"Don't let any of them go, kill them all!"

A creature from the dark world spoke coldly.

They had already understood that the Night Watch wanted to close the space rift. Naturally, Lin Fan and the others were fully prepared for the remaining dimensions. They had already set up a dragnet and were waiting for the Night Watch to fall into the trap.

This time so many night watchmen came, which they did not expect, and it also made them feel happy.

If all these night watchmen could be captured in one fell swoop, the night watch troops outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains would suffer heavy losses.

Ma Long grabbed Lin Fan to escape to the limit, chasing four or five dark world creatures behind them, all of whom were very powerful.

In such a chaotic battlefield, they were once again separated from the other night watchmen and jailers.

Lin Fan sighed inwardly.

His level was the lowest in the audience, and everyone was stronger than him. Ma Long took her to escape again. Fortunately, Ma Long never left him and did not abandon him.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid he would have been abandoned long ago, and he would probably be dead.

Looking at the four or five dark world creatures chasing them behind them, these people are very strong, biting them and looking like they will never give up until they are killed.

He was also thinking that if they continued to be chased like this, they would probably be caught up.

However, they are now separated from the other night watchmen, and there is no one to support them. It is impossible for Malone to defeat these four or five dark world creatures by himself.

Lin Fan gave part of the immortal lizard meat to Ma Long. Ma Long escaped to the limit, and the consumption on him was also terrible.

Especially with him.

Lin Fan can also run on his own, but his speed is slower than those of the dark world creatures behind him.

At this moment, Lin Fan saw a familiar figure flashing past under the ground.

Thousands of meters underground, a dirty-looking old man was walking through the underground. Lin Fan was surprised when he saw this old man. He didn't expect to see the Corruption Old Man here.

"Corrupt the old man!"

Since the Corruption Old Man traveled thousands of meters underground, no one except Lin Fan sensed the Corruption Old Man's presence.

The aura that corroded the old man was powerful. He restrained his aura so that others could not sense him at all.

However, Lin Fan has special eyes. He can see everything within ten thousand meters, and he saw the Corrupted Old Man.

The Corrupted Old Man is traveling underground, and the target seems to be them.

Lin Fan's eyes saw the aura corroding the old man, and it became very terrifying, far more terrifying than what he had encountered before.

Deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Old Man Corruption may have his own opportunity, and his aura becomes even more powerful.

Lin Fan didn't know whether the Corrupted Old Man had become stronger during this period, or whether he was already very strong, but he might have been injured. Now that the injury has recovered, he has regained his strength.

Watching the Corruption Old Man shuttle through the underground, it was much faster than they were flying in the sky. This speed was far more terrifying than before.

Lin Fan even saw Old Man Chuan smiling at him, and he knew that Old Man Chuan had also noticed him.

"Boy, how about a deal?"

At this time, Lin Fan saw the old man's lips moving, and he was actually using lip language on him, and he understood.

"What deal?"

Lin Fan moved his lips, and also used lip language to communicate with the old man, and the old man also understood.

"The night watchman beside you and the few people behind you, help me lead them to the ground, and I can let you live!"

When he saw the deal that Old Man Corruption mentioned, Lin Fan fell silent. He could lure down the several creatures from the dark world behind him, but of course he would not help Old Man Corruption lure them down with Ma Long beside him.

He knew that the Corruptive Old Man wanted to catch them. The Corruptive Old Man's ability was to decompose any living thing, first capture them into a dimensional pocket, and then decompose them into molecules to make himself stronger.

"He is my friend, you can't attack him!"

Lin Fan rejected Old Man Corruption's request without hesitation, and Old Man Corruption's eyes instantly turned gloomy.

"Boy, I kindly let you live. I hope you won't be disrespectful. It was because I was seriously injured and could not recover, so I let you escape. Now that my injury has recovered a little, it will be easy to kill you!"

Faced with the threat of corrupting the old man, Lin Fan's eyes gradually turned cold.

"You want to kill me, and you also want me to deliver my friends to you. Are you dreaming!"

"Boy, you really think I can't do anything to you!"

The corrupt old man looked at Lin Fan coldly.

The space around the old man began to shatter, and waves of corrosive aura appeared. The surrounding earth was completely corroded by his corrosive aura.

Deep in the earth, a deep hole appeared, and everything around it was corroded by the Corrupting Old Man.

Suddenly, the ground began to collapse, and a deep hole appeared in the ground, causing everything on the ground to collapse, as if an earthquake had occurred.

A group of people flying in the sky also looked at the ground in surprise, wondering why the earth suddenly collapsed.

"The old man is corrupted underground!"

Lin Fan told Ma Long everything he saw. Ma Long's expression changed. He did not sense the existence of the corrupting old man, but he believed what Lin Fan said.

When he knew that Old Man Corruption was watching them from underground, Ma Long's heart skipped a beat. Old Man Corruption was an extremely dangerous creature and belonged to a third party.

He does not support the Night Watchmen or the creatures of the dark world. In the eyes of the Corrupted Old Man, there are only him and his enemies in the world, and everyone is his hunting target.

"He wants to hunt us!"

"He wants me to lure you and the creatures from the dark world behind you down for him to hunt!"

After Ma Long heard Lin Fan's words, he fell into deep thought. He looked back at the four or five dark world creatures behind him, and then looked at the collapsing earth underground.

"You can't believe the words that corrupt the old man!"

Old Man Corruption is a murderous maniac who kills everyone.

Lin Fan nodded. Naturally, he would not believe what the old man said. Ma Long and Lin Fan instantly lifted up a little higher and flew above the sky.

Maintaining an absolutely safe distance from the ground, although Old Man Corrosion can shuttle between any solid objects, he does not have such great ability in the sky.

On the ground, he may be invincible, but in the sky, his power will be much smaller.

Unless absolutely necessary, Old Man Corruption would not go to the sky to hunt prey.

The old man of Corrosion shuttles through the underground, like a cheetah, he has already set his sights on several prey in the sky.

He became anxious when he saw that Lin Fan not only refused to help him, but also flew higher and higher, taking several creatures from the dark world with him.

Finally, after chasing for some distance, he had to compromise with Lin Fan.

"Boy, you and the person next to you can survive, but you have to find a way to lure those people down behind you."

"Why should I help you? What's the benefit of helping you?"

Lin Fan looked at Old Man Yao coldly. He and Old Man Yao were enemies. Why should he help Old Yao Yao?

"If you help me, I will let you live. If you don't help me, I will keep chasing you."

The Corrupting Old Man once again threatened Lin Fan, but Lin Fan simply refused to accept this trick.

"No one has ever dared to threaten me. How dare you threaten me? Do you think I will compromise?"

Lin Fan looked at the Corruption Old Man forcefully. He had determined that as long as they were flying in the sky, the Corruption Old Man could not do anything to them. Faced with the threat of the Corruption Man, he simply ignored it.

"Boy, don't go too far. Tell me what you want!"

Corrosion The old man was furious.

Every time he met Lin Fan, nothing good would happen and he would also have a headache. Why did he meet this guy here who gave him a headache?

“Are there any living dark world creatures in you?!

Lin Fan suddenly asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Old Man Yao looked at Lin Fan with a puzzled look.

"Just tell me if anyone is alive!"


"You lied!" Lin Fan said coldly.

"Okay, I have one more."

As the Corruption Old Man spoke, he grabbed a dark world creature with broken legs from the dimensional pocket next to him. This was a member of the Serpent's Hand. Both legs had been smashed by the Corruption Old Man. The knees were broken, and the Corruption was lying softly on the In the old man's hands, he looked like he was about to die.

Lin Fan looked at the member of the Serpent's Hand and saw the health bar above his head, which was 13%.

"Anyone else?"

Lin Fan continued to ask.

"No more!" Old Man Corruption shook his head.

"You are not sincere!"

Lin Fan simply didn't believe in corrupting the old man.

When Old Man Corruption saw that Lin Fan didn't believe him, he cursed the cunning boy in his heart. Finally, he grabbed another person from his dimensional pocket.

This was a stone man. The stone man's health bar only had 8% left. When Lin Fan saw it, his eyes lit up, and he continued to let Old Man Corrosion catch all the living dark world creatures.

When the Corruption Old Man catches prey, he usually smashes the prey's knees and then puts it in his dimensional pocket.

These creatures caught in the dimensional pocket will be decomposed by the power inside the dimensional pocket, and slowly decompose into a molecule.

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