This was a horrific disaster, a one-sided massacre, even though they didn't lose much high-end combat power.

But those dark world creatures in the Three Gods Realm were killed in large numbers, which was very painful for them.

Even some dark world creatures in the Four Gods Realm were massacred. Although they quickly broke free from the time freeze, they were still killed instantly by those powerful jailers, and some were even captured alive.

Under the time freeze, the dark world creatures in the Three Gods Realm were massacred. In a moment, more than 300 people were killed.

Lin Fan also felt the effort, and the time freeze was instantly invalid. He gasped for breath. Although he upgraded his control of everything, using the time freeze on everyone present at the same time was still overloaded, but the effect was very significant.

There was light in his eyes. This time the time freeze was countless more terrifying than the previous one!

Even those dark world creatures beyond the Three Gods Realm were affected.

"Lin Fan, your time stillness is too scary!"

Ma Long was beside Lin Fan and witnessed everything that happened. He took a breath of cold air when he saw those still dark world creatures being killed by the Night Watchmen.

He had a hunch that if the crack used time stillness on him, he would most likely be affected a little, or even in danger of his life.

Because in addition to time stillness, Lin Fan's control over the power of space has also reached a terrifying level.

"Time stillness is quite strong, but I want to try the new power of space I have mastered!"

Lin Fan muttered to himself. After the upgrade of controlling everything, his control over the power of space was naturally stronger.

Before, he figured out space cutting, which was very powerful!

But just now he has acquired a new skill, space turbulence!

That's right, it is the space turbulence that gushed out from the void after it was broken!

This kind of space turbulence can tear people into pieces in an instant, which is even more terrifying than space cutting!

If you are cut by space, but your body is only cut in half, you may be able to survive and save your life.

But if you are hit by the space turbulence, your body will be torn to pieces.

Now that he has mastered the space turbulence, he wants to test it.

Therefore, he locked onto the three-god realm dark world creatures who had just woken up at the edge of the battlefield.

Chapter 221 Time Reversal

At the edge of the upper battlefield, one of the three-god realm dark world creatures had not yet reacted.

When he saw hundreds of people dead around him, he was still in shock and wanted to escape from the scene.

At this moment, he was suddenly attacked!

"Control everything, time stops!"

This person was instantly stopped in place by Lin Fan. He was terrified. He had just been banned by time, but he didn't expect to be hit again.

He felt cold. Sure enough, when he was still in place, the void in front of him suddenly broke, and then a space turbulence gushed out from it.

Seeing the space turbulence, he was desperate. This space turbulence swept over him.

The next second, his body was directly torn to pieces by this space turbulence, and there was no residue left.

Lin Fan instantly gained 10 million experience points. This was the easiest time for him to kill, even easier than when he used space cutting.

Using space cutting, he could only cut a person in half at most, and maybe the other party could survive.

However, when attacked by space turbulence, the other party would not even have a slag left, and maybe the immortal lizard would have to take off a layer of skin!

"Control everything, space turbulence!"

Lin Fan continued to use space turbulence to attack the three-god realm dark world creatures on the battlefield.

One by one, the three-god realm dark world creatures were slaughtered by him!

He first used time to stop them, and then killed them with space turbulence. One by one, the dark world creatures were torn to pieces by the space turbulence, and they had no power to resist at all.

The dark world creatures of the same level now had basically no power to resist him. He was thousands of meters away and slaughtered them directly.


Lin Fan was on the edge of the battlefield, constantly practicing his control of everything with dark world creatures one by one.

His time stop, space cutting, space turbulence, etc., became more and more handy.

On the battlefield, the Night Watchmen were fighting with other dark world creatures. The number of both sides was still six to one, but the Night Watchmen were under much less pressure because more than four hundred three-god realm dark world creatures had died.

"Space still!"

At this moment, Lin Fan used time stillness on everyone present again!

He rested for a while on the side, and was able to launch a large-scale attack again.

When he used time stillness, all the dark world creatures on the battlefield were hit in an instant.

The dark world creatures of the three-god realm stood still in place, and those dark world creatures beyond the three-god realm were also affected. Although they could break free quickly, they were attacked the moment they stood still.

Under time stillness, a large number of three-god realm dark world creatures were killed. The cooperation between the Night Watchmen and Lin Fan was very tacit. When they saw these dark world creatures standing still, they attacked with all their strength.

One by one, the dark world creatures were killed, and even some dark world creatures beyond the three-god realm were also killed.

Because the two sides were already fighting each other and were not close to each other, when the dark world creatures suddenly stopped, they were violently attacked by the Night Watchmen and were killed one by one.


Large swathes of dark world creatures were killed on the battlefield. In a flash, two or three hundred people died.

Of course, most of the dead were dark world creatures in the Three Gods Realm, and only a few were beyond the Three Gods Realm.

"What a pity..."

A jailer looked at the dead dark world creatures and sighed with regret. If they could capture all these dark world creatures alive, then they could take them to the Seventh Prison and perhaps they could exceed the task.

However, now they were fighting for life and death, and they couldn't capture these people alive. There was no time, and they had to do everything they could to kill these dark world creatures.

After all, they were too few in number. If Lin Fan hadn't used time stillness to give them a chance, they might not be opponents.

Time stillness soon failed, and Lin Fan gasped for breath. Every time he used time stillness on everyone, it would consume a lot of his energy.

He felt his head was splitting with a headache. Fortunately, two or three hundred more people died, and the effect was very obvious.

Ma Long had been waiting by his side, watching him use time freeze on everyone and causing a lot of killing on their side, he was also very excited.

"Too strong!"

Ma Long was completely shocked by Lin Fan.

He had followed Lin Fan all the way, and naturally knew that Lin Fan was very weak at the beginning, but now, Lin Fan has grown step by step to an extremely abnormal level.

He felt that it would not be long before Lin Fan could reach his level, and even kill him!

He had been protecting Lin Fan before, and perhaps he would have to chase Lin Fan in the future.

He could not even catch up!

With Lin Fan's current evolution speed, he would soon be able to leave him behind.

He took a breath of cold air, such a genius...he was also the first time he had seen it.


On the battlefield, the night watchmen became more and more excited as they killed more and more enemies. The feeling of killing large numbers of enemies really made them happy.

There were only more than 300 dark world creatures on the battlefield, and the dark world creatures in the Three Gods Realm were basically killed.

Now, there are only more than a hundred dark world creatures in the Three God Realm, and the remaining more than two hundred people are beyond the Three God Realm. Now, the gap between the two sides is not very big.

"Time is running out!"

Lin Fan has been calculating the time. They have been fighting for six or seven minutes. In about three minutes, the black hand will come.

So, they must leave before the black hand comes. He is ready to stop time again for these dark world creatures!

After doing this, they will leave decisively, and they will come again after the black hand comes.

He silently recovered in the original place, and after a minute, he felt that it was almost done.

Now, there are only more than three hundred people on the battlefield, and his pressure is not very great, so after being prepared, he once again used time to stop the dark world creatures.

"Control everything, stop time!"

The next second, more than three hundred dark world creatures on the battlefield were stopped in time in an instant.

More than a hundred of the three god realm dark world creatures were motionless, and the other more than two hundred dark world creatures, their realm was very high, and they quickly broke free from the time stop.

However, when they were still, they were attacked.

The more than one hundred dark world creatures in the Three God Realm were killed almost instantly. When they were completely killed, the dark world creatures beyond the Three God Realm were also attacked, and many were seriously injured.

But few people died.

After all, they quickly broke free from the time freeze, reacted quickly, and avoided fatal injuries.

Some people were only slightly injured.

"It feels great!"

The time freeze failed. Lin Fan looked at the battlefield and saw only about two hundred people left. These two hundred people were all beings beyond the Three God Realm. He also felt very happy.

Although he did not kill these people directly, these dead people were indirectly attacked by him and then killed. He and the Night Watchman complemented each other!

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