule wall outside this city.

"Dark world..."

From this rule wall, he felt a strong breath of the dark world. This city might be controlled by creatures in the dark world.

Along the way, his speed was super fast. He traveled 10,000 meters in an instant, passed through many uninhabited areas, and finally saw such a city. He didn't expect that it was still a city occupied by creatures in the dark world.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the map, and located the name of the city, which was Kuncheng, a large city.

A week ago, Kuncheng was completely occupied by creatures from the dark world. There were so many creatures from the dark world living in Kuncheng that the night watchmen dared not approach.

He hid in the darkness and looked around. Outside Kuncheng, there were many creatures from the dark world patrolling.

He saw teams of invisibles. Although these invisibles were not strong, they could be invisible. Using invisibles to patrol was a luxury.

Of course, invisibles were also the best patrolmen. They could be invisible, and ordinary night watchmen could not see them at all.

If Lin Fan's eyes could not see everything around him, he would probably find it difficult to find these invisibles. These invisibles could not only be invisible, but also their hiding places were very hidden.

Many invisibles hid on the tops of towering trees. If you didn't look up and observe carefully, it would be difficult to find them hiding there. Some invisibles hid on some nearby mountaintops, lying there and observing the surroundings with telescopes.

In addition to the invisibles, there were some other dark world creatures. These dark world creatures were famous for their speed. They patrolled secretly around.


At this moment, a huge warship rose in the Kuncheng in front. The warship flew out from the rule wall. The rule wall split to the left and right, revealing a passage, and the flying warship flew out from it.

This flying warship is more than a thousand feet long, and it is filled with powerful dark world creatures. They stand on the flying warship with murderous intent. The flying warship carries them to the sky and goes to the distance.

Lin Fan looked at the flying warship flying away in shock. Has this Kuncheng been used as a base by the dark world creatures?

After the dark world creatures occupy the federal cities one by one, they will use these cities as bases, and then open up channels with the dark world. The dark world will continuously transmit the dark world creatures to these cities, and then disperse from these cities and send them to different battlefields to fight.

Lin Fan did not act rashly, but quietly hid outside. Ten minutes later, another flying warship flew out of Kuncheng, flew into the sky, and disappeared.

He observed for an hour, and almost every ten minutes a flying warship would fly out of it.

He logged into the official website of the Night Watchman and carefully checked the information about Kuncheng. Although he is only a level 5 superpower user now, he can apply to become a god-level night watchman at any time.

Because one of his talents has reached the god level.

As long as a certain superpower reaches the god level, plus some military exploits, he can apply to become a god-level night watchman.

His military exploits have long reached the application standards.

As long as he can kill ten dark world creatures of the same level, he can apply to become a god-level night watchman.

During this period, more than ten level 5 superpower users have died in his hands.

However, he is a person who pays attention to low-key and wretched development, so he did not apply to become a god-level night watchman in a high-profile manner. The authority of the level 5 night watchman is enough, and he quickly found detailed information about Kuncheng.

A week ago, the insects were occupied by the creatures of the dark world and built a rule wall. Then, the dark world used Kuncheng as a base and opened a passage to the dark world. The dark world creatures inside the dark world can be teleported to Kuncheng through this passage, and then sent to various battlefields.

The Federation had sent several waves of night watchmen to try to retake Kuncheng and destroy this passage, but unfortunately failed.

In the end, the Federation had to give up the idea of ​​robbing Kuncheng. They sent some secret teams to try to sneak into Kuncheng and destroy this passage.

The dark world passage inside Kuncheng was opened by the creatures of the dark world at a huge cost. If this passage can be destroyed, then the creatures of the dark world can be prevented from coming from Kuncheng!

As the federal cities were occupied by the creatures of the dark world, they used these cities as bases to open up passages to allow more creatures of the dark world to come.

The most important reason why the night watchmen retreated in the west was that the creatures of the dark world were continuously teleported back from the dark world.

Even if the Night's Watch managed to gain the upper hand, they would soon be defeated as the enemy's numbers continued to grow.

Take White Tiger City for example. Although it is now occupied by the Night Watch, it may soon be taken back by the creatures of the Dark World, because when the number of Dark World creatures descending here increases, they will attack White Tiger City with an army ten times that of the Night Watch.

Unless the number of soldiers on the Night Watch side is also so large, but the Federation has done its best. Although all the people have begun to copy superpowers to become superpowers, most of them are only low-level superpowers.

Even if they come, they are just cannon fodder. Low-level superpowers can't play a role on the battlefield here. Therefore, the Federation can only cultivate as many strong people as possible and arrange these strong people here, so that there is a chance to resist the invasion of the creatures of the Dark World.

But the Federation needs time. After all, cultivating strong people is not something that can be done in a day or two. As time goes by, the cities of the Federation continue to fall.

Now, most of the areas in the west have fallen into the hands of the Dark World, and the invasion of the creatures of the Dark World seems to be unstoppable.

If you want to stop a large number of dark world creatures from coming, the simplest and most direct way is to destroy these channels. As long as all these channels are destroyed, the dark world creatures will not be able to descend so quickly.

Of course, the largest channel for dark world creatures to descend into the real world is the huge space crack at the overlap. This space crack is the main channel for dark world creatures to enter the real world.

The channels in other occupied cities are just some small channels, but there are many of these small channels. The number of dark world creatures descending from these channels is also very large, even surpassing the dark world creatures descending from the main channel.

At the beginning, when there was only the main channel, the Night Watch army was able to temporarily suppress the dark world creatures, but with the emergence of these small channels, the number of dark world creatures descending into the real world instantly doubled, and the Night Watch army could not stop it.

The Federation issued tasks for these small channels one by one. As long as these tasks are completed, you can get rich rewards. The task content is to destroy these small channels!

Countless powerful night watchmen paid their lives to destroy these passages. There are also lurking night watchmen in this Kuncheng. They sneaked in before and have been looking for opportunities to see if they can destroy the passage.

But they have never succeeded. Of course, there are other night watchmen trying to sneak into Kuncheng.

For this passage inside Kuncheng, the federal government has issued a task. Anyone who can destroy this passage can immediately be promoted to a higher level.

The levels within the federation are very strict. Everyone wants to be promoted to a higher level. Unless your realm breaks through and you have made great military achievements, it is very difficult for you to move up a level.

For many night watchmen, if they can be promoted to a higher level, not only will the treatment be better, but money, wealth, power, etc. will also come with it.

The most important thing is that the authority can be raised to a higher level and more resources can be enjoyed.

Lin Fan can now apply to become a god-level night watchman at any time. Once he becomes a god-level night watchman, he will have greater authority and more resources.

Once he becomes a god-level night watcher, he will be eligible to contact some superpowers that he was not qualified to contact before. He can choose those powerful superpowers. If he likes the superpowers of some superpowers, he will be eligible to copy the superpowers of these superpowers.

Moreover, he can also command a group of night watchers to fight for him alone and form his own night watcher army.

This is what Long Zhan did. He commanded a group of night watchers and occupied Baihu City. The resources of the entire Baihu City belonged to him!

It can use the resources of a city to pour on itself, making itself stronger and thus obtaining more resources.

But Lin Fan's situation is a bit special. He does not need to copy other people's superpowers. His superpowers are already strong enough!

Moreover, his evolution is different from that of other night watchers. Other night watchers need to slowly break through or copy stronger superpowers to evolve, but he only needs experience points, so he is not very interested in upgrading his level.

He looked at Kuncheng in front of him. There must be a lot of dark world creatures in this Kuncheng. If he can enter it, then everyone is his experience value!

This was full of great temptation for him. He came from Baihu City, where he killed many dark world creatures, but still did not gather the experience points needed to upgrade his talent.

He needed to go to a place with more dark world creatures to gather the experience points needed to upgrade his talent.

As a large city, Kuncheng must have more dark world creatures than Baihu City, and there were a steady stream of dark world creatures coming here from the dark world along the passage. This was what he needed most at the moment!

He glanced at the rule wall in front of him. If he wanted to enter Kuncheng, he had to pass through this rule wall. He quietly lurked and came to the outside of the rule wall. He gently stretched out a hand and reached into the rule wall without being attacked.

"Two thousand meters!"

His eyes were fixed on the rule wall, which was actually two thousand meters thick.

The rule wall of Baihu City was only one thousand meters thick. Unexpectedly, the rule wall of Kuncheng was two thousand meters thick.

He looked around. The location he chose was relatively remote, and there were not many dark world creatures patrolling nearby.

The only risk is whether there are creatures from the dark world guarding inside the rules. If there are powerful creatures from the dark world guarding inside, he will be waiting for the other party to take advantage of him after passing through the rules.

He can't cross the rule wall as recklessly as he did in Baihu City.

Once he passes through the rule wall, he will inevitably be bombarded by the rule thunder. He doesn't know how fast the rule thunder here is.

The rule thunder in Baihu City has a bombardment speed of 50,000 meters in an instant. He can pass through the rule wall before the rule thunder hits him, but the rule wall here is 2,000 meters thick.

The bombardment speed of the rule thunder will definitely be very fast. If the speed is faster than him, then he will not be able to pass through the rule wall and will most likely be killed instantly by the rule thunder.

He left the rule wall and hid in the dark. Finally, he came to a team of mechanical sect members.

The leader of this team of mechanical sect members is a fourth-level mutant, and the others are all third-level mutants. There are a total of ten people who are patrolling nearby.

After Lin Fan came over, he used the power of controlling everything to instantly control their bodies, making them unable to move or even speak.

Lin Fan led the ten people to teleport towards the rule wall. Soon, he led the ten people to the outside of the rule wall. He took a look at the rule wall in front of him, and without hesitation controlled one of them and threw him directly into the rule wall.


As soon as this person was thrown into the rule wall, a series of rule thunders bombarded him, instantly splitting this person into pieces, leaving no residue.

"Seventy thousand meters in an instant!"

Lin Fan had just been observing the rule thunder and found that the speed of the rule thunder was seventy thousand meters in an instant, not as fast as his.

Theoretically, he could instantly pass through the rule wall and enter Kuncheng before the rule thunder hit him, but he had to continue testing because the attack speed of the rule thunder corresponding to each rule was different.

Some rules have slow attack speeds of rule thunder, while others have fast speeds.

He continued to control another person and threw him in. This time, the speed at which this person entered was not very fast. He was within the rules and was controlled by Lin Fan to move motionlessly.


Lin Fan controlled the vocal cords of this person and made a sound. When this person spoke, a rule of thunder fell from the sky and smashed him to ashes on the spot.

Lin Fan and the remaining eight people disappeared instantly. When he left, a group of patrolling dark world creatures came nearby.

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