"Lin Fan, you have to believe me. If you don't hand over the law enforcement instrument, then the mechanical sect will always assassinate you until you are killed!"

Li Lihua tried to delay time and persuade Lin Fan to hand over the law enforcement instrument to her.

"You didn't hand over the list to the Night Watch Division?" Li Lihua asked tentatively.

"The entire Night Watch Division is undercover, who should I hand it over to?"

"That's good..." Li Lihua breathed a sigh of relief, but also a little regretful.

"Do you want me to hand over the law enforcement instrument? Then you can get the law enforcement instrument through special methods. I'm not that stupid."

"No, you misunderstood..."

"Okay, I'll tell you, I have killed eleven of the 98 people on the list. Next, I will kill them all. This is the price you mechanical sect pays for hunting me down!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he didn't even give Li Lihua a chance to speak, and directly swallowed her.

"Sure enough, there is no reproductive system..."

When Lin Fan devoured Li Lihua, he also focused on Li Lihua's body structure. Li Lihua's body below the head was indeed all mechanical, exactly as he thought.


The moment Li Lihua was killed, Yang Tao, who was running over, let out a wild beast howl like crazy. He sensed that Li Lihua was dead.


Yang Tao and Li Lihua were a couple. Li Lihua's death was a huge shock to him. He already knew that the murderer was Lin Fan, and he wanted to cut Lin Fan into pieces!

"Lin Fan, I'm going to kill you!"

"The first-level night watchman Lin Fan has betrayed the Night Watch Division. Lin Fan is colluding with the Mechanical Cult! All night watchmen listen to the order. If you find Lin Fan, report his information as soon as possible. He has a lot of confidential information of the Night Watch Division. Don't kill him unless it is necessary. Give priority to capturing him alive!"

Yang Tao suddenly and calmly issued an order to all the night watchmen on patrol to capture Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's mobile phone also received Yang Tao's order. When he saw this order, his eyes widened. He did nothing, but Yang Tao actually accused him of such a big hat.



Seeing the night watchmen replying that they had received it, Lin Fan knew that he was bound to be accused of this big hat. He was only a first-level night watchman, and Yang Tao was a third-level night watchman, and he was also the commander of the night watch tonight. When he gave an order, others would obey unconditionally!

Chapter 17 Night Watchman Identity Card

Lin Fan felt very unlucky.

He was wanted by the Night Watch Department on his first day as a night watchman.

"I haven't even received my salary, and they are wanted me?"

He was very angry. The night watch department system was too bad. Just because Yang Tao was the commander of the night watch tonight and issued such an order to him, other night watchmen arrested him unconditionally without giving him a chance to explain. This was too cold and ruthless.

"The Night Watch should be cleaned up. There are too many undercovers!"

He also understood why so many Night Watchmen died. The entire Night Watch was undercover, so the probability of real Night Watchmen dying was naturally high.

When undercovers hold real power, they naturally want to find a way to kill the real Night Watchmen.

"Are the people in the Federal Investigation Department just eating for free? So many undercovers have not been investigated!" He cursed.

But he soon realized that the people in the Federal Investigation Department had already found out. The dead middle-aged man was an investigator of the Federal Investigation Department. His law enforcement instrument recorded the list of 98 mechanical sect undercovers, but he was killed before he had time to pass the list out.

"Is the Federal Investigation Department also full of undercovers?"

Lin Fan suddenly thought of a terrible question. Why didn't the investigator pass the list back to the Federal Investigation Department before he died? He could do it, but why didn't he do it?

There is only one possibility, that is, the Federal Investigation Department, like the Night Watch Department, has been infiltrated by undercover agents. He dare not guarantee that the list he sent back can be obtained by the real Federal Investigation Department. If the undercover agent gets it, then the list is equivalent to giving it away for free, and he will be exposed. Unfortunately, he was still killed.

"The entire Federation is not full of undercover agents of the dark world organization..."

Lin Fan felt his scalp tingling. He thought of the four words that the old man in the mental hospital suddenly said when he was possessed by the dark world creature.

Eternal night is coming!

On the surface of this world, everything seems beautiful, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the Federation rules the world, but the truth is that the Federation has been infiltrated by dark world creatures, and there are undercover agents of dark world organizations in various institutions.

When the dark world and the real world completely overlap, and the dark world creatures descend in large numbers, the Federation is likely to be destroyed, and all the people in this world will be enslaved, eaten, and exterminated by the dark world creatures.

Lin Fan shuddered all over. This was just his guess.

This is the worst outcome. He can only believe that the Federation has a way to revive. He thinks the Federation should have its own countermeasures.

"What! Lin Fan is colluding with the Mechanic Cult? That's nonsense. He just joined the Night Watch. It's simply slander!"

When An Zhenzheng received the order, he cursed directly. He knew Lin Fan the moment Lin Fan joined the Night Watch. He knew Lin Fan inside and out.

Apart from contacting him, Lin Fan had never contacted anyone else, let alone colluding with the Mechanic Cult. He also didn't believe that Lin Fan was a member of the Mechanic Cult.

"It must be slander!"

But An Zhenzheng knew in his heart that he was just a first-level Night Watchman. He couldn't save himself and there was no way to save Lin Fan.

"Lin Fan, you're on your own. Alas, the Night Watch is actually quite dark, that's why we are cannon fodder... The danger comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside!"

An Zhenzheng has worked as a first-level night watchman for three years. He has seen too many dark inside stories. He has seen Lin Fan's example more than once or twice. Among his 108 neighbors, some of them were hunted down and killed by internal orders just like Lin Fan is now.

When Yang Tao issued an arrest warrant for Lin Fan, the night watchmen on patrol went out and began to look for him everywhere.

Lin Fan hid in the darkness and looked coldly at Yang Tao in the distance. After Yang Tao chased him to the vicinity and lost his trace, he did not go away, but looked around.

Moreover, he called more night watchmen and asked them to look for him nearby.

Looking at this posture, it seems that they will find him even if they dig three feet into the ground.

Lin Fan wanted to rush out and kill Yang Tao, but Yang Tao was LV3, and he was not sure.

There is a huge gap between LV2 and LV3, and he can't kill Yang Tao for the time being.

He hid in the darkness, watching the night watchmen appearing around him. Most of these night watchmen were real night watchmen and were not on the list.

But he still saw a few undercovers on the list. Seeing these undercovers, Lin Fan decided to kill them.

He saw three first-level night watchmen, who were undercovers on the list. He approached silently and swallowed them up with lightning speed.

Soon, he saw another second-level night watchman.

This person was very fast and was shuttling in the dark, but Lin Fan was faster, with a step of 20 meters, and he came to this person in an instant.

This person ran at high speed and plunged into Lin Fan's black fog and was wrapped by Lin Fan.

[Experience value +10]

In the dark, Lin Fan was like an excellent killer, constantly hunting down the undercovers on the list.

In the end, he killed eight first-level night watchmen and two second-level night watchmen.

Including the eleven people he had killed before, he had killed a total of twenty-one people on the list!

Lin Fan did not kill those normal night watchmen, although they were always wandering around him.

Looking at the night watchmen who were constantly wandering around him, Lin Fan finally figured out one thing. After he joined the night watchmen, his identity information was entered into the night watch system.

To a certain extent, his location could also be locked by the night watch system, just like now.

Although he was hidden in the dark, these night watchmen were looking for him near him, as if they knew he was here, but they just couldn't see him.

Yang Tao roared angrily in the distance, cursing these night watchmen for being good-for-nothings. They had clearly determined that Lin Fan was here, but they just couldn't find him.

Lin Fan felt uneasy. He checked everything on his body, including his bulletproof vest and energy gun, but he didn't find any locators.

He threw away the energy gun, and then the bulletproof vest. He quietly threw away all the equipment that the Night Watch had given him.

When he threw away everything on his body, he left the place quietly, and the Night Watch finally had no way to determine his location.

"What exactly exposed my location, was it the law enforcement device? No, it shouldn't be the law enforcement device!" If it was the law enforcement device, he would have been caught when he got the investigator's law enforcement device, so the law enforcement device can be ruled out.

"I understand, the identity card!"

When each Night Watch member joins, the Night Watch will issue them a Night Watch identity card, which will record all their information. It is very likely that the identity card exposed his location.

Chapter 18 Federal Research Institute (Please collect)

In order to verify his conjecture, he returned to the original route again and picked up all the equipment he had thrown away along the way.

When he picked up the equipment again, the Night Watchmen who had lost his trace came to the vicinity of his area again and locked his location again.

He stood in the darkness, calmly watching the night watchmen around him, and then threw away his equipment one by one. First, he threw away his bulletproof vest, and then took a step of 20 meters and left the original place. The night watchmen followed him and re-locked his position.

Then, he threw away the energy gun.

He threw away the equipment and changed positions at the same time. The equipment he threw away had no locators, and the night watchmen could still find him accurately.

Then, he threw away the law enforcement instrument, and the night watchmen could still find him.

He only had his ID card on him. He brought his ID card and changed four or five positions frequently, and the night watchmen were finally able to come near him.

He took a deep breath, threw away his ID card, and changed his position again. This time, the night watchmen could no longer find him.

In the dark, he calmly watched a group of night watchmen search for the ID card. He threw his ID card into a roadside evergreen. The night watchmen searched there and soon found his ID card.

"Sure enough, the ID card exposed my location!"

After verifying his inner thoughts, he turned around again to pick up his bulletproof vest and other equipment. These equipment can be used for self-defense!

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