The number of blood-eyed bats was decreasing madly.

"Woo woo..."

Just as the blood-eyed bats were running away, a crying sound suddenly rang in their ears, as if someone was crying in their ears.

This terrible crying sound scared all the blood-eyed bats. The crying sound was too strange. They didn't know where it came from. It seemed to be in the distant sky, and it seemed to be crying in their ears.

Many blood-eyed bats were trembling with fear. Everything they encountered today was the darkest day in their lives.

The crying sound appeared, but they couldn't care so much. There was a terrible rule ship chasing them behind them, and they didn't dare to stop at all.

"Woo woo..."

The crying sound became clearer and more rapid, and then a thin figure suddenly appeared in front of a group of blood-eyed bats.

When the blood-eyed bats saw the weeper, they screamed in fear, and then they were easily killed by the weeper.

The weeper's figure was like a ghost, flashing on the battlefield, and all the blood-eyed bats who saw him were killed by him in an instant.

His strength was too terrifying. All the blood-eyed bats could not escape his pursuit. No matter whether they were level 3 blood-eyed bats or level 3 blood-eyed bats, anyone who saw the weeper could not resist him and was easily wiped out by him.

The blood-eyed bats that had just escaped were killed by the weeper in a short time.

The captain of the task force controlled the rule ship to stay in the distance. She did not approach and kept her eyes closed.

She heard the voice of the weeper and the screams of the blood-eyed bats before they died.

Many blood-eyed bats called out the name of the weeper before they died. They also recognized that it was the weeper who slaughtered them, but they had already seen the weeper and had no way to escape.

Even if they fled to the ends of the earth, the weeper would travel through time and space, come to them, and tear them into pieces.

The captain of the task force knew that this batch of blood-eyed bats should be gone. She turned around without hesitation, controlled the rule ship, and continued to chase the blood-eyed bats in other directions.

She closed her eyes, listened to the direction of the battle, and when she approached, she heard the voice of the Weeper.

The previous task force members had already placed photos of the Weeper in all directions to prevent these blood-eyed bats from escaping.

At this moment, these blood-eyed bats fled in all directions, but there were photos of the Weeper on their way to escape. Unprepared, they directly led the Weeper over. When the Weeper appeared in the crowd, many blood-eyed bats saw him.

All blood-eyed bats with their eyes open would accidentally see the Weeper, and once they saw the Weeper, they would be slaughtered.

"It's the Weeper!"

"Everyone close your eyes quickly, don't look!"

Some blood-eyed bats who saw the Weeper loudly reminded the blood-eyed bats around them. Many blood-eyed bats who had not yet seen the Weeper closed their eyes in fear after hearing the word Weeper, and silently floated in place, not daring to move forward or retreat.

The Weeper is a terrible existence, and the blood-eyed bats also know him.

They were also full of fear of the Weeper. At this moment, many blood-eyed bats who had closed their eyes and escaped the disaster were trembling with fear when they heard the screams around them and the frustrated cries of the Weeper. They dared not move.

They felt that the Weeper was dangling in front of them, and even in front of them, staring at them face to face, hoping that they would open their eyes and look at him.

This oppressive atmosphere almost made them mentally collapse. Many blood-eyed bats retreated in fear, trying to stay away from this area, but the Lifter was shuttling around them, trying to make them open their eyes and look at him.

"Woo woo..."

The Weeper's cry sounded in their ears, as if urging them to open their eyes and look at him.

After the Weeper killed someone, he would cry in frustration on the spot, looking at the corpse, as if he was annoyed about why he killed someone again.

Those blood-eyed bats that retreated with their eyes closed soon left the battlefield and retreated to a safe area. There were no more screams or whimpers around them, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, they turned around and ran forward without hesitation. They never dared to open their eyes, but they soon met the rule ship that was chasing them.

The captain of the task force also closed her eyes. When she came here, the wooden box was always open. When the blood-eyed bats in front flew over, they entered the attack range of the statue.

The next second, these blood-eyed bats died strangely.

They didn't understand how they died until they died. They thought they had escaped from the massacre of the weepers, but they entered the attack range of the statue in a blink of an eye. The dense blood-eyed bats rushed over. The captain of the task force listened to the sound and identified the position. He waited silently. One by one, the blood-eyed bats came to the door automatically and were killed by the statue.

Of course, those who were killed had their eyes open. Many blood-eyed bats would open their eyes and run away after they escaped from the safe zone and felt safe. After all, if they kept their eyes closed, no one knew where they would run to.

When they thought they were safe and opened their eyes, they happened to see the rule ship, and then they were inexplicably killed.

Only the blood-eyed bats that never opened their eyes escaped. They escaped safely from the vicinity of the rule ship and were not killed!

They ran away into the distance without looking back. Facing these blood-eyed bats that had escaped safely, the leader of the task force had no choice. After all, she did not dare to open her eyes now and could only let them escape.

She had no choice but to hand over these escaped blood-eyed bats to the night watchman army ambushing outside Qingshan City.

Some were lucky enough to escape the pursuit of the Weeper and the Rule Ship, and they successfully escaped from Qingshan City.

They thought they were safe, but they didn't know that they were about to enter the ambush circle of the Night Watch army. The Night Watch army ambushed at the outermost periphery and had been waiting. When they saw some blood-eyed bats flying out in the distance, they launched an attack without hesitation. attack.

These blood-eyed bats were in shock and had just escaped. Unexpectedly, they were ambushed by the night watchmen, and many of them were killed in a sneak attack in an instant.

They started to fight back.

Fortunately, there were not many blood-eyed bats that escaped. The night watchman army guarding here did not use the Weeper's photos for the time being. They used their own strength to kill these blood-eyed bats with all their strength.

After fighting for a long time, the escaped blood-eyed bats were finally killed. Of course, there were more blood-eyed bats that escaped. The leader of the task force could not kill all the blood-eyed bats. She could only kill most of them. Some, but still a few lucky ones escaped.

But they still have to face the siege of the Night Watch army!

Outside Qingshan City, most of the blood-eyed bats were dead, either killed by the statues in the rule ship or by the Weeper.

The cry of the weeper has been echoing outside Qingshan City.

In Qingshan City, both the night watchmen and the blood-eyed bats heard the cryer's voice, and they were all frightened.

The Night Watchmen were lucky, this was their plan, but the Blood-Eyed Bats were horrified. They had no idea that the Federation was so insidious and brought all the Weepers here!

What happened to the blood-eyed bats outside the city? The blood-eyed bats in the city didn't know that they couldn't protect themselves now. The night watchman was hiding. They were looking for the night watchman in Qingshan City.

But at some point, they accidentally saw a photo of The Wailer that had been placed by members of the task force.

This kind of thing is not something they can't see just because they want to. The Weeper's photo is like a billboard on the roadside, hidden on the wall, hidden with other advertisements.

Even the Blood-Eyed Bats didn't know why they saw the picture of the Weeper. They thought it was an ordinary advertising photo, but they didn't expect it to be the Weeper. Then, they heard a cry.


The cryer's voice rang in their ears, which made them confused. They didn't know whether it was coming from outside the city, or whether it was coming from right next to them.

Many blood-eyed bats could not be sure, and they continued to search for clues. However, there were still some blood-eyed bats who instinctively closed their eyes, and the cry of the weeper appeared. If they opened their eyes again, they would just die on their own.

A slender figure suddenly appeared in the crowd. Those blood-eyed bats who saw the cryer's photo were killed by the lifter. When screams and cries sounded around them, those with their eyes closed The blood-eyed bat, while feeling frightened, was glad that he had closed his eyes in advance.

But they were still in danger. After the Weeper killed the blood-eyed bats around him, he wandered around them, and even tried to get them to open their eyes and look at him face to face.

They felt that the cryer was right in front of them, and they even heard the cryer's breathing.

"Go quickly and escape from Qingshan City!"

The surviving blood-eyed bats are so frightened that they no longer dare to stay in Qingshan City. This is hell!

Thanks to my brothers for their monthly votes and recommendation votes. The plot of this book is gradually unfolding. I will work hard!

Chapter 177 The mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole is behind, and here comes the zombie king!

"Close your eyes, don't open them, the weeper is with us!"

The surviving blood-eyed bats were too panicked to walk and ran away frantically with their eyes closed.


The weeper will not actively attack those who do not see him.

There is no watchman around,

They closed their eyes and were safe for now.

Saw the weeper's blood-eyed bat,

They were quickly slaughtered.

And the blood-eyed bat escaped with his eyes closed.

they know,

The night watchman brought the Weepers over to target them, Qingshan City could not stay.

"Damn it, the cunning night watchman actually used the Weeper to trap us!"

The living Blood-Eyed Bat is full of hatred for the Federal Night Watch and full of fear of the Weepers.

They have only one thought now,

That is to leave Qingshan City.

As for massacre,

There are weepers,

It's lucky that they weren't slaughtered completely!


inside the city,

The cryer's voice is like the whisper of death.

Countless blood-eyed bats,

On some streets, I accidentally saw pictures of crying people hidden in street advertisements.

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