Although the people below fought very miserably, they had no way to influence the situation of the war. The only people who really determined the direction of the war were the four people in the sky and some hidden bosses who had not yet taken action.

Both sides were restraining themselves and had not yet used all their strength. Some hidden bosses had been looking for opportunities in secret.

"Are there any other ways?"

They just waited here, waiting for the Reincarnationist or the Crimson Son to open a passage for them. The time was too long.

Because no one knew when the Reincarnationist and the Crimson Son would open a passage for them, they were waiting here, and they were very anxious in their hearts.

Although it was temporarily safe here, the situation in the Seventh Prison was not optimistic. They wanted to go in for support, and they didn't want to just watch the creatures of the dark world break the gate of the Seventh Prison.

"There is another way, that is, all of us form a sharp knife, directly kill through a road, and kill to the Seventh Prison. In this way, the losses will be very heavy!"

Hearing this method, everyone felt heavy. This method should not be tried easily unless it is a last resort.

Although many night watchmen have gathered outside, their combined strength is not enough to fill the gaps between the dark world creatures in front, and the number of the other side is hundreds of times theirs.

If they form a sharp knife and kill in, it is estimated that they will be annihilated and cannot reach the seventh prison at all.

Therefore, this method, after thinking about it, is still not advisable, unless there is a super strong person to lead them to kill in.

At this moment, the strongest here are some jailers, and there are no too strong strong people, unless there is a strong person who can kill through a passage.

But so far, no such person has appeared. After those super strong people come in, they can rely on their own strength to kill through the dark world creatures and kill directly to the seventh prison.

They can only wait here silently to see if such a person appears!

Lin Fan followed the night watchmen to ambush here. He looked at the densely packed dark world creatures in front of him. There were too many of these dark world creatures, just like a vast ocean gathering on the land in front.

There are also densely packed dark world creatures in the sky, and even in the depths of the earth, there are many dark world creatures like earthworms. They are relatively large, and the smallest ones are more than ten meters long.

They are crawling underground and shuttling through the earth.

They dig holes deep underground and head to the seventh prison.

However, there are also many rule walls deep underground in the seventh prison. These rule walls seal these underground creatures, making it impossible for them to kill from underground to the seventh prison.

When many underground creatures came near the rule walls underground, they were wiped out by the rules inside the rule walls, leaving a pile of corpses.

In the end, they had to give up going in from underground.

The best way is to kill through the gate of the seventh prison, because the rules there are the weakest, and the rules in other places are too strong.

Lin Fan's eyes can see 20,000 meters, and he can see that there are indeed many powerful creatures shuttling underground.

The night watchmen gathered on the periphery, not daring to act rashly, and they were also a certain distance away from the dark world creatures, within a safe range.

On the outskirts of the 100,000 Mountains, there are constantly night watchers and jailers gathering here. Fortunately, they have closed all the space cracks deep in the 100,000 Mountains, and no more dark world creatures are coming here for the time being.

Most of the dark world creatures gathered here are transmitted through space cracks, or received support from outside the 100,000 Mountains.

At this moment, there are still countless dark world creatures gathering towards the Seventh Prison on the outskirts of the 100,000 Mountains.

Sometimes, some dark world creatures will meet the night watchers on the way over, and conflicts will break out and bloody battles will occur between the two sides.

Sometimes, both sides will restrain themselves and detour each other, and no battle will occur!

"We can't just sit and wait for death, we must do something!"

Many night watchers are anxious here, and they dare not go out to the Seventh Prison to fight. They thought about it and decided to set up an ambush halfway.

Because there are many dark world creatures coming in from outside to support, they can ambush these dark world creatures halfway.

Since they can't deal with the dark world creatures near the Seventh Prison, then they can attack these dark world creatures that come to support.

Kill as many as you can!

At least it can relieve the pressure on the Seventh Prison, so that they can be regarded as fighting side by side with the people of the Seventh Prison!

After someone proposed this idea, it was quickly affirmed by everyone, and everyone thought it was feasible!

"We will split into several groups and kill as many enemies as possible!"

Lin Fan and some night watchmen and jailers who had cooperated with him before split into one group. There were 300 people on their side, preparing to go to another passage to ambush the dark world creatures that came to support.

Lin Fan left with everyone. He looked back at the dark world creatures behind him, and then looked at the four reincarnations fighting in the sky.

He retracted his gaze and followed everyone patiently to another road.

Finally, they came to a mountain, near which they ambushed.

If there are dark world creatures coming, they will attack.

"Lin Fan, you will make the first move later!"

Because everyone had fought side by side before, they were all familiar with each other's strength. Everyone was impressed by Lin Fan's time power.

They were lying in ambush here and decided to use Lin Fan's time stopping as a signal. Lin Fan nodded.

They were lying in ambush here patiently. After an hour, they finally waited for the first batch of dark world creatures to come to support them.

In front of them, four or five hundred dark world creatures flew in a mighty force, shuttling across the sky.

These dark world creatures were rampant and did not conceal their breath at all. They killed all the way unimpeded.

Even if they met some lone night watchmen on the road, they did not care, and the other party did not dare to come and attack them. After all, there were so many of them, and ordinary people did not dare to ambush them.

They did not believe that anyone dared to ambush them. Four or five hundred dark world creatures flew over the mountain where the night watchmen were ambushing.

When they came nearby, Lin Fan saw these people entering his attack range, and he used the power of time without hesitation.

"Control everything, time stops!"

In a split second, these four or five hundred dark world creatures were instantly affected by time stopping, and most of them were frozen in mid-air.

Only a few people could instantly break free from the influence of time stopping.

"Enemy attack!"

"Time sect!"

"Be careful!"

Those dark world creatures who broke free from time stopping wanted to remind others to be careful, but many people were still affected by time stopping and did not wake up.

At this moment, the three hundred night watchmen who were ambushing rushed out from the side, and in a split second, they launched a devastating attack on these dark world creatures.

When the overwhelming attack fell in, at least hundreds of dark world creatures were killed, and more than two hundred people were also severely injured.

They woke up from the influence of time stopping and fought directly with the night watchmen who rushed over. Those dark world creatures who woke up felt their scalps tingling. They did not expect that there were actually three hundred night watchmen ambushing here. They suffered a great loss in the dark night.

Lin Fan took a deep breath and used time stillness on four or five hundred dark world creatures at the same time. The impact on him was also relatively large, but he also rushed over.

"Control everything!"

"Destruction Thunder!"

He did not need to attack in a large area, but only needed to target individual dark world creatures. Among this batch of dark world creatures, the weakest ones were all in the three-god realm.

He locked onto the two three-god realm dark world creatures in front, used control of everything to control their bodies first, and then used destruction thunder to directly kill their bodies.

His experience value was also increasing rapidly.

Ma Long had been protecting him by his side, not leaving his side. On the chaotic battlefield, Lin Fan's situation was relatively dangerous.

After all, he was also at the bottom.

It was just that he was more powerful among his peers. When he encountered those powerful dark world creatures, he was also in danger. Several jailers in the distance were also staring at Lin Fan.

"Time stillness!"

"Space turbulence!"

The dark world creatures in front were instantly stilled by his use of time stillness, and then a piece of space turbulence sprayed out from the void and blew directly on these dark world creatures.

These creatures of the dark world screamed, and then their bodies were torn into pieces by the space turbulence, and they had no resistance at all.


At this moment, a spear directly pierced Lin Fan's chest, and he didn't even react.

Looking up, he saw a powerful sniper holding a spear and staring at him.

The sniper thrust his spear forward, ignoring the distance in space, and instantly pierced Lin Fan's chest.

He pulled out the spear again and thrust it forward, and the spear ignored the distance in space again, and pierced a hole in Lin Fan's body again.

Chapter 232 Mastering the Secret Art of the Sniper Clan

Lin Fan felt a strong breath of death, and he shuttled through space to avoid the sniper's attack.

At the same time, he used time reversal to prevent the spear from piercing his body again, and he looked at the sniper opposite in shock.

The snipers he encountered before all attacked with bullets, but he didn't expect this sniper to use a spear this time!

The sniper on the opposite side was also very surprised to see that Lin Fan did not die under his attack. Few people in the same level could be his opponent! What's more, he was one level higher than Lin Fan!


The sniper showed a strong interest in Lin Fan. Lin Fan was at a lower level than him, but he actually dodged his fatal attacks several times in a row. He locked Lin Fan and rushed towards him in space.

At the same time, the spear in his hand kept stabbing at Lin Fan. Every time, the spear could ignore the distance in space and appear directly in front of Lin Fan.

"Time goes back!"

Lin Fan could only use the power of time with all his strength to make the spear go back to a few dozen centimeters away from his body, so as to avoid the attack of the spear.

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