After hearing the corrupt old man's words, Lin Fan frowned and thought carefully. They had no other option now.

Then he asked all the night watchmen to stop.

"Old Man Corruption wants to cooperate with us. He said he can help us kill the creatures in the dark world next to the space passage. What do you think?"

All the night watchmen looked down at the corrupted old man below, and many shook their heads.

"It is not credible to corrupt the old man. He is a very dangerous existence in his own right. It is too dangerous to cooperate with him."

"What should we do if he secretly attacks us?"

Chapter 225 Closing the Space Crack

The night watchmen and jailers didn't believe in the Corrupted Old Man at all. They thought he was a very scary creature and didn't dare to cooperate with him.

"Little friends, we each get what we need. I only want the bodies of those people, and you can close that space passage!"

The old man of corruption once again sent a message.

Lin Fan was a little moved. Although the Corruptive Old Man was unreliable, the Corruptive Old Man really wanted to hunt down the creatures of the dark world. They had not had any problems with their previous cooperation, at least the Corruptive Old Man had not taken action against them.

"Lin Fan, if we cooperate with him, he may take action against us in the future. Corruption Old Man is an existence without restraint, and anyone is his hunting target!" Some jailors were worried about Corruption Old Man hunting them down afterwards.

After all, with the current Corruption Old Man's strength, all of them together may not be his opponent.

"Little friends, if I wanted to take action against you, I would have done it long ago." Old Man Corruption spoke again.

Lin Fan looked down at Old Man Corruption. In his heart, he didn't trust Corruption's people, but that space crack... they really had no way to close it now.

There are only fifty of them, but creatures from the dark world are constantly teleporting through the space cracks.

They don't have any support. In this case, it is simply a fantasy for them to close this space rift.

"Kids, give it a try, I won't eat you."

The corrupt old man never gave up and was trying to convince Lin Fan. He only communicated with Lin Fan and he did not trust other night watchmen.

"I think we can give it a try. After all, we have no other choice now!"

Lin Fan felt that if they wanted to close the remaining four spatial cracks, they could only use external force.

After all, they don't have any support now. All the support has gone to the Seventh Prison. Moreover, they must close these four space rifts and go to the Seventh Prison as soon as possible.


Some of the night watchmen wanted to say something else, but a few jailers nodded and decided to believe Lin Fan.

After all, Lin Fan had led them to create many miracles along the way, and every decision Lin Fan made proved to be correct.

Although they did not trust the corrupt old man, they trusted Lin Fan, and, as Lin Fan said, they really had no other choice.

Although working with the Corrupted Old Man is akin to seeking skin from a tiger, they can only try it once.

"Old Corruption, we must make a three-part agreement with you!"

Lin Fan lowered his head and looked at the old man, and then discussed with the old man that there must be restraints.

The Corruptive Old Man cannot attack them easily and must strictly follow their requests. When the Corruptive Old Man saw that Lin Fan was finally willing to agree, he nodded with a smile.

"Little friend, I find that every time I meet you, I will have good luck. It is really a pleasure to work with you."

The old man rubbed his hands excitedly. Every time he met Lin Fan, something good always happened to him.

This is also the reason why he likes to cooperate with Lin Fan. Although he was a little unhappy before, every time he meets Lin Fan, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

The hidden injuries he suffered before are now slowly recovering.

It greatly shortened his healing time, and he would recover a little every once in a while.


After the two parties made an agreement for three chapters, they flew directly towards the space rift without any delay. After all, they only had ten minutes.

Two minutes had passed since this delay, and they only had 8 minutes left.

The corrupt old man shuttled excitedly underground. In the blink of an eye, he arrived deep underground in the space crack. He restrained his aura and lurked there, waiting for the night watchman to come.

Seeing Old Man Corruption arriving there in an instant, all the night watchmen took a breath.

"He's getting stronger again!"

Lin Fan was shocked when he saw the speed at which the old man was being corroded.

When I first met Old Man Corruption, Old Man Corruption was not very strong. But every time they met, the Corruptive Old Man became a lot stronger, and now it was even more unfathomable. He didn't know if it was right to cooperate with the Corruptive Old Man!

But he quickly strengthened his mind. No matter whether this decision was right or not, he never regretted his decision!

Even if the Corruption Old Man can threaten them in the future, he is seizing the day. Judging from the current situation, it is most beneficial to them to cooperate with the Corruption Old Man. They must close this space rift as soon as possible to prevent more creatures from the dark world from being destroyed. Send it over.

"Control everything and time will stand still!"

Lin Fan took a deep look at the corrosive old man underground, and then, without hesitation, took action against the creatures in the dark world in front of him. As time stood still, most of the creatures in the dark world stopped in an instant, and the night watchmen also started to take action from all around. .

"Hey, this kid actually mastered the stasis of time!"

The old man who was lying in ambush in the underground was stunned when he suddenly saw Lin Fan using time to stop those creatures in the dark world.

With his current strength, he could naturally feel that it was Lin Fan who was using time to stop. After all, all the night watchmen around were attacking the creatures in the dark world, and only Lin Fan was hiding nearby.

"Good boy, you'll be fine!"

The old man who was corrupted screamed, and then a dimensional pocket appeared beside him. This dimensional pocket formed a huge phantom, instantly covering most of the creatures in the dark world in the sky.

The opening of the dimensional pocket opened, and a terrifying devouring force descended. A large number of the creatures in the dark world that were stopped were sucked into the dimensional pocket.

Then, the dimensional pocket disappeared in the sky and appeared next to the old man who was corrupted underground.

In this moment, the old man who was corrupted caught hundreds of people. It was so exciting.

"It's rich, it's rich..."

The old man who was corrupted looked at the hundreds of creatures in the dimensional pocket, and he was trembling with excitement. This was much better than him alone.

When he went out to catch them alone before, he finally managed to catch a creature from the dark world. Those creatures from the dark world were very cunning and would run away as soon as they sensed him.

But now, he caught hundreds of people in an instant, and they were all powerful people at the third level of God or above. This was really great.

He liked working with Lin Fan so much, and every time he could bring him huge surprises.

After the old man Corrosion caught hundreds of people, he hid underground and began to refine them.

Hundreds of dark world creatures were in the dimensional pocket, and their bodies were decomposed by a terrifying force. They felt that their bodies were being decomposed into molecules. They watched their fingers disappear, and then their legs disappeared.

This feeling made their scalps numb. Watching their bodies being decomposed bit by bit, this process was really too scary for them.

In the process of being decomposed, they also felt pain.

One by one, the dark world creatures made miserable cries in the dimensional pocket, but the old man Corrosion didn't care about these people, but refined them excitedly.

Every time he refined a person, his strength would recover a little bit. He closed his eyes and felt his strength recovering little by little, especially the injuries he had suffered before, which were healing little by little. This feeling made him very obsessed.

At the same time, in the sky, as time stopped, the night watchman retreated in an instant, and the dark world creatures who woke up felt numb.

"Corrosion old man!"

"He is here!"

"Corrosion old man and night watchman teamed up, how could he be here!"

The dark world creatures were very afraid of the corrosion old man. After knowing that the corrosion old man was here, even the sniper was not calm.

If there was no corrosion old man, but only the night watchman, he was confident that he could take thousands of people and kill all the night watchmen here.

But the corrosion old man just took action and took away hundreds of them directly. This terrible ability made them very desperate.

"Be careful, stay away from the ground!"

The sniper took a deep breath and took the rest of the people to fly into the sky, as far away from the ground as possible.

The old man of corrosion is invincible underground, but in the sky, they can hide. As long as the old man of corrosion dares to rush into the sky, they can run.

But now there is a more terrifying problem. Lin Fan can stop their time. Once they are stopped in the void, they will be live targets.

With the power of the old man of corrosion, there is enough time to catch them. This is the most frightening thing for them.

"Damn it!"

The sniper couldn't figure out why the old man of corrosion got involved with the night watchman. The old man of corrosion hunted everyone!

Whether they or the night watchman, they were all hunted by the old man of corrosion. For example, in the depths of the Ten Thousand Mountains, there were many night watchmen and jailers hunted by the old man of corrosion.


The sniper could only curse inwardly. For such an outrageous event, they could only avoid it as much as possible.

They flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters and hovered above the space channel. They felt more at ease. At this height, if the old man of corrosion came up to kill them, they would have enough reaction time to escape.


The old man Corrosion looked at the dark world creatures flying to the sky to hide from him, he rolled his eyes and continued to refine.

Lin Fan and others did not continue to attack, but waited for news from the old man Corrosion. The old man Corrosion quickly refined hundreds of dark world creatures.

"My friend, I'm done!"

Lin Fan looked at the ground, and Corrosion appeared. After refining hundreds of dark world creatures, the old man Corrosion's aura became stronger.

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