They were not sure when the black hand would send the next batch of dark world creatures.

They could only wait a little longer. If they could not wait for more space power people, then they would have to act on their own.

Everyone continued to wait here. After more than ten minutes, someone finally came.

This was a night watchman who had surpassed the three gods. He came through space. Needless to say, everyone knew that he was proficient in space power.

Even Lin Fan looked at him in surprise. This was a black-haired young man who came to everyone in an instant like a transparent ripple in space.

Seeing him coming, several jailers were also very satisfied.

"Night watchman, Xiao Zhan!"

"Very good, good, two more people, we can start!"

Several jailers were very satisfied. While waiting, they installed more space explosives on the space crack.

This time, they installed all the space explosives they carried on the space crack.

Wait a while, as the space explosives were detonated, they would also use space power to assist in destroying and close this space crack in one fell swoop.

Ten minutes later, two more night watchmen came over. They were both very powerful and had a deep understanding of space power.

They were very fast and were the first group to come over. Seeing two more people coming, several jailers were not prepared to wait any longer.

They were ready to give it a try. After all, dozens of minutes had passed and the black hand could come at any time.

"Let's not wait for others. Let's start and close this space crack as soon as possible to avoid more trouble!"

Including Lin Fan, there were a total of four people who were proficient in space power, and all four of them had tasks.

Each of them was responsible for a section of the space crack and assisted everyone in closing the space crack together.

After assigning the tasks, Lin Fan flew to the corner of the space crack at the end. His task was to destroy the space structure near this section of the space crack and then detonate the space explosives here.

The four space power people had different tasks.

Perhaps because Lin Fan's realm was low, the section of the space crack he was responsible for was the shortest, only half of the others.

But he didn't say anything. This was reasonable. Who told him that his realm was low, so his task was just a little easier.

After the four space power masters were fully prepared, the jailer nodded and let them start on their own.

The jailer and the night watchman all retreated to a distance, and Lin Fan and the other four began to work. They used their space power to destroy the space structure near this space crack.

Lin Fan used the control of all things to instantly control everything near this space crack.

Under the control of all things, everything within 5,000 meters can be controlled by him, and the space structure near this space crack was instantly controlled by his control of all things.

Lin Fan's eyes can see the essence of objects. He saw that the inside of this space crack was actually composed of space structures like spider webs.

What he had to do was to destroy all these space structures. Under the control of all things, these space structures were cut off by him.

Just like a pair of scissors, cutting off these space structure networks, as these space structures were cut off, the space near this space crack began to be unstable, and the space crack began to tremble.

Lin Fan felt a little strenuous. This space crack was indeed very stable. He also spent a lot of effort to barely destroy part of the space structure.

However, the space crack he was responsible for was two hundred meters long, and he had to destroy all the space structures of this two hundred meters as soon as possible.

Assist the other three people to destroy all the space structures of this space crack, so that this space crack can be closed.

The other three people were also working hard, but their effect seemed not obvious. Lin Fan took a look and found that the speed of others destroying the space structure was not as fast as his!

Although those people were very proficient in the power of space, it was difficult for them to destroy the space structure through the essence.

They encountered obstacles near the space crack, but there were small space cracks and some space turbulence rushing out. They had to be careful, otherwise they would be attacked and killed.

They could not see the essence of space clearly like Lin Fan, and could not easily avoid those space cracks and space turbulence.

Lin Fan's heart sank. The space cracks those people were responsible for were longer than his, but their speed was not as fast as his.

If this goes on, they will not be able to destroy this space crack synchronously!

Those people looked ugly, and they also sensed that Lin Fan's speed was faster than theirs, and they were quite surprised.

Lin Fan's realm was lower than theirs, but he didn't expect that his perception of spatial power was even deeper than theirs.

It seemed that all of them underestimated Lin Fan, even the jailer and night watchman in the distance were stunned.

The crack destroyed the spatial structure at the fastest speed. They thought Lin Fan was just a bystander, but they didn't expect that the main force was the crack!

The other three seemed to be stimulated. They were higher in realm than Lin Fan, and now they were the slowest. They were not convinced.

They also began to take risks to destroy the spatial structure.

Not to mention, their speed increased a bit.

Especially Xiao Zhan, he was confident that his perception of spatial power was the deepest among the four, but now Lin Fan was stronger than him.

He directly passed through a space turbulence, rushed into the space crack, and began to destroy the space structure inside.

In this way, the speed will be faster, but there will be more danger.

The two people next to him were shocked when they saw him rushing into the space crack, and felt that he was risking his life.

But when they thought of their mission, they could only grit their teeth and get close to the space crack. Although they did not rush into the space crack as crazy as Xiao Zhan, they also started to destroy the space structure at the place closest to the space crack.

Their speed was indeed much faster, but still not as fast as Lin Fan.

"How did he do it!"

The three people saw that Lin Fan was at ease, and the speed of destroying the space structure seemed to be getting faster and faster. They were shocked and took a breath.

I don't understand how Lin Fan did it, and I can only sigh that Lin Fan is a real super genius.

Only those who have a very deep understanding of space and are very talented in this area can do this.

Lin Fan's speed of destroying the space structure with the help of controlling everything is indeed much faster than others!


As the space structure was destroyed, the space crack began to tremble. The internal space structure was destroyed, becoming unstable and more dangerous.

Waves of tiny space cracks and turbulent space turbulence spread from the space cracks, adding a huge threat to Lin Fan and the other four.

Once they were hit by space cracks and space turbulence, they would most likely die.

Fortunately, the four people had a very deep understanding of space. Layers of space appeared around them. These spaces overlapped together, diverting those space cracks and space turbulence to other spaces, so that they could be free from threats.

But these space cracks and space turbulence were very scary, and the space around them was destroyed layer by layer.

Even more than a hundred layers of space around the cracks were directly destroyed. He needed to constantly control the appearance of new space to ensure his own safety!


The jailer and the night watchman next to them looked at them anxiously.

As a batch of space structures were destroyed, the space cracks became very unstable. As the risk factor of the four people increased, the difficulty of destroying the space structure also increased.

Because they have to avoid the surrounding space cracks and space turbulence while destroying the space structure.

It is far less safe than when it is stable, but they can only continue.

If the space structure cannot be completely destroyed, then this space crack will be difficult to close.

"Destroy a little more, and you will leave. We will detonate the space explosives and should be able to close this space crack!"

The jailer shouted.

Lin Fan and the other four knew what was going on, and they continued to destroy the space structure.

Lin Fan had destroyed a space structure of more than 100 meters long, and he only needed to continue destroying it to complete his task.

But the other three were far slower than him. So far, the other three had only barely destroyed a hundred meters, and each of them was responsible for three or four hundred meters.

This would definitely not work, so Lin Fan sped up.

Under the control of everything, the surrounding space structures were being destroyed crazily. After he destroyed the 180-meter space structure, he destroyed the remaining 20 meters in one go.

Then, he ran to the nearest person and assisted him in destroying the space structure.

When this man saw Lin Fan coming to help, he sighed in his heart, he was not as good as Lin Fan.

With Lin Fan's help, the speed at which the space structure on his side was destroyed was much faster.


At this moment, the space crack was unstable for a while, and then began to expand.

Then, the four people in the crack felt a terrifying breath coming out of the space crack.

Lin Fan looked into the depths of the space crack, and his eyes could see everything within 10,000 meters.

Through the layers of space cracks, he saw a big black hand trying to rush out from the depths of the space crack.

"No, that hand is coming out!" Lin Fan was shocked!

Chapter 197 A long-dead person, Abel, infinite resurrection

"We are almost there!"

There is still a part of the space structure of the space crack that has not been destroyed. Leaving now may not be able to completely close this space crack.

But the black hand is about to rush out. If they don't leave, they will be crushed!

"What should I do, run or not?"

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