The man still said nothing. Lin Fan moved his mind, and the gear of the man's other leg broke and also broke.

"Who are you?"

The man was finally scared. He lost two legs and became disabled. If he couldn't find a new mechanical leg, he would be finished.

"Answer my question, what are you looking for?" Lin Fan said coldly.

"I don't know."

"You don't know, you have a mechanical probe in your hand?"

The next second, the man's left hand was also broken off.


"You still don't say it, very good!"

As the gear was broken, the man's right hand was also broken. He completely became a human stick, without hands and legs, and was thrown to the ground by Lin Fan.

"If you don't say it, I will break your body and leave you with only your head. Let's see what you can do!"

Lin Fan said coldly.

The members of the mechanical sect have a characteristic. Except for their heads, their bodies below the head are all mechanical bodies.

Even if their mechanical bodies are all blown up, they will live if their heads are not dead.

Theoretically, even if he only has one head left, he can still live. As long as he finds a new mechanical body to assemble with his head, he can return to normal.

"No, I said... We are looking for the body fragments of the God of Machinery, which may be somewhere in the Ten Thousand Mountains."

This person was very scared. He couldn't imagine that he only had one head left. In this Ten Thousand Mountains, with one head, he would rather die than live. He would rather die now, just for a quick death.

"Go on, I'll give you a quick death if I'm satisfied."

Lin Fan spoke calmly.

This person didn't dare to hide it.

The strong men of the Mechanical Sect sensed the body fragments of the God of Machinery in the Ten Thousand Mountains, but they couldn't determine the location. They could only search inch by inch through mechanical detection.

They basically searched the periphery of the Ten Thousand Mountains, but didn't find it.

Many members of the Mechanical Sect have entered the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains. They suspect that the body fragments of the God of Machinery are very likely in the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

"Why is the Flesh and Blood Sect also looking for it?" Lin Fan continued to ask.

"The body fragments of the God of Flesh and Blood worshipped by the Flesh and Blood Sect may also be here in the Ten Thousand Mountains." This person said.

The God of Machinery and the God of Flesh and Blood died together. The two hurt each other and broke each other's bodies into pieces, sealing them in different worlds.

Theoretically, where the body fragments of the God of Machinery exist, there may also be body fragments of the God of Flesh and Blood, so these two sects are looking for them.

Because of the relationship between the God of Flesh and Blood and the God of Machinery, these two sects have always been enemies. They always fight each other when they meet. Only when they face the Federation will they unite together.

Under normal circumstances, they are enemies and will attack each other to prevent each other from looking for body fragments.

"If we can't find the body fragments of the God of Machinery, we will find a way to stop the Flesh and Blood Sect from finding the body fragments of the God of Flesh and Blood, and they will also stop us!"

According to this person, the two sects came here with the guidance of some speculation. At the same time, they also came with the mentality of stopping each other. Regardless of whether there are body fragments of the "god" they worship each other here, they will not let the other side get what they want.


After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Fan pointed a finger at the man's head and sent him to reincarnation.

"What is in the depths of the 100,000 Mountains!"

The more he knew, the more curious Lin Fan was about the depths of the 100,000 Mountains. There were suspected body fragments of the God of Machinery and the God of Flesh and Blood. Are there other things?

Because he saw that not only these two sects were looking for it, but also some creatures in the dark world were looking for it. Even the Zombie King was running towards the 100,000 Mountains, and the task force also came to the 100,000 Mountains. Why did so many people come to the 100,000 Mountains?

Lin Fan searched around the periphery of the 100,000 Mountains, but did not find the task force. He guessed that the task force must have entered the depths of the 100,000 Mountains. Isn't it a restricted area? Even the Federation dared not go in, what did the task force do in it?

They also brought the statue in, as if they were carrying out some secret mission!

Unfortunately, the task force was assigned tasks by the Federation headquarters, and ordinary people had no way of knowing the content of their tasks.

Lin Fan didn't know what the task force was doing in the depths of the 100,000 Mountains.

Suddenly, Lin Fan felt a familiar breath.

He rushed up to the sky without hesitation, with a maximum speed of 900 miles in an instant.

He looked down and looked at the ground below.

"The old man of corrosion is here too!"

He floated in the sky, staring at the ground, approaching quietly, and finally saw the figure of the old man of corrosion shuttling underground in the depths of the earth. The old man of corrosion just tried to sneak attack him, but he dodged.

The old man of corrosion failed in one attack, and did not sneak attack him again, but shuttled towards the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains.

"The old man of corrosion also went to the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains. What is he doing there?"

Lin Fan became more and more curious.

He knew nothing about the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains. He only knew that it was a restricted area, and the Federation did not dare to enter it easily. Some "gods" entered it and disappeared.

He turned on his mobile phone, logged into the official website of the Night Watch, and carefully checked the detailed information of the Ten Thousand Mountains through internal channels.

The Ten Thousand Mountains is a mysterious place, belonging to an uninhabited area. The Federation Ten Thousand Mountains set up sentries outside, prohibiting any ordinary people and Night Watchmen from entering it.

Some powerful superpowers broke through the sentries outside and quietly entered the depths of Shiwan Mountain, but never came back.

The record about Shiwandashan is that it is a forbidden area. No one can get out after entering it, and will disappear from the world forever.

No further information.

Lin Fan felt that the Hundred Thousand Mountains was not simple. So many powerful beings had quietly entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Many organizations from the dark world had gone in. If there was really no return, how could they dare to go in? There must be a big secret inside.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan walked around the perimeter. Although there were night watchmen and dark world creatures fighting outside, the two sides had already experienced the fiercest battle. Now everyone was recuperating and there was no more large-scale bloody battle.

The three space rifts have still not been destroyed. The night watchmen have been working hard to destroy the space rifts with space explosives.

"There are fewer people."

Lin Fan found that the number of night watchmen and dark world creatures in the periphery was inexplicably reduced. He looked towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. These people should have entered the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. He decided Go in and find out.

He flew cautiously in the sky, trying to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains from the sky, but not long after he advanced, he felt danger. A terrifying figure flashed in the sky, locking onto him.

He came to the earth without hesitation. The sky was very dangerous and there were terrors. He was no match.


He looked up and saw some powerful figures in the sky. They were exploded inexplicably and turned into blood mist, scattering on the ground like bloody fireworks. What shocked him was that he saw a giant bird in the Three God Realm. , was instantly blown up by some force.

"The Three God Realm was also killed instantly!"

He took a breath. With his current strength, he could only run away when encountering the Three God Realm. Unexpectedly, the Three God Realm was instantly killed by the terrifying existence in the sky. He even didn't see clearly who was there. Take action.


In the sky, some creatures from the dark world who thought they were powerful were inexplicably blown up. Lin Fan's eyes were fixed on them.

He moved across the land, trying to get closer so he could see better.

When he was close to three thousand meters, he finally saw an illusory blood-red sword energy flashing across the sky. The next second, the figures in the sky were instantly cut into blood mist by the sword.

Among the figures flying in the sky, the weakest were in the One God Realm, and the strongest were in the Three God Realm. But no matter what realm they were in, they were all instantly killed by the illusory blood-red sword energy.


Lin Fan once again saw an illusory crimson spear appearing out of thin air in the sky, instantly piercing a powerful dark world creature.

The aura of this creature from the dark world was terrifying, definitely beyond the realm of the Three Gods, but it was pierced by a spear, turned into blood mist, and disappeared into ashes.

With the strange appearance of blood-red sword energy and crimson spears, terrifying dark world creatures were exploded in the sky.

The auras of many of the dark world creatures have surpassed the Three God Realm.

"The sky is too dangerous!"

Lin Fan's scalp was numb and he felt uncomfortable all over. Even the existence beyond the Three God Realm was instantly defeated. He was really bold just now. Fortunately, he came to the earth as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would have been already alive by now. Gone.


Suddenly, a big mountain in front of him was exploded under his nose, and it was reduced to ashes. Terrible gravel splashed to his side and penetrated his body. He lowered his head and stared blankly at himself. The bloody holes and the splashing gravel turned his body into a hornet's nest, and he couldn't even hide.


His body was like a leak, blood and water kept shooting out. He used the control of all things to control the movement of these wounds, seal the bleeding mouth, block the blood and water, and control the cells in the body to repair the punctured body. , his face turned pale, and he retreated nine hundred miles away directly to the outskirts of Shiwan Mountain.

"What's going on? It's so dangerous!"

He found a safe place and recuperated silently. His injuries were not fatal. Although he was beaten into a hornet's nest, his vital parts were well protected. He only needed to rest for a period of time to recover.

Recalling the scene that just happened, he didn't even know what happened. A big mountain in front of him was suddenly exploded by something. He was just hit by gravel, which almost killed him.

The Hundred Thousand Mountains are so dangerous, but he can't go far!

He finally realized why the Hundred Thousand Mountains were said to be a restricted area. Even if a god entered, he might never return.

Even though he was so careful, he was still almost killed in the aftermath of the battle. One can imagine how low the survival rate of those who entered was?

But this still couldn't stop those people from entering. He looked around, and within five thousand meters, he saw some powerful figures, secretly entering the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains from the sky or the earth.

Many of these people were killed inexplicably as soon as they entered. Some lucky people successfully entered the depths of the mountain.

"What on earth did they go in for? Aren't you afraid?"

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