The reincarnator lowered his head and looked at Ji Ziyue calmly.

"The reconstruction of Qucheng will be left to you. I will stay here for three days." The reincarnation said.

"Received!" Ji Ziyue nodded.

Yan Qi looked at a certain void, where the terrifying figure finally disappeared. He breathed a sigh of relief. Although the other party left, he still decided to stay in Qucheng Town for three days!

Lin Fan's eyes widened. He didn't know Ji Ziyue's true identity until now. She was actually the Director of the Night Watch Department!

It has always been a mystery who the director of the Night Watch Department is. No one knows who the director of the Night Watch Department is.

Including all the surrounding night watchmen, except for a small number of night watch elites, everyone knew who the director of the night watch department was for the first time.

Seeing that Ji Ziyue is already the director of the Night Watch Department at such a young age, many people have mixed feelings.

Everyone is in their early twenties, why is Ji Ziyue so outstanding!

Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He was now Ji Ziyue's assistant and the assistant to the Director of the Department of Defense. No one would dare to want him casually, right?

He can be considered an official, so his safety will be guaranteed in the future!

He looked up at the top of the reincarnator's head and could only see a thick health bar, 100%.

As for the level behind the health bar, it was a fog, and he could not clearly see the level of this reincarnation.

However, he can be sure that the level of this reincarnation is definitely higher than LV5, otherwise it would be impossible to scare away all the creatures in the dark world with just one sentence.

How majestic this is!

Lin Fan was fascinated in his heart. When would he be able to do this and scare the shit out of thousands of enemies with just one sentence?

He clenched his fists, believing he could do this.

As long as he accumulates enough experience points, he can level up!

Ji Ziyue is responsible for the reconstruction of Qucheng Vigil Department and the new Federal Research Institute. She has three days.

During these three days, she can apply for all resources from the federal higher-ups. The Reincarnator will stay here for three days. She does not have to worry about creatures from the dark world coming to harass her.

Three days is enough!

As Ji Ziyue's assistant, Lin Fan naturally had to keep busy.

However, he spends most of his time idle and is not required to do anything at all.

"Take it, protect it, and when in danger, run away."

Ji Ziyue handed the suitcase to Lin Fan and gave him an order to protect the suitcase!

Lin Fan took the suitcase and looked at the bewitching mask inside.

This time, the bewitching mask no longer smiled at him. He saw a grimace on the bewitched mask's face, and a little frightened.

Lin Fan understood that the bewitching mask was a person who was afraid of reincarnation!

The Night Watch Division was also damaged by creatures from the dark world, but the damage was not serious and it was rebuilt the next day.

The most difficult one is the Federal Research Institute.

After the Federal Research Institute started the self-destruction program, the entire site was instantly wiped out, and a large crater appeared on the spot.

Ji Ziyue gathered people to start rebuilding the Federal Research Institute, blocking off the nearby streets for ten miles, evacuating the crowd, and settling them in a settlement site that had been prepared in the city.

These people will only be brought back after the Federal Research Institute is rebuilt.

The Night's Watch suffered heavy casualties.

Ji Ziyue had to face the people and recruit new night watchmen.

All applicants can get the opportunity to copy the first-level superpowers of the Federal Research Institute, thereby obtaining a certain first-level superpower and becoming a first-level superpower user.

The first-level ability copying method mastered by the Federation has been perfected. Basically, no one will die. At most, the body will be damaged and it will be enough to rest for a few days.

Not everyone can accept copying. Those who are physically strong are required. When copying superpowers, if your body is weak and cannot withstand the impact of superpowers, you may die.

Therefore, candidates need to undergo a physical fitness test, and those who pass the test can queue up to receive first-level power copying.

Those who perform well will have the opportunity to obtain copy of second-level abilities, or even copy of third-level abilities and above.

Of course, the Federation adopts a merit-making system. In the early stage, everyone can only accept the copying of first-level abilities.

After becoming a level one superpower user, those who have made meritorious deeds can apply for level two superpower copying.

There is a danger in copying abilities at Level 2 and above, and the Federation cannot guarantee that everyone will be safe.

Before copying, an agreement will be signed. If someone dies during the copying process, the copyist will bear all the consequences.

If a first-level superpower is successfully copied, they can become a second-level superpower, and their position within the federation will be improved accordingly.

In this incident, everyone who survived was given a chance to apply for a higher-level power copy for free.

Lin Fan also got an opportunity. He is LV2, and he can apply for a chance to copy level 3 abilities.

At this moment, he was holding his cell phone to look up information on level three abilities.

He logged into the federal official website, found the third-level superpowers section, and found dozens of third-level superpowers.

He can choose any of the third-level abilities to copy!

Seeing these third-level abilities, he was very excited.

"Stand still!"



The third-level abilities dazzled him one after another. These abilities were all quite suitable, and he was very interested in any one of them.

But he can only choose one!

Moreover, he may not be able to copy successfully. During the copying process, he is very likely to die!

This made him a little worried. He didn't actually need to copy the power. He could spend one hundred experience points to draw a random talent, which was the power.

Let him risk his life to copy a third-level superpower, and there is a possibility of death, and the copy may not be successful. He has a bit of choice difficulty.

"Hey, Destruction Thunder!"

He saw a third-level superpower and he was very interested!

Destruction Thunder, control the thunder between heaven and earth, punish everything with thunder, form a minefield around the body, and can kill all enemies.

Destruction Thunder can attack and defend.

He now only has the way to attack and escape, and he lacks defense.

And this Destruction Thunder, the attack is sharp and the defense is strong. Whether it is physical damage or mental damage, Destruction Thunder can defend!

Moreover, it can also cause physical damage and mental damage, especially restrain some dark world creatures!

The only trouble is that the success rate of Destruction Thunder is very low, and there is a 50% chance of death.

The mortality rate of other third-level superpowers does not exceed 30%.

"Do you want to copy Destruction Thunder?"

At this time, Ji Ziyue came to his side.

"I want to, but the mortality rate is too high." Lin Fan admitted.

"If you want to copy the Thunder of Destruction, I have a way to make you succeed. This is confidential information!" Ji Ziyue said mysteriously.

"Come with me."

Lin Fan followed Ji Ziyue curiously and walked into a laboratory.

"The Federation's external copying methods are all for ordinary people or ordinary superpowers. We also have a safer copying method internally, which is mainly used by people with super talents and potential. Of course, it is also prepared for the children of the Federation's high-level officials."

"Although this copying method cannot guarantee 100% copying success, it has an advantage. The copy will not die. We can terminate the copying process in time when the copy feels uncomfortable. It's just that this method is a bit of a waste of resources, and ordinary people are not qualified to use it."

Chapter 40 Copying Superpowers: Thunder of Destruction

Lin Fan was very happy. Although he could use experience points to extract new talents, he was more interested in this Thunder of Destruction.

Ji Ziyue took him to the Night Watch Division.

The Night Watch Division is recruiting night watchmen from the society on a large scale. Those who apply successfully can directly copy the first-level superpower.

There was a long queue outside the Night Watch Department, all of them were young men and women, all of them were applying for the job of Night Watchman.

Ji Ziyue led Lin Fan through the crowd and came to the depths of the Night Watch Department. They opened a titanium alloy iron door, and through facial recognition, the two walked through a long corridor and finally came to a laboratory. This was a secret laboratory for Night Watchmen, a laboratory dedicated to copying superpowers for the children of senior federal officials.

There was a bed in the laboratory, and Ji Ziyue motioned Lin Fan to lie on it.

Lin Fan lay down.

He looked up and saw Ji Ziyue clicking on an electronic screen next to him, and the names of superpowers flashed by one by one.

"Destruction Thunder!"

Ji Ziyue chose this superpower.

Lin Fan suddenly felt his body tighten, and the bed automatically tied his body, and he couldn't break free.

The bed moved slowly forward, and a hatch appeared in front of it. It opened and the bed went in.

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