Wait for Lin Fan to come and harvest their lives later.

The jailer agreed, and Lin Fan was very happy. He would kill all these dark world creatures later, and he should be able to collect 10 million experience points!

Lin Fan excitedly returned to the vicinity of the space crack and destroyed the space structure with other space power users.

At the same time, his eyes were also observing the space crack.

Once he saw the black hand appear within 10,000 meters, he immediately notified everyone to escape.

Fortunately, the black hand did not appear in the space crack for the time being. They had enough time and should be able to destroy more space structures.

He used the control of everything to continuously cut off those air force structures.

A spider web-like space structure was destroyed. These space structures were intricate and could not be destroyed by ordinary forces.

Other space power users used their own perception of space power to destroy these space structures from the inside.

But Lin Fan was different. His eyes could accurately see the location of these space results. Using the control of everything, he could accurately cut them off.

It was much easier to destroy than others.

He quickly destroyed the 300-meter space structure and went to help others destroy it again.

As the spatial structure was destroyed, this spatial crack became unstable and began to tremble wildly.

At the same time, more small spatial cracks and pieces of spatial turbulence suddenly rushed out from all around.

These spatial turbulences are the greatest threat to everyone. Once hit by spatial turbulence, they are likely to be torn into pieces.

Those spatial cracks are also likely to cut people in two.

Every spatial force user is very cautious, only Lin Fan is the most relaxed.

Because he can see through the essence of space and see those spatial cracks and spatial turbulence in advance.

When he sees some spatial turbulence preparing to rush out of space, he can avoid it one step in advance.

Suddenly, he saw a large piece of spatial turbulence near this spatial crack, just like a waterfall, about to rush out.

And in front, there are several spatial force users.


He yelled, reminding the three spatial force users there to leave quickly.

The three people were stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened.

But seeing Lin Fan's anxious face and asking them to run quickly, they also decisively crossed the layers of space and directly left the original place.

When they left, a large space turbulence rushed out of the space like a waterfall, swallowing up the place where they had just stood.

The three people were sweating profusely, and their backs were directly wet. They were still frightened and nodded to Lin Fan gratefully. If it weren't for Lin Fan's reminder, the three of them would have been directly destroyed by the space turbulence, leaving nothing behind.

The three of them were a little scared and didn't dare to go over.

"It's okay, continue."

Lin Fan told them that it was safe there for the time being, and they could continue to destroy the space structure.

The three of them suddenly trusted Lin Fan very much, and continued to return to their work positions and continue to destroy the space structure.

Lin Fan also accelerated the speed and destroyed everything with everyone.

With the efforts of everyone, most of the space structure of this space crack was destroyed.

Because most of the space structure was destroyed, this space crack became completely unstable.


Their mission was completed, and they could no longer stay here, otherwise the space turbulence formed by the instability of the space crack would swallow them up.

One by one, the space power people left the space crack in the blink of an eye.

After they left, the nearby jailers also detonated the space explosives immediately.


Accompanied by a series of earth-shaking explosions, the space explosives on the space crack exploded at the same time.

The space structure of this space crack was completely destroyed.

After the earth-shaking explosion, this huge space crack began to heal slowly. Its space structure was destroyed and there was no way to maintain it. It began to heal slowly.

When the aftermath of the explosion of the space explosives disappeared, Lin Fan and others saw that the space crack was healing rapidly in the distance.


Suddenly, the space crack expanded wildly, and then there were bursts of roars.

It was as if someone was inside the space crack, trying to tear it open.


Lin Fan and others retreated without hesitation and ran away madly.

At the moment of leaving, Lin Fan saw a pair of black hands inside the space crack, trying to tear the space crack open and prevent the space crack from healing.

The black hands were very terrifying, and the space crack was being torn open abruptly!

Chapter 199 Upgrading Talent Shadow Demon, Level 7 Shadow Demon


The space crack trembled wildly, and the speed of healing slowed down. It was really torn open by the black hand!

Lin Fan and others looked back and saw that the space crack was torn open by the black hand. They were all shocked. What kind of existence is this black hand? It can even tear open this terrible space crack!


The space near the space crack was shattered wildly, and tiny space cracks and space turbulence gushed out. The world there was directly plunged into a doomsday scene.

Anyone who approached would be torn into pieces in an instant.

The space crack has been healing, but the black hand has been trying to tear it open. The two forces are fighting each other frantically. The black hand is full of countless tiny wounds, and blood is flowing down like a waterfall.

However, he didn't feel anything and tried to tear the space crack open again to open the passage to the dark world.

The power of the black hand is really too terrifying. The space crack was actually torn open by him...

Seeing this scene, the jailer stopped running.

"We must stop him, otherwise this passage will reopen him!"

If they run away and leave here.

The black hand may really reopen this space passage, and everything they have done before will be in vain. The black hand must be stopped!

Everyone stopped running, and everyone's face was very ugly. In this case, it is very dangerous to stop the black hand in the past, and they may die there!

"We attack the black hand, you destroy the space structure, close the space passage, and we will withdraw!"

The jailer looked at Lin Fan and other space power people, and needed to use their power to destroy the space structure near the space passage.

They took the opportunity to attack the black hand. The division of labor was clear. Although it was full of danger, no one retreated.

In this case, if they turned around and walked away, they would still have to face the future.

Although the black hand was ferocious, he could not come out of the space channel to attack them. Theoretically, they would be fine if they were careful.


The ten jailers took the brunt of it and rushed to the space channel at the first time. They started to attack the black hand from a distance.

The iron chains were like long snakes, crossing the space and directly passing through the space channel to kill inside, freezing the skin of the black hand.

The ten jailers launched the attack, and the other night watchmen also showed their magical powers. The dense attacks penetrated the space channel and hit the black hand, but everyone's attacks could not hurt the black hand.

Even when their attacks fell on the black hand, the black hand did not even tremble.

It was not as good as the damage to the black hand by the space channel.

Everyone's faces were ugly. They attacked together, but they couldn't even hurt the fur of the black hand.

"Don't hesitate, go and destroy the space structure now." The jailer said.

Lin Fan and others nodded, and immediately shuttled through the space and came to the vicinity of the space channel.

They began to destroy the space structure. The other space power users did not dare to approach the space channel. They destroyed the space structure from a distance, and the effect was minimal.

Lin Fan destroyed the space structure of the space channel from four kilometers away. He controlled everything and could control everything within five kilometers without approaching the space channel.


The space structure was destroyed by him, and his effect was the most obvious. One person could be comparable to several other people.

His eyes could see through the essence of space and see the space structure.

It can effectively destroy it!

When the space structure was destroyed, there were more and more space turbulence and space cracks near the space channel, and the black hand was attacked more crazily.

Even the space where the black hand was located was broken layer by layer, revealing pieces of chaotic void, and the terrible void turbulence cut the black hand.


The black hand was cut by the void turbulence, and hideous wounds appeared on it. He was trembling slightly. The attacks of the jailer and others could not make him tremble when they hit him.

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