This group of dark world creatures are not worried about anyone coming to support them at all. This is exactly the result they want. They use this group of task forces as bait to attract more night watchmen. They have already set up a dragnet, and no matter how many people come, they will They can be killed, and although these Night Watchmen look strong, they don't care at all.

"There are too few people. More people may pose a threat to us. This number of people is not enough to fill the gap between our teeth."

"Let's play with them."

Several people flew directly into the sky, bringing a group of dark world creatures to greet the god-level night watchmen who came over.

And this group of god-level night watchmen are the ones who arrived first. The main force is still behind. The purpose of their coming here is to see if the task force is still alive. If they are alive, they must find a way to help the task force break out. Or hold out until the main force arrives.

"Thank God, the task force is still alive. Brothers, remember! Our mission is to assist the task force to break out and reach Qingshan City safely. Don't be reluctant to fight, just delay it until the main force arrives!"

This group of god-level night watchmen rushed directly into the sky. The creatures from the dark world in the canyon did not stop them, allowing them to fly into the sky unimpeded. After they entered, the creatures from the dark world locked the exit. Then, a large number of creatures from the dark world flew into the canyon, preparing to catch turtles in the jar.

"Haha, aren't these night watchmen smart? They took the initiative to fly into the encirclement, saving us a lot of energy!"

"In this case, let's help them and destroy them as soon as possible!"

A group of Dark World creatures above the canyon originally planned to force these night watchmen into the canyon. Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to enter, which saved them a lot of trouble. There was a murderous intent in their eyes, and a large number of powerful Dark World creatures The creatures directly entered the sky and began to surround and kill the night watchmen inside.

A group of god-level night watchmen successfully entered the Xiantian Canyon. They breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, they heard the sound and identified their position, and rushed towards the place where the battle was fiercest. Soon, they saw the task force. The task force There are ten members in total.

The task force is wearing black combat uniforms, helmets, goggles, and carrying various new weapons. Unfortunately, until now, their ammunition has almost been exhausted. Now they can only fight hard with their own strength. They are all gods. Super night watchman, powerful.

Next to them, there was a black fighter plane with graceful lines. Unfortunately, it had been destroyed and could not take off.

Ten task force members surrounded the fighter plane, as if there was something important inside the fighter plane. They surrounded the fighter plane in a circle, not daring to leave even a step. There were many dark world creatures surrounding them, and they were launching ferocious attacks on them, but they They didn't dare to push too hard, they just used the method of consumption to wear down their strength.

The ten members of the task force are exhausted at this moment. They are relying on their willpower to hold on. There are secret weapons in the fighter planes behind them, but they cannot fall into the hands of the creatures in the dark world. Otherwise, for the vigil, It will be a disaster for people, but they may not be able to hold on for long.

"Captain, what should we do? How about we die together with them? As long as the secret weapon is used, this canyon and the creatures in the dark world outside will be killed!"

A member of the task force said to a figure in the middle.

The figure in the middle is a woman with a curvy figure and perfect curves. The combat uniform outlines her body vividly. Although her face cannot be seen, it can be seen from her figure that she is a beauty.

"Calm down, someone has already come to support us, we just need to hold on a little longer."

The woman's voice was calm, as if her expression could remain unchanged even if the sky fell. Her words made the other nine members of the task force feel a little more at ease.

Everyone worked together to block another wave of attacks.

"You guys rest first, let us block it first!"

The woman let five of them rest, and the remaining five were scattered around to resist together. Although this would put more pressure on them, she had already guessed that this dark world creature did not want to kill them, but just wanted to consume them.

In this case, they let some people rest first, let some people fight, and then adopted a shift approach, so that they could last longer.


Five of them retreated into the fighter plane and chose to rest. They were already exhausted. They seized this meager time to adjust their condition as much as possible. The pressure on the remaining five people increased greatly, but the creatures from the dark world around them did Don't dare to kill them for fear of pushing them too hard and using secret weapons.

"It's just a dying struggle..."

The creatures of the dark world saw their method. This method could indeed delay a little more time, but it was just a futile effort.

Finally, a group of god-level night watchmen descended from the sky.

The exhausted task force looked up at the sky and saw a group of night watchmen falling down. They were overjoyed. The support had finally arrived, and they were very powerful. They were all god-level night watchmen!

"You've been waiting for a long time, we are here to help you break out!"

A group of god-level night watchmen descended from the sky and took action without hesitation, killing all the dark world creatures around them. They landed and met with the task force, but more dark world creatures suddenly rushed down and killed them all. Surround.

"No matter what happens, we still can't leave!"

Looking at the densely packed dark world creatures, the task force was in despair.

The glimmer of hope that had originally been ignited was gradually extinguished. Although some god-level night watchmen came, the number was too small to help them break out.

"We are just the vanguard. The main force should be only a few dozen miles away from here. When the main force arrives, we will be safe."

"There are more main forces coming!"

Now, the task force is completely relieved. If there are still a large number of night watchmen coming, they just need to hold on until the main force arrives, and there will be hope.

Above the Yixiantian Canyon, a group of god-level dark world creatures looked coldly at the battle below.

"It's just a matter of time to deal with them. How many come, how many die!"

This group of dark world creatures are still drinking tea, not worried about the battle below. For them, this group of new god-level night watchmen has only delayed a little time. The final outcome is already doomed, and the secret weapon must belong to them!

"Not good, a large number of night watchmen are approaching!"

At this time, some dark world creatures who were on guard in the distance suddenly came close and told them a bad news. There are a large number of night watchmen, ten miles away from here, and they are rushing over quickly.

"What, why are there so many people!"

"There are no more Night Watchmen within a few hundred miles! How can there be such a Night Watch army? Where did they come from!"

"Oh no, hurry up and deal with the task force in the canyon!"

This group of dark world creatures was not calm. They kicked over the coffee table and no longer cared about drinking tea. They felt a sense of crisis. A large number of Night Watchmen were coming, less than ten kilometers away from here. If they waited for this group of Night Watchmen to come, the task force in the canyon would be rescued.

They must hurry up and kill the task force as soon as possible and take away the secret weapon!

"What if they use the secret weapon against us?" Someone asked, not daring to go down.

"If we don't act quickly, they will fly away!" Someone roared.

"Then let's act together and fight quickly!"

These people had their own ulterior motives, and finally flew down to the canyon together, but many people's speed was very slow, and even deliberately kept a distance, as if they were ready to run away at any time. Everyone knew it in their hearts.

That being said, few people dared to go down. If the task force used the secret weapon, they would never come back. That was a secret weapon that could save a city!

They were so few that they couldn't even fill their teeth, but the situation was urgent and they couldn't care less. They could only give it a try.

Chapter 175 Photos of the Weeper, ambushed from all sides!

When going down the canyon, the group of dark world creatures shrank back and no one dared to go in front.

"Why are you so timid? It's just a secret weapon! What's there to be afraid of!"

Some people were disdainful, but he was walking at the back.

"If you can do it, go ahead!"

Others despised them. They were very cautious and didn't dare to enter the canyon easily, fearing that they would stimulate the task force to use the secret weapon and perish together.

Finally, a group of god-level dark world creatures came to the depths of the canyon and saw the surrounded task force and the god-level night watchman next to them!

"It's good that they are all here, so we don't have to look for them one by one and kill them!"

When this group of dark world creatures came, they directly issued a death order, killing all the night watchmen present at all costs!


The attack strength of the dark world creatures around them instantly increased to a level, and every move was fatal. The task force also realized that the dark world creatures were ready to kill them.

The captain in the lead turned and entered the fighter without hesitation.

Then, she held a huge box in her hand, which was two meters long and wide. When she took out the box, the dark world creatures around were shocked and couldn't help but retreat a hundred meters, not daring to get close.

"This is the secret weapon!"

"A box, what's in it!"

"No, she's going to use a secret weapon!"

A group of dark world creatures were so scared that they trembled all over and retreated madly. Those god-level dark world creatures who had just come down left the Yixiantian Canyon in an instant and didn't dare to get close at all.

They were suspended in the sky, staring at the wooden box in the captain's hand. The wooden box was two meters long and wide. What was inside? This was what they wanted to know!

"What secret weapon is it!"

They were afraid and curious. The undercover agents in the Federation had no authority to find out what the secret weapon was that the task force was carrying this time, but they knew that once this thing was used, a city could be destroyed.

This was the secret weapon used to save Qingshan City. They couldn't provoke it!

"Either you retreat, or we die together!"

The captain of the task force looked coldly at a group of dark world creatures in the sky.

"She is threatening us!"

"She has the capital, we can't stop the secret weapon!"

"What should we do, is she really going to die with us?"

"Even rabbits bite when they are anxious. We pushed them too hard, so it's normal for them to use secret weapons!"

A group of god-level dark world creatures were communicating frantically in the sky. They were now in a dilemma. They had finally forced the task force to the Skyline Canyon. They were about to succeed, but a large number of night watchmen were rushing over.

If there were no night watchmen, they could slowly consume the task force and snatch the secret weapons, but now they had no time.

The Night Watch army has been fighting with their outer soldiers, and even many people have approached the Sky Canyon. They have no time and must make a choice!

"The duck in my mouth flew away, so sad!"

"Damn it, I failed at the last minute!"

"Forget it, this secret weapon is not used against us anyway. They took it to rescue Qingshan City and also targeted those blood-eyed bats. Let's retreat!"

This group of dark world creatures were extremely unwilling in their hearts. They originally wanted to snatch this secret weapon and use it to enter the Ten Thousand Mountains to target the Night Watch. Unfortunately, their mission failed.

However, the failure of the mission did not affect them at all. Even if the mission failed, this secret weapon was not used against them, but against the blood-eyed bats in Qingshan City.

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