He was shocked. His flames could not only burn everything, but also burn the whole world in an instant.

However, the group of corpses strangely passed through his flames and were not affected by his flames at all.

Another person stretched out a big hand and grabbed the corpses. However, his hand had clearly grabbed the corpses, but when he retracted his hand, the corpses appeared from the side again, as if they were transparent and he had grabbed nothing!

"What's going on!"

He was a little terrified. He had clearly hit the corpses, why did the corpses still appear.

"Let me do it!"

The figure holding the scissors walked out of the crowd, and then scissored towards the corpses fiercely.

The next second, his scissors directly cut the corpses in half, but the strange thing was that although the corpses were cut, they did not die.

Instead, they walked out from another space again. What he cut was just an illusion!

"Phantom, so fast!"

The four of them took a breath of cold air. In this case, it was not that they did not hit, but that their speed was too slow. They only hit the opponent's phantom.

The speed of these corpses was too terrible. At this moment, the corpses pressed over, and a strange force permeated. The four felt chest tightness, as if their hearts were about to stop beating.

"You few viruses, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, the voice of the virus doctor sounded in the ears of the four people. The four people's scalps were numb. They didn't even see where the virus doctor was.

The virus doctor seemed to be far away, and seemed to be right next to them. However, there was no one around them except the group of strange corpses.

"Playing tricks!"

"Even if you were very powerful two hundred years ago, you have been seriously injured. Two hundred years is not enough for you to recover. Get out!"

"I want to see how strong the legendary virus doctor is!"

The four people began to attack frantically. They killed the group of corpses, but their attacks were always half a beat slower, and every time they hit the phantom of the corpse.

This group of corpses seemed to be out of reality, as if they came from the future, and as if they came from the past.

Their attacks could only travel through reality, and could not hit the past or the future, so they could not kill these corpses!

"You are sick, I will treat you..."

The voice of the virus doctor sounded again from all around, making the four people's scalps numb. They didn't know where the virus doctor was at all.

The group of corpses was getting closer and closer to them, and had entered a very dangerous range.

They tried their best to attack, and even the fire-breathing man spit out a large piece of flames directly beside them.

Except for the place where they stood, all the other directions were full of seas of fire.

The terrifying high temperature made the other three sweat profusely, but the group of corpses strangely appeared in the sea of ​​fire, as if they would not be burned by the flames.

Just like this, in the sea of ​​fire, they shuttled towards them at a strange speed.

"What's going on, it can't be burned to death!"

The four people's scalps were numb. This sea of ​​fire can burn everything, but after the group of corpses came in, they were not affected at all.

At this moment, the corpses made a move. Their movements were uniform. Each of them stretched out his right hand and made a grabbing motion in the air, as if he was grabbing something.

These corpses were thousands of meters away from the four people. However, when they grabbed them, the hearts of the four people suddenly stopped beating, as if they were being pinched by someone. They felt very uncomfortable...

"What's going on..."

They were terrified. They really couldn't understand why their hearts suddenly stopped beating.

At this moment, it was more like being pinched by someone.

The speed of the heartbeat became very slow, and even a strong aura of death appeared on them, as if they were going to die.

The four tried their best to break free from this state. The hands of the group of corpses opposite them were slowly clenching.


The four people spit out blood at the corners of their mouths at the same time. They felt that their hearts were about to be crushed. They looked up at the group of corpses opposite them at the same time, watching them grab things in the air.

They immediately understood that their hearts were being pinched by these corpses.

"How is this possible? What the hell is this!"

The four people were extremely frightened. The group of corpses just grabbed them in the air and pinched their hearts.

They didn't understand the principle, and they didn't feel any force attacking them.

But their hearts were pinched just like that, and even wounds began to appear on their hearts, and some blood flowed out of these wounds.

When their hearts were bleeding, they felt a sense of weakness, and the bodies of the four people swayed for a while, as if they couldn't stand steadily.

This made them full of panic, and the four people retreated decisively, not wanting to stay here, it was too weird.

The virus doctor's attack method made them unable to defend themselves, and even, they hadn't seen the virus doctor until now.

"Go, leave here!"


Faced with this weird attack method, they didn't dare to continue attacking the virus doctor, and just wanted to leave here.

They turned around quickly and flew towards the dark world, but when they flew back, the group of corpses actually followed them.

They always kept a thousand meters distance from them, and the hands of these corpses were holding on tighter and tighter. Their hearts beat hard, and then more wounds appeared...


One of them trembled. He felt like he was about to faint and felt exhausted.

Looking back, the group of corpses had been following them. The four of them fled for more than ten miles, realizing that the group of corpses would follow them all the way.

Moreover, if this state continues, they will only die.

This group of corpses must be dealt with before they can be safe.

The four of them looked at each other to understand each other's thoughts, and then they took the initiative to kill the group of corpses.

However, these corpses flew away strangely, always keeping a thousand meters distance from them, and their grasp became tighter and tighter...

Their hearts hurt more and more.

It even started to stop beating...


One of them screamed in horror, and then his heart was suddenly scratched and exploded. In his chest, the heart was scratched into pieces by an invisible force.

His life breath also disappeared crazily. In the blink of an eye, his eyes dimmed and he fell from the void. He was unexpectedly grabbed and his heart exploded and died.

Seeing his death, the remaining three people's scalps went numb, and they also felt that their hearts were about to burst.

However, they were unable to break away from this state at all, and they could not even find any source. They did not know how the virus doctor grabbed their hearts.

They wanted to kill the group of corpses, but the group of corpses were too fast and could always avoid their attacks, leaving them helpless.

The three of them felt that their hearts had reached their limit. The group of corpses kept grabbing at them, and their hearts were about to explode.

They were going crazy, but they were helpless to do anything about it and could only watch their hearts being scratched.

With a pop, another person's heart was scratched and exploded. In his chest, the heart was directly scratched into pieces.

He also died completely and fell from the void. The remaining two people were in despair. The feeling of seeing their hearts being scratched and exploded made their scalps numb and despair filled their chests, but they were unable to do anything.

At this moment, they regretted coming to attack the virus doctor. The virus doctor was a very terrifying existence two hundred years ago. Even if he was injured, he was not something they could provoke.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, and the hearts of the remaining two people were soon crushed.

When the hearts of the four people were crushed, the group of corpses came to them, grabbed their corpses, and took them directly back to the virus doctor.



The virus doctor looked at the four corpses on the ground coldly, then took out a scalpel, squatted down, and began to operate on the four corpses.

The virus surgeon used a scalpel to cut open their stomachs, and then sewed them up with dark red threads.

When the wound was mended, one of them opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and became a corpse next to the virus doctor.

The other three people also came to life one after another under the virus doctor's surgery, and stood by the virus doctor's side honestly.

"Go, fight, destroy the virus!"

The virus doctor spoke calmly, and the four corpses behind him rushed towards the dark world army in the distance. Their strength in life was very terrifying, and after they turned into corpses, their combat power was also extremely terrifying.

They each took a group of corpses and headed towards the dark world to kill.

When these four people brought four groups of corpses to the Dark World, they put tremendous pressure on the Dark World army.

"Didn't they go hunting for virus doctors? What is going on!"

The Dark World Army soon discovered these four people, but something was wrong. These four people actually brought a group of corpses and came towards them to kill them.

After careful observation, they discovered that these four people had turned into corpses!

"No, they're already dead!"

"It's finished, they were operated on by a virus doctor!"

This group of dark world armies instantly understood that these four people were no longer alive. Anyone who had been operated by the virus doctor would become the virus doctor's subordinates and obey the virus doctor's command unconditionally.

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