Therefore, the number of the dark world army has been increasing, and now it is boundless. Standing on the land in front, you can't see the end at a glance, and you don't know how many people have come.

So many dark world creatures can't be stopped by the virus doctor!

However, they are now strangely retreating, and everyone feels uneasy.

There is only one situation in this situation, that is, the dark world creatures are holding back a big move, but everyone is now unclear, what is the big move of the dark world creatures!

At the same time, at the time train base.

The night watchmen guarding here patrol near the time train as usual.

Since the time train was snatched from the dark world creatures last time, there has been no danger.

After a long time, the night watchmen here are not as vigilant as before!

Until a certain moment, a group of mechanical sect members suddenly emerged from the darkness. This group of mechanical sect members is very terrifying.

Their mechanical bodies are very hard, and their legs are equipped with jet propulsion, which can propel them to fly at low altitudes.

One by one, the members of the Mechanic Cult flew at low altitude and rushed directly into the Time Train Base.

Many Night Watchmen were killed silently by them. There were not many members of this group of Mechanic Cult members. They rushed into the Time Train Base in an organized and purposeful manner, and many Night Watchmen were killed by them when they were caught off guard.

"Don't think about fighting. Our goal is the mechanical horn. We will retreat after we grab the mechanical horn!"

This group of Mechanic Cult members fought a blitzkrieg. They quickly rushed into the Night Watch base. They had already figured out the location of the mechanical horn.

At this moment, they broke into the base without hesitation and began to look for the mechanical horn.

"Enemy attack!" Zhang Yang, the person in charge of the Time Train Base, immediately organized people to resist the attack of the Mechanic Cult.

"Base commander, it's the Mechanic Cult. They are too strong and we can't stop them!"

As the person in charge of the Time Train Base, Zhang Yang's strength is not strong!

Since the Time Train was controlled by the Federation, there is basically no danger.

Because the Time Train only appears here every Saturday, they only need to add people here on Saturday night.

Normally, no one would come to disturb them!

They are guarding here, which is actually a relatively leisurely job. They have not encountered attacks for a long time.

Today is only Thursday, and the mechanical sect came to attack them like crazy, which caught them off guard!

Moreover, the members of the mechanical sect who came are very powerful, and each one is more powerful than Zhang Yang. The night watchmen here can't stop them at all!

"Start the mechanical horn!"

Zhang Yang saw that the base could not be defended, and even the god-level rule wall built outside was destroyed. He knew that the opponent's strength was terrible, and he could only activate the mechanical horn to repel the enemy!

Therefore, he went to the mechanical horn as soon as possible, and only he mastered the method of starting the mechanical horn.

There are a group of night watchmen guarding near the mechanical horn, but they don't know how to start the mechanical horn.

Zhang Yang was about to start the mechanical horn, and the night watchmen near the mechanical horn sent the last message.

"Base commander, their target is the mechanical horn, we can't defend it!"

Zhang Yang's heart sank, and then he gave an order without hesitation, asking all the night watchmen to leave now, without any stay!

After hearing his order, the night watchmen were stunned for a moment, and then they obeyed his order, quickly left the base, and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, a group of mechanical cult members found the mechanical horn in the middle of the base in an organized and disciplined manner.

They killed all the night watchmen guarding here.

Then, a man came out and came to the mechanical horn. He knew how to start the mechanical horn.

He beat the mechanical horn rhythmically.

Soon, a sound of music came from the mechanical horn.

Zhang Yang and others who were retreating heard the music and fled madly to the distance like they were running for their lives!

"Go! They have started the mechanical horn. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

Zhang Yang roared and fled madly with all the night watchmen. However, at this time, bursts of beautiful music came from behind.

The mechanical horn was no longer started, and the sound was getting louder and louder.

At the beginning, the decibel of the sound of the mechanical horn was not very high, and the music sounded a bit beautiful.

But slowly the sound reached a terrifying level, and then everything around was shattered to dust in the sound of the music.

Some of the slower night watchmen, they were bleeding from all seven orifices, covered their ears in pain, and fell to the ground, and then their internal organs were directly shattered by the music, and they were killed on the spot.

Slowly, as the music became louder and louder, their bodies lying on the ground were also shattered by the music in an instant, turned into a blood mist, and disappeared between heaven and earth!


In the later period, those night watchmen who were shaken by the music were instantly turned into a blood mist, and they were shattered to dust, and they could not escape at all.

And all the buildings in the time train base were also shattered to dust in the sound of the music, whether it was trees, mountains, or land, they were all shattered to dust.

A bottomless pit appeared near the mechanical horn. Members of the Mechanical Cult lifted the mechanical horn and floated in the air. The mechanical horn continued to play beautiful music.

Until everything around was shaken to ashes, the entire time train base disappeared without a trace in a short while, and only a dark pit appeared in the original place!

"Let's go, the mechanical horn has been taken back, let's go to the seventh prison!"

The purpose of this group of mechanical cult members is to snatch the mechanical horn back. Now that they have obtained the mechanical horn, they did not chase the escaped night watchmen, but prepared to go to the seventh prison without stopping!

Only a few of Zhang Yang and others managed to escape, and everyone was still frightened.

Looking back, they saw a bottomless pit. Everything in the time train base was shattered by the sound of music. Eighty percent of the night watchmen here died, and only a few escaped alive.

"Report to the headquarters, the mechanical horn was snatched away by the Mechanic Cult, and the Time Train Base will be destroyed by them..."

Zhang Yang also reported what happened here on the Time Train to the Federal Headquarters as soon as possible.

When the Federal Headquarters learned that the Mechanic Cult had snatched the mechanical horn at lightning speed, but left without occupying the Time Train Base, the Federal Headquarters also felt that something was wrong.

The Mechanic Cult seemed to come here simply to snatch the mechanical horn, and the Time Train Base was not within their target range!

"You continue to guard the Time Train Base, and we will send people over!"

The Federal Headquarters asked Zhang Yang to continue guarding the Time Train Base, and they will soon send people to replenish the lost manpower.

As for the matter of the mechanical horn, they need to investigate it carefully to see what the Mechanic Cult wanted to do by snatching the mechanical horn!


Zhang Yang looked back at the deep pit behind him. He didn't understand what the Mechanic Cult wanted to do, why they only snatched the mechanical horn and didn't occupy the Time Train Base.

They waited in the dark for a while, and after confirming that the Mechanic Cult had completely left, they carefully returned to the Time Train Base.

When they came back here and saw this huge deep pit, they could only laugh and cry. They could only fill the pit and then build a base here.

After all, the time train is still very important. It will appear here every Saturday. They must strictly control the passengers getting on and off, and they must not let the strange creatures from other worlds come to the real world.

At the same time, the battlefield of the seventh prison.

Long Yi suddenly laughed loudly. When other dark world commanders heard him suddenly laugh, they all looked at him.

"Long Yi, what are you laughing at?"

"Haha, just now, our mechanical sect has taken back the mechanical horn, and it is now on the way to be sent over. We will wait a little longer and we will get the mechanical horn soon!" Long Yi laughed loudly.

"Great, let's see what the virus doctor can use to resist the mechanical horn!"

"Humph, let's let the virus doctor die completely!"

These dark world commanders smiled happily, and a big stone in their hearts was completely put down. Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

Just wait for the mechanical horn to be sent over, then they can launch a new round of attack!

This time, they not only want to eliminate the virus doctor, but also want to break the gate of the seventh prison!

The dark world army has not attacked for a long time, and the jailers on the seventh prison also feel uneasy.

When the seventh prison was besieged before, although they were under pressure, they were not as uneasy as now.

"Everyone concentrate and be alert, they may attack at any time, we must be extremely careful!"

Many of the jailers on the seventh prison have recovered and have re-entered the combat state.

The war is about to break out, the dark world army remains quiet, and the jailers on the seventh prison are also quiet, both sides are waiting for something.

On the battlefield in the middle, the virus doctor is also happy to revive corpses one by one. He only symbolically sends some corpses to attack the dark world army, and the rest of the corpses are all guarding outside the gate of the seventh prison.

For every corpse resurrected, he can have one more black line connected to his heart. At this moment, his strength has recovered to a terrifying level.

Even some of the reincarnation power near his heart has begun to weaken.

He believed that as long as he continued to revive, he would soon be able to break the seal of the reincarnation force.

Perhaps, his strength could be restored to a large extent. He trembled with excitement, imagining the day when he would recover to his peak...

"You bunch of viruses, when I recover to my peak, I will destroy you all!"

The virus doctor has never been a good person. He has always been rebellious. In his eyes, all living people in the world are sick.

Whether it is the Night Watch or the creatures of the dark world, they are all patients in his eyes.

It's just because he has no ability now, otherwise, he will destroy all the living people on the battlefield!


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