When Lin Fan used his control over everything to transfer those bullets to other spaces, the sniper also sensed the power of space.

He was shocked!

There is actually a person here who can control the power of space.

Moreover, he has strong control over space power.

The sniper felt uneasy in his heart!

The reason why he could pursue and kill Ji Fa and the four people unscrupulously.

It's because he controls the power of space!

Even if four people surrounded him and attacked him, he was not afraid.

Because he can enter other spaces and perfectly stagger attacks from several people.

But what if a being who controls the power of space appears!

He is in danger!

Because when he enters other spaces, the other party can also enter other spaces.

You can even pull him out of other dimensions.

Pulled into the real world and withstood attacks from others.

"This is not good!"

The images of everyone flashed through the sniper's mind.

But he couldn't determine who controlled the space power.

"Is there a new night watchman here?"

He could only guess so.

In the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are night watchmen everywhere.

At this moment, it is very possible that a night watchman who controls the power of space suddenly appears!

It is very likely that he was the helper contacted by Ji Fa and the other four.

The other party rushed over in time.

After all, they had been fighting in this thick fog for a long time.

If there really was a night watchman nearby, it would be reasonable for the other party to come over.

The sniper's eyes flickered.

Before, he wasn't worried.

But now, he was a little shaken.

Before, it was because he was sure that no one controlled the power of space. He could use the power of space to kill everyone perfectly!

But now the other party has also appeared to control the power of space.

His advantage was gone.

If he stays here, he's in danger.

Without the advantage of space power, his combat effectiveness is actually not very strong!

The sniper was shaken, and after feeling uneasy, he was ready to leave first.

But at this moment, Ji Fa and the other two attacked him again.

The opponent was indeed able to pinpoint his position accurately!

The sniper became increasingly uneasy.

In this thick fog, he couldn't see the other party, but the other party was able to pinpoint his position accurately and attack him again and again.

Here he is at a disadvantage.

The sniper instantly entered another layer of space, perfectly missing the attacks from Ji Fa and the other four.

He shuttled through the space, preparing to leave the thick fog first.

Lin Fan kept his eyes on the sniper.

I saw the sniper traveling through another layer of space, preparing to leave.

He has no hesitation in using Control of All Things to influence the sniper.

"Come out you!"

He uses Control of Everything to control the space around the sniper.

The space here begins to fragment.

The sniper's figure instantly fell out of another layer of space.

He gasped.

The other party could actually pull him out of another dimension.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

The sniper became more and more certain of his guess.

He is very dangerous here!

He quickly sprinted in a certain direction in a straight line, preparing to leave the thick fog as soon as possible.

His figure instantly merged into other spaces, and layers of overlapping spaces appeared around him.

Dozens of levels appear in these spaces.


Lin Fan and Ji Fa continued to chase the sniper.

He uses Control of All Things to constantly break the space around the sniper.

The space around the sniper was shattered layer by layer.

Space after space is broken.

Finally, the sniper's figure fell from space to reality again, surrounded by thick fog.

He felt incredible that the opponent's space power was no weaker than his!

"not good!"

At this moment, the sniper felt that his body entered another layer of space.

This is not what he did!

A strange space force came, allowing him to passively enter a space.

The next second, he discovered to his horror that he had appeared in a strange place.

He felt uneasy, he was definitely not where he was!

But in another place!

Lin Fan's eyes were like the eyes of God.

He watched the sniper running towards a certain place and would soon be out of the thick fog.

He instantly used space power to control the sniper's body to another layer of space.

And this space is just in another place in the thick fog.

The sniper broke out of the space instantly!

His face looked ugly, and his plan was disrupted!

Before, he ran in a vertical route and it didn't take him long to get out.

But now he was in another strange place.

He needs to start from scratch, choose a new direction and continue running.

"Damn it!"

Lin Fan's space power was unable to cause any damage to the sniper.

However, it can influence him!

At least it would stop him from running out.

Every time the sniper runs towards a certain place and is about to run out, an unknown space force will surround his body.

Move him to another space.

When he struggled out of the space, he was no longer where he was.

He needed to choose a new direction to keep running.

"Damn it!"

The sniper had never felt so frustrated.

He had always used the power of space to target others!

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