Chapter 2 Night Watchman (Please add this to your collection and recommend)

"Hiss, it hurts..."

Lin Fan suddenly trembled all over, and every cell in his body was twitching.

A passing nurse came over with a syringe and injected him with a sedative, but he still rolled on the ground in pain.

The dean came over and looked at Lin Fan's face twisted in pain, and ordered the nurse to send him to the small dark room.

"Keep an eye on him and see if he really has psychic powers."

The door of the small dark room was closed, and the room fell into absolute darkness.

Lin Fan screamed heartbreakingly.

I don't know how long it took, he gasped for breath and opened his eyes in the dark.

His world changed again, his eyes seemed to see through the darkness, and the darkness was as clear as day.

He saw the 3D stereoscopic images, and saw the figures in the hospital walking, lying or sitting, and saw the vehicles on the street in the distance...

Farther away, he saw the overlapping figures of the two worlds in the sky,

There are many creatures in the dark world quietly entering the real world at the overlap...

"It turns out that so many creatures from the dark world have entered the real world..."

He took a breath of cold air, this world is really unsafe!

He got up from the ground, and his body felt an urgent desire.

He walked to the wall and reached out to touch the wall, but his fingers strangely inserted into the wall, just like reaching into water.

He was shocked, and one hand was inserted into the wall.

Then, he walked into the wall, passed through the wall, walked out of the small dark room, and came to the corridor.

"What's going on? How can I pass through the wall?"

He stood in the corridor blankly, reaching out to touch the wall behind him, trying to re-enter the small dark room, but couldn't get in.

"Hey, why can't I get in?"

He looked at the wall behind him in confusion, not knowing why.

He walked forward along the corridor.

It was late at night, and the patients were all asleep, except for the nurse on duty.

He walked along the corridor to the elevator next to him, opened the elevator and went to the first floor.

He walked out of the elevator and came to the lobby on the first floor.

The nurse on duty was sleeping on the table, and he carefully opened the door and walked out.

It was pitch black outside, and he saw again that the bizarre world was pressing on the real world, overlapping little by little...

All the cells in his body suddenly trembled, as if he was very excited.

Lin Fan stood in the darkness, as if he understood something.

His body seemed to like darkness very much and dislike light.

He felt that impulse again, and he took a step forward.

The next second, he appeared ten meters away,

He was stunned.

Looking back behind him, one step ten meters!

What happened to his body!

The cells were still excited, and he continued to move forward, still one step ten meters.

Only when he encountered light did he return to normal.

On the street, he stood under the street lamp, illuminated by the street lamp, and he returned to normal.

Leaving the illumination range of the street lamp and entering the darkness, he can take a step of ten meters.

He roughly understood something.

First, his body likes darkness very much.

Once in the darkness, he can move instantly within ten meters and become invisible.

Second, he can pass through walls and hide in the ground in the dark.

As long as there is darkness and shadows, he can do these.

Third, once he comes into contact with light, he will return from the invisible state to a normal person.

Fourth, his eyes can see the essence of objects through the surface of objects.

The field of vision becomes wider, and he can see the dark world and the creatures in the dark world more clearly.

Looking up at the street, he saw some blurry figures.

They were walking on the street.

The strange thing is that their figures and the vehicles on the real street perfectly passed through each other's figures.

He saw a behemoth stretching out its claws and trying to grab a car driving towards him, but the car passed through his claws.

Lin Fan understood that this was the reason why the two worlds had not completely overlapped.

When the two worlds completely overlap, the creatures in the dark world can attack everything in the real world!

The creatures he saw were projections of the creatures in the dark world, and they really existed.

Normal people can't see them, but Lin Fan can!

He looked up at the sky, where the two worlds overlapped, and some figures were struggling to come to this world in the gap.

They succeeded...


There was a sharp pain in his head, and he shook his head vigorously, and a light screen appeared in his mind.

[Name: Lin Fan]

[Talent: Shadow Realm Level 1 (0/100)]

[Talent: Shadow Demon Level 1 (0/100)]

[Experience Value: 0]

This is like a control panel, describing his current state.

At the bottom is a detailed description of the talent.

Shadow Realm: It can make his vision become wider, allowing him to see things that normal people can't see, as well as the health bars of everything within ten meters around him!

Shadow Demon: It allows him to shuttle between darkness and shadows, teleport at will within ten meters, and devour enemies in the dark.

As for experience points, just like leveling up by killing monsters, as long as you kill all living things in the world, you can gain experience points. When you have enough experience points, you can upgrade your talents and make yourself stronger!

Lin Fan stood in the darkness. As his mind moved, his figure gradually blurred until it disappeared.

A black shadow appeared at the original place, twisting, stretching, shrinking, turning into different forms, and finally expanding into a black mist, submerging a small tree in front.

Lin Fan felt very strange, he felt that he had turned into a black mist, covering the small tree, and the small tree was being assimilated and swallowed by him.

A minute later, Lin Fan returned to normal, the original place was empty, the small tree had disappeared, and was swallowed by him.

The small tree was assimilated, decomposed into molecules, and entered his body. This is the swallowing of the shadow demon.

Swallowing a small tree, his experience value increased by 0.001.

[Name: Lin Fan]

[Talent: Shadow Realm Level 1 (0/100)]

[Talent: Shadow Demon Level 1 (0/100)]

[Experience value: 0.001]

Theoretically, he can swallow everything,

He licked his lips.

Looking at the street, cars passed in front of him, he could see the health bars on the top of the car and the health bars of the passengers in the car.

After the car left him ten meters away, the health bar could no longer be seen.

Level 1 Shadow Realm allowed him to see the health bars of ordinary objects and creatures within ten meters, but not beyond ten meters.

He looked up at the moon in the sky and saw that under the moon, creatures from the dark world were descending into the real world, like phantoms.

After studying it for a night, he finally figured it out.

Within ten meters, he could see the opponent's health bar.

At a distance, he could not see the opponent's health bar.

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