However, they soon ran into trouble. They were unable to mobilize the energy in their bodies. In the case of severe injuries, their control over their bodies became much weaker.

They felt that the energy in their bodies gathered uncontrollably in a certain place, and then they were horrified to find that the dark world creatures on the opposite side just launched a large attack.

When this large attack fell on their bodies, they were like a comet hitting the earth.

They were like detonated grenades. In the sea of ​​blood, with a bang, they exploded. The energy in their bodies was detonated, forming a terrifying explosion shock wave, which vibrated in all directions.


Because the distance was too close, the explosion shock wave they formed directly made a group of dark worlds in front spit blood and fly backwards.

Although they did not kill them, they were also severely injured, and on a large scale.

Xue Wuya's face changed. He never thought that Lin Fan would have such a trick!

"How did they do it!"

Xue Wuya took a breath of cold air. He had never heard that someone could actively detonate other people's bodies. What is the principle!

Chapter 214 Air-blast bomb

"Keep throwing!"

Not only were Xue Wuya and the others stunned, but even the night watchman next to Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

They didn't understand how Lin Fan did it. When they heard Lin Fan's words, they instinctively threw the dark world creatures in their hands.

Lin Fan tightly controlled these dark world creatures and controlled the energy in their bodies to gather together.


These dark world creatures were thrown out like cannonballs, and they just collided with the attacks from the dark world creatures on the opposite side and exploded instantly.


One by one, the dark world creatures were caught off guard and suffered heavy damage.

"Don't attack, retreat!"

Xue Wuya roared and had to order everyone to retreat. They couldn't continue to attack, which would only make their casualties more serious.

The dark world creatures around them began to retreat frantically, and they didn't dare to continue to attack. The explosion shock waves formed by the detonated dark world creatures caused terrible casualties to them.

Those who were close to them were gone in an instant, leaving nothing behind, and those who were far away were also severely injured.


When he saw the dark world creatures retreating, Lin Fan decisively led the night watchmen to run in one direction.

"Keep throwing!"

He calmly asked the night watchmen in front to throw the dark world creatures in their hands.

Suddenly, several night watchmen threw the dark world creatures in their hands forward fiercely, and fired them out like cannonballs, and instantly caught up with the group of dark world creatures in front.


Lin Fan spoke coldly.

The next second, the energy in the bodies of those dark world creatures suddenly broke through the critical value and exploded with a bang.

Their bodies were blown into pieces, and the terrifying explosion shock wave spread, and the slow-running dark world creatures were instantly swallowed up.

Other dark world creatures were also hit by the terrible explosion shock wave, and flew away countless meters and disappeared in the sea of ​​blood.

The surrounding sea of ​​blood was also blown empty.


In front, the defense line of the dark world creatures was directly torn open by them.

Lin Fan looked coldly at the circle of dark world creatures in front of him, and decisively asked the people around him to continue throwing!

One by one, the dark world creatures were thrown out like cannonballs. In mid-air, Lin Fan used the control of all things to detonate their bodies, and directly blew up gaps.

The dark world creatures that were blocking were scared and turned around and ran without hesitation.

Xue Wuya roared angrily behind him, ordering those dark world creatures not to run, but no one listened to him now.

Aren't you afraid of waiting to die?

Those who stayed behind will be blown to death!

"Xue Wuya, do you want us to die?!"

"He is culpable. He wants us to use our lives to stop the night watchman and buy time for him!"

The dark world creatures left cunningly one by one. Although they temporarily obeyed Xue Wuya's command, they would not blindly sacrifice themselves.

They turned around and ran.

After they left, Lin Fan took the night watchman to kill through this gap.

A large group of dark world creatures behind them, led by Xue Wuya, caught up.

The night watchman at the back threw the dark world creature in his hand without hesitation.

"Get out of the way!"

Xue Wuya roared.

Several dark world creatures were thrown at him like cannonballs, and he ordered everyone to disperse without hesitation, but it was too late.

Those dark world creatures were too fast, and they were thrown into the crowd like cannonballs.


Lin Fan said coldly.

The next second, these people exploded instantly, and the terrible explosion shock wave swallowed some dark world creatures around them, and others were also blown away far away.

Many people were injured, and even Xue Wuya felt waves of terrifying shock waves, shaking his body. He groaned and retreated thousands of meters.

"Damn it!"

Xue Wuya stared at the night watchman who left.

His eyes were focused on Lin Fan who was protected by the crowd, and all the night watchmen were protecting Lin Fan.

He was sure that everything that happened must be related to Lin Fan. In addition, according to the information about Lin Fan, Lin Fan possessed some kind of special ability that could control everything...

"You are growing too fast. You must die!"

Xue Wuya roared and continued to chase with his men!

Lin Fan and the Night Watchman fought their way out of the encirclement and shuttled through the sea of ​​blood without looking back.

This sea of ​​blood was endless, and they could not find a way to leave. No matter which direction they went, they were surrounded by the sea of ​​blood. They had no other way but to find a way to crack the array base here.

He led everyone to shuttle through the sea of ​​blood, avoiding the pursuit of the dark world creatures while looking for the array base.

Soon, another array base appeared in front of them.

"From now on, try to capture the dark world creatures as much as possible. They are our bargaining chips to leave here!"

Lin Fan ordered everyone to destroy the array base together. At the same time, he also asked everyone to pay close attention. In the future, whenever they encounter dark world creatures, try not to kill them, but capture them alive.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Before, Lin Fan used those dark world creatures as grenades and threw them out. They all saw the effect.

Just like air-burst bombs, they exploded directly in the creatures of the dark world, causing terrible casualties.

This method was also something Lin Fan came up with on a whim. In his previous life, he had watched some heroic documentary films. One of the films was about a deputy squad leader who led eight soldiers to guard a mountain. The deputy squad leader used air-burst bombs to kill four hundred enemies with the whole squad!

The principle of air-burst bombs is to throw grenades and let them explode over the enemy's head. The shrapnel from the explosion splashes around and kills the enemy.

It is very dangerous to form air-burst bombs, because grenades usually take five or six seconds to explode. Soldiers need to keep the grenades in their hands for a few seconds, and throw them out when they are about to explode. They calculate the distance so that the grenades can explode just over the enemy's head.

This is extremely dangerous. If the time is calculated incorrectly, the grenade will explode in your hand and kill you on the spot.

The deputy squad leader was a cultured man. He knew that every soldier could not accurately make every grenade an air-burst bomb. Finally, he thought of a way.

When the enemy approached a certain "stone", he asked the soldiers to throw the grenades in their hands without hesitation to form air-burst bombs.

When the enemy was only fifteen meters away from them and appeared next to a certain "corpse", he asked the soldiers to hold the grenade and circle it over their heads before throwing it out, just to explode above the enemy's head.

When the enemy was only ten meters away from them, he asked the soldiers to hold the grenade and circle it over their heads twice before throwing it out, just to form an air-burst bomb.

Using air-burst bombs, they threw more than 300 grenades in one night, and at the cost of only three people in the class being slightly injured, they directly killed 400 enemies.

In one night, the nine of them only fired thirty shots and used thirty bullets, and most of the time they were throwing air-burst bombs!

Lin Fan was inspired by this, and he thought about controlling the energy in the bodies of these dark world creatures and gathering them in this area to reach a critical value that was about to explode.

Then, let everyone do their best to throw these dark world creatures out. When these dark world creatures were thrown into the enemy, he used the control of all things to detonate the energy in these people's bodies, so that they would form the same effect as air-burst bombs.

Or when these dark world creatures were thrown into the crowd and collided with the enemy's attack, they could also form a detonation effect.

The final result was very amazing, and Lin Fan was very happy. He remembered those ancestors who used air-burst bombs to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Those heroes, their wisdom was really great!

It can be used in this alien world. If he had understood this earlier, he would not have lived so miserably!

Although the enemy's realm is higher than his, there is always a way to kill them!

Lin Fan felt that the dark world creatures they caught were grenades, which were very precious. They could not be allowed to die so easily. Even if they only had one breath left, they had to find a way to wake them up and keep them alive.

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