But this could not stop them from entering Qingshan City!

More blood-eyed bats rushed into the rule wall again. Lin Fan was beside them, using the control of all things and illusions to keep these blood-eyed bats stagnant in the rule wall, preventing them from entering Qingshan City.

In the same way, this batch of blood-eyed bats were killed by the rule thunder again. No blood-eyed bat could successfully pass through the rule wall, and all died inside.

"All dead!"

The blood-eyed bats outside the rule wall took a breath of cold air.

Before, some of their blood-eyed bats could successfully enter Qingshan City, but now they all died strangely in the rule wall. There must be some problem, and they began to investigate.

"It's him!"

"It must be him who made the move!"

In the end, they were sure that it must be the enemy in the dark who made the move against them.

They were angry and kept roaring. They hated Lin Fan to the bone. Lin Fan was invisible and slaughtered them, and now he was preventing them from entering Qingshan City. With Lin Fan here, they had no way to pass through the rule wall. The blood-eyed bats that entered the rule wall would eventually be wiped out.


The blood-eyed bats dared not enter the rule wall again. They had already tested that entering the rule wall would lead to annihilation, because Lin Fan was nearby.

They looked grim. At this moment, a group of blood-eyed bats suddenly fell from the sky. They realized that Lin Fan was slaughtering them again!

"Disperse and enter!"

The blood-eyed bats dispersed into countless blood clouds without hesitation, floating to different areas of Qingshan City, preparing to enter Qingshan City from different angles at the same time.

Before, they were going to enter vertically from one direction in a straight line, but because Lin Fan was here, he affected them, and they could not enter from one place, but from different angles.

In this way, the risk can also be dispersed. Lin Fan could not attack blood-eyed bats in different areas at the same time. He could only stop one area.

Sure enough, after the blood-eyed bats dispersed, Lin Fan could not stop the blood-eyed bats from entering. He could only stop one area, while the blood-eyed bats in other areas successfully entered Qingshan City by suicide.

The night watchmen in Qingshan City were under the greatest pressure. The blood-eyed bats entered Qingshan City through hundreds of channels. The night watchmen were divided into hundreds of teams, guarding the exits at different exits.

But the number of blood-eyed bats coming in was increasing. Gradually, a group of blood-eyed bats broke out of their encirclement and gathered in some hidden corners of Qingshan City, lurking.

When the number of blood-eyed bats increased, they began to attack the night watchmen.

"No, they are coming in!"

"Hold on, don't let more blood-eyed bats come in!"

Because there were too many blood-eyed bats entering Qingshan City, the night watchmen could not eliminate all the blood-eyed bats in the first place. They could only kill most of them, but there were still a small number of blood-eyed bats that broke out of their encirclement and flew to the sky, escaping their pursuit.

Zhan Wuji sent some night watchmen to chase and kill the blood-eyed bats that escaped into Qingshan City, while others stayed where they were and continued to guard the exits to prevent more blood-eyed bats from coming in.

But this is just a drop in the bucket. As more and more blood-eyed bats come in, and those that enter Qingshan City also attack the Night Watch in different areas, this seriously affects their plan and makes their defense of the city more and more difficult.

"Hold on for another two hours!"

Zhan Wuji chased the blood-eyed bats that escaped into Qingshan City while boosting morale. He kept shuttling between different battlefields in Qingshan City, asking the Night Watch to defend with all their strength.

They still need two hours. The task force is already on the way, but there is still some distance from Qingshan City.


The battle is about to break out. The Night Watch at the exit and the blood-eyed bats that come in have a fierce fight. Both sides suffer heavy losses. The single-soldier combat capability of the blood-eyed bats is very strong.

Because they have absorbed enough blood outside the Ten Thousand Mountains, each blood-eyed bat has evolved greatly, and its strength has become unfathomable, far exceeding the Night Watch in Qingshan City.

It may take several night watchmen to kill a blood-eyed bat at the same time.

As more and more blood-eyed bats came in, the night watchmen paid a heavy price. In Qingshan City, blood flowed like a river and corpses were everywhere. The blood-eyed bats broke up the formation of the night watchmen. The night watchmen were hit to pieces and the army was divided, forming a small battlefield.

They tried hard to stop the blood-eyed bats, but the situation was over and they could not hold on.

The blood-eyed bats rushed into Qingshan City. They caught the night watchmen and bit their necks directly, sucking their blood. The night watchmen turned into mummies one by one, and the blood on the ground was also sucked clean by the blood-eyed bats.

There was not much bloody smell on the strange battlefield. Any drop of blood would be sucked clean by the blood-eyed bats.

The blood-eyed bats paid a heavy price and finally entered Qingshan City. They would not let go of any night watchman, nor would they let go of any drop of blood. Even if their own people died, they would suck the bodies of their dead people into mummies, not letting go of any drop of blood.

"Massacre the city!"

"Kill all the night watchmen, don't let anyone go!"

After the blood-eyed bats entered Qingshan City, they began to massacre the city.

All the Night Watchmen within the range of the naked eye have become their targets!


Zhan Wuji was covered in blood. He killed blood-eyed bats one by one, but he could not change the situation on the battlefield. The Night Watchmen were completely inferior. They were not as numerous as the blood-eyed bats, and their individual combat capabilities were not as good.

Under such circumstances, the Night Watchmen were almost slaughtered one-sidedly. Seeing more Night Watchmen being killed, even their bodies were sucked into mummies. Zhan Wuji knew that the situation was over, but they had to defend Qingshan City and could not let Qingshan City become the first human city to be massacred!

"Take the rule ship and kill the blood-eyed bats in the rule wall!"

There are a total of ten rule ships in Qingshan City. These rule ships are used to enter and exit the rule wall. Now, the Night Watch army can no longer defend. Zhan Wuji can only let some of the Night Watchmen take the rule ship, enter the rule wall, and find a way to kill the blood-eyed bats that are still coming in. Kill as many as you can.

We must seize every minute and every second to cause damage to the blood-eyed bats, defend Qingshan City as much as possible, and buy time for the arrival of the task force!

Ten rule ships entered the rule wall in an instant. The night watchmen in the rule ships shuttled through the rule wall and came to the blood-eyed bats that were still entering the rule wall.

Some of these blood-eyed bats were killed by the rule thunder, and some took the opportunity to enter Qingshan City.

When the rule ships came nearby, they specifically attacked the blood-eyed bats that were not attacked by the rule thunder. Under their attack, these blood-eyed bats were also killed in the first time.

The speed of the blood-eyed bats entering the rule wall was slowed down.


The rule ship successfully prevented some blood-eyed bats from entering Qingshan City, but the number of rule ships was only ten, and the blood-eyed bats entered Qingshan City through hundreds of channels. They could only stop one-tenth of the blood-eyed bats.

"Your mission is to stop them from coming in, don't worry about the rest!"

The mission of the ten rule ships is to stop the blood-eyed bats in these ten channels and try to prevent them from entering Qingshan City. As for the blood-eyed bats in other channels, they are powerless.

The ten rule ships stopped the blood-eyed bats in the ten channels, reducing the number of blood-eyed bats entering Qingshan City by one tenth, but this still cannot change the situation in Qingshan City.

The night watchmen in Qingshan City were dispersed by the blood-eyed bats, and many night watchmen had to hide and hide their figures in different buildings in Qingshan City.

From the frontal battle at the beginning to the street fighting now, the night watchmen are at an absolute disadvantage. They can only delay time by street fighting. Many night watchmen hide in some corners and watch the blood-eyed bats flying around in the sky outside.

These blood-eyed bats are searching for night watchmen throughout the city. Once they are found, they will be sucked dry of blood and die immediately.

"Kill all the night watchmen, don't let any of them go, dig deep to find them!"

Powerful blood-eyed bats issued orders in the sky. Dense blood-eyed bats were scattered in different corners of Qingshan City. Some night watchmen were found and killed on the spot.

The night watchmen who dared to be active outside were all god-level night watchmen, but their situation was very dangerous. Once they were discovered, they would be surrounded by blood-eyed bats like blood clouds. Their final fate was very miserable. They would be torn into pieces by a attracting bat, and then swallowed into the stomach. There would be no body left, even the bones would be eaten.

Qingshan City fell.

Countless night watchmen were killed, and there was no body left. Only some of the hand night watchmen survived. They hid in different corners of Qingshan City, but they were still very dangerous. They were being searched by blood-eyed bats. If they were not found, they would die.

"There's still one hour!"

Zhan Wuji killed a group of blood-eyed bats and flew into a building. His face was pale. He didn't expect that they couldn't even hold on for three hours and were defeated in two hours.

Now, even he didn't know how many people were still alive. He could only use his mobile phone to boost the morale of the surviving night watchmen, asking them to hide as much as possible and hold on for another hour. When the task force arrived, they could defend Qingshan City.

"We're here!"

At the same time, the night watchmen who came from the Shiwan Mountains finally arrived outside Qingshan City. As soon as they arrived, they directly attacked the blood-eyed bats outside the city, hoping to use this method to affect the blood-eyed bats.

Brothers, if you have votes, vote for me

Chapter 173 The task force was trapped halfway, and Qingshan City was in danger!

But their power was insignificant. They could only cause damage to the blood-eyed bats on the periphery and could not affect the overall situation at all.

They even fell into danger because of this. The outermost group of blood-eyed bats suddenly broke away from the main force and rushed towards them. The individual combat capability of these blood-eyed bats was very terrifying.

These night watchmen who came to support were trapped in a bitter battle in an instant.

Many night watchmen were killed on the spot. After all, their number was too small. Even the strongest night watchmen would eventually die of exhaustion when surrounded by dense blood-eyed bats, and then be dismembered. The night watchmen who came to support one by one eventually lost their lives here.

These night watchmen who came to support were all very powerful, but their number was too small. The blood-eyed bats also made full use of the advantage of numbers. They first surrounded the night watchmen one by one, and then used a round-robin battle to consume them.

When these night watchmen were exhausted, the blood-eyed bats would rush up and tear them into pieces directly, leaving no bones.

One by one, the powerful night watchmen were consumed and killed by the blood-eyed bats in a round-robin battle.

There were night watchmen in Shiwan Dashan every minute and every second, rushing towards Qingshan City, but they were like the gourd baby saving his grandfather. When they came to the outskirts of Qingshan City, they would be surrounded by countless blood-eyed bats.

These blood-eyed bats were very cunning. They lurked silently outside Qingshan City. When they saw the night watchmen coming, they would ambush and suddenly attack, surround the night watchmen at the first time, and then kill the night watchmen in a round-robin battle.

Many night watchmen who came to support were surrounded by blood-eyed bats and slaughtered before they had time to exert their true strength.

These blood-eyed bats tasted the sweetness, and they quietly laid a net of heaven and earth, ambushing in all directions. Once they found a single night watchman, or a small number of night watchmen, they would rush out and kill the other party at the first time.

Batches of night watchmen died one after another, and eventually died outside Qingshan City. They had no way to effectively improve the situation, but lost their lives.

"Don't come over, the blood-eyed bats are ambushing us!"

Some powerful night watchmen fought hard to get out of the encirclement of blood-eyed bats. They began to send messages to those night watchmen who were coming to support, asking them not to come blindly.

Be cautious. Outside Qingshan City, a net of heaven and earth has been laid by blood-eyed bats. Anyone who comes here will die without a burial place!

Many night watchmen who received the news stopped at the first time. They wandered outside Qingshan City and found many blood-eyed bats ambushing. They took a breath of cold air. If they had not received the news, they would have rushed over blindly and would have died without a burial place.

"Let's work together to kill them!"

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