Following a part of the death aura, he slowly approached a certain place.

In this process, he saw that the death aura around him was being sucked away quickly, and the death aura in some places had already been absorbed completely.

"In front!"

He looked into the distance. Within 5,000 meters, he could see everything clearly. Like a magnifying glass, he saw a tall figure standing in the dark on the top of a tall building more than 4,000 meters away.

This figure was surrounded by a thick death aura, and the death aura from all directions on the battlefield all gathered around him.

There were many whirlpools around his body, which were constantly absorbing the death aura and pouring it back into his body.

The thick death aura submerged his figure, and normal people could not see him at all, but could only see a piece of darkness.

Even if there were powerful god-level creatures near him, they could only feel that the death aura around them was very thick, but they could not find him.

Lin Fan's eyes could see through everything. He saw this figure clearly through the death aura.

This is a young man in a black robe. He looks very handsome, with delicate features and pale skin, like a dead person. His pupils are green, empty, numb, and full of bloodthirsty madness. He looks no different from those zombies.

The only difference is that he looks full of wisdom. Unlike ordinary zombies, he is not only aware of killing. He is absorbing the aura of death.

As the aura of death is constantly absorbed by him, the aura on his body becomes stronger and stronger.

The number of deaths in the entire Kuncheng is countless. The night watchmen and the creatures of the dark world fought and I don’t know how many people died.

The death aura formed by so many deaths is very terrible, but now all these death auras have absorbed this figure. He seems to feed on the death aura and constantly strengthen himself through the death aura.

"What a terrible aura..."

Even though they are more than 4,000 meters apart, Lin Fan still feels that the death aura emanating from this figure is very terrible, as if he could die with a thought from the other party, as if the real god of death has come.

Lin Fan didn't dare to approach. This person was the most powerful existence he had ever seen. He couldn't see through his realm at all. This was a strong man who surpassed the three gods, and he was also an unknown enemy, very similar to zombies, but with a little difference.

He took a deep breath, stood more than 4,000 meters away, and observed silently.

Suddenly, he saw several dark world creatures, a group of god-level strong men, who came to the side of this figure. They noticed that the death aura here was too strong, and they were ready to come and check what was going on.

When they came nearby, they were ready to approach the death aura in front and go in to see what was going on.

Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on these dark world creatures, watching them carefully enter the death aura.

Suddenly, these people could not see each other after entering the death aura. They were isolated by the death aura. Inside the death aura, they couldn't see their hands in front of them. They suddenly couldn't see each other's figures, and they couldn't even feel each other's breath.

Lin Fan witnessed with his own eyes that after these people entered the death aura, they seemed to have encountered something terrible. Their eyes were terrified and they tried to break free of some kind of power. They wanted to leave the death aura.

However, they were like trapped in a swamp, unable to move quickly, and like headless flies, they kept struggling around.

One of them unknowingly became the death figure in the space.

Lin Fan saw the eyes of the death figure, staring at this person with green eyes.


The man's mouth opened wide, as if he was screaming, as if he had encountered something terrible. Then, the breath of life on his body disappeared crazily, and the rich death aura emanated from his body. He looked desperate and felt that he was dying.


In the end, the life breath of this person's whole body disappeared, and the whole person died completely, and his body fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, he climbed up from the ground again, but he had become a zombie with green pupils. He disappeared in the death aura and quietly approached other living people.

The figures who were still struggling in the death aura around them were getting more and more dense.

At this moment, one of them was suddenly attacked. Behind him, the zombie appeared, and one hand pierced his chest directly and grabbed his heart out.

The man looked back in disbelief, the light in his eyes disappeared, and a random and dense death aura emanated from his body.

Soon, his body also turned into a zombie.

Then, he also began to hunt the living people around him.

The one who was still alive was either killed by the death figure or killed by a sneak attack.

Under Lin Fan's gaze, in less than three minutes, all the dark world creatures that entered the death aura were killed and infected into zombies.

Among these people, there were one god realm and two god realms, but without exception, none of them left alive.

As the number of deaths on the battlefield increased, the death aura became more and more dense. The death aura around this death figure became stronger and stronger, and his aura became more and more amazing.

At a certain moment, Lin Fan felt that this figure seemed to have looked at him. He was so scared that he stepped back instantly and moved away directly, not daring to stay where he was.

"All night watchmen, listen to the order, leave Kuncheng on the rule ship. This will soon become a dead city, and all the living people will be killed!"

Jifa's voice sounded in the earphones of all the night watchmen, and Lin Fan also heard it.

The night watchmen were killed and hunted, and scattered in all directions. Now Jifa decided to let the night watchmen leave Kuncheng.

The terrible zombies are almost difficult to kill, and there is an unknown mastermind behind the scenes, which makes them dare not stay in Kuncheng at all.

The creatures in the dark world are also fleeing Kuncheng.

Both sides have no way to resist the unknown enemy.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and began to approach the rule wall. He should be the only one who saw the true face of the death figure. That guy is really scary.

Jifa's decision is right. They must leave Kuncheng.

Otherwise, when that guy absorbs all the death energy, he may massacre all the living people in Kuncheng.

Lin Fan believes that if this person takes action, no one in Kuncheng can resist, even Jifa will probably be ruthlessly killed.


In the darkness, the night watchmen rushed towards the destination frantically. Ji Fa sent a location coordinate to the night watchmen, asking them to go there on their own and leave on the rule ship.

As Lin Fan headed towards the destination, he observed the situation around him. Some night watchmen were surrounded and they could not escape in time.

There were too many zombies around, and they were difficult to kill. Their strength was terrifying. Batches of night watchmen were fed to pigs, and perhaps death was waiting for them.


Lin Fan saw these surrounded night watchmen. He casually chopped out a series of destructive thunders, which fell from the sky and instantly smashed the heads of some zombies.

Under his attack, the nearby zombies died one by one, their heads were broken, and they fell to the ground.

The surrounded night watchmen saw the zombies around them die, and they excitedly ran out of the encirclement.

They couldn't see Lin Fan, but they knew that Lin Fan was saving them. Destructive thunder was already Lin Fan's iconic ability.

After saving these night watchmen and gaining some experience points, Lin Fan continued to head to his destination.

Whenever he saw night watchmen being surrounded on the road, he would rescue them.

Soon, Lin Fan approached the rule wall, and he saw the rule ship shuttling inside the rule wall, which was sending the night watchmen in the city out of the city.

Chapter 158 Zombie King

All the surviving night watchmen from all directions rushed towards the rule wall, intending to leave Kuncheng on the rule ship.

Everyone stayed in the rule wall in an orderly manner, silently waiting for the rule ship to take them out.

The rule ship can only pick up and drop off a group of people at a time, so the others can only wait here silently. They dare not make any sound, restrain their breath, and worry about attracting the zombie army.

Once the zombie army finds this place, they will change their position and leave from other directions.

Lin Fan also came nearby, and he stood with the night watchmen, silently waiting for the rule ship.

During the waiting process, many people looked at the distance anxiously, worried that zombies would find this side. While everyone was waiting, the rule ship appeared again, and the night watchmen at the front line boarded the rule ship in an orderly manner.

"Don't worry, everyone can leave!"

There are god-level night watchmen maintaining order around. In this case, it is time to escape. Everyone wants to leave first, but there is no order without rules. If everyone wants to rush to the rule ship, it will naturally cause chaos, and chaos will attract zombies.

There are god-level night watchmen maintaining order next to them. Everyone is waiting quietly. Although they are anxious in their hearts, at this time, they can only line up honestly.


Just as everyone was waiting, a beast-like roar came from a distance, and everyone trembled in their hearts. What they worried about still happened. The zombies finally found this side.

In the distant sky, a tall zombie stood on the roof of a tall building. This zombie saw the people on the rule wall. He kept roaring and led the other zombies to rush over here.

On the street, dense zombies shuttled like lightning.

These zombies include night watchmen and creatures from the dark world. Various zombies mixed together and charged forward, just like a thousand troops galloping, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

They exude a terrible aura of death. If you observe carefully, you will find that the aura of death on them is drifting away little by little, and finally absorbed by the death figure.

In a certain place, the death figure stood on the roof, and vortices were suspended around him, constantly devouring the terrifying aura of death.

In the entire Kuncheng, the aura of death from all directions gathered on him and was finally absorbed by him.


Seeing that the zombie army was getting closer and closer to the rule wall, the night watchmen near the rule wall had to start running away.

The people in the rule ship guided the night watchmen to gather at the next place.

This place has been discovered by the zombies and is not safe. The rule ship instantly shuttled away from the rule, and the night watchmen outside also began to flee in all directions.

Lin Fan looked calmly at the zombie army in the distance. The dense zombie army was like a surging river, constantly spreading over, making people's scalp tingling. Even he didn't dare to rush in casually.

Although he was very strong, there were many zombies in the Three Gods Realm among the zombie army.

He was shocked that even the Three Gods Realm strongmen were killed by zombies.

His figure disappeared instantly and fled into the distance, heading to the next gathering place.

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