After Lin Fan entered the forest, he restrained his breath and controlled his body with the power of controlling everything, so that he would not emit any breath.

At the same time, he was hidden in the shadows of the forest and shuttled. When he entered the forest, the people chasing him lost his trace.

Because the big trees around blocked their vision, and Lin Fan restrained his breath, they could not feel where Lin Fan was.

"He is in this forest, let's be careful."

Dozens of members of the Serpent's Hand surrounded the forest outside, guarding every place, and not even a fly could escape. The rest of the people all entered the forest.

They searched the forest in a carpet-like manner. Each person was a hundred meters apart, so they could sense each other's existence. If there was any danger, they could also support each other in the first time.

Then, they began to advance into the forest, trying to find Lin Fan hiding inside.

After Lin Fan reached the forest invisibly, he hid in a tree hole of a big tree, preparing to heal his wounds in this place.

He leaned against the wall of the tree hole silently, took a deep breath, and then began to recuperate his body.

He used the control of all things to control the healing of his wounds first, and then began to recuperate his body.

Theoretically, his injury was actually the internal organs and other parts of his body that were injured.

At this moment, he needed to recuperate his internal organs and let them recover quickly. His blood was also growing slowly, and soon stabilized to 40%.

Controlling all things can not only control everything in the outside world, but also naturally control everything in his body.

Under his control of all things, his internal organs and the damage to his blood vessels, whether it was blocked blood vessels or internal injuries to his internal organs, were recovering.

Suddenly, his ears moved, his eyes opened, and he looked forward. Through the tree hole, he directly ignored the surrounding trees and saw several figures appearing a few kilometers away.

Several members of the Serpent's Hand found the vicinity. He frowned and continued to heal in this tree hole.

He hid in the shooting hole. As long as the opponent was not several hundred meters away from him, he could not sense him. He still had time, and he had to race against time to recover to his peak.

It was only a matter of time before these people found him.

He needed to recover as soon as possible. Of course, at this distance, he could also attack these people.

However, his health bar was still very low, and he did not want to act rashly and expose himself.

Once he made a move, the traces left by his move might be sensed by those strong men.

Although these big trees blocked the enemy's vision, as long as he made a move, traces of his move would be left in the void, so the opponent could sense it.

He closed his eyes and recovered himself silently. At the same time, he was also sensing the surroundings. Once there was danger, he would immediately stop healing.

He raced against time, and his health bar was also recovering rapidly.

This was the first time he used the control of all things to regulate his body.

In a normal injured state, you need to take medicine to regulate your body, and drug treatment is actually to heal the injured parts of the body.

For example, if you are sick, it is actually some virus cells that appear in some parts of your body.

As long as these virus cells are eliminated, then his illness will be cured.

At this moment, he is using a similar principle to control everything to find the virus cells in his body, and then control these virus cells and throw them out of his body, so that his injuries will recover!

In his body, whether it is blood stasis or virus cells, he accurately finds them, and then controls them and transports them out of his body through his blood vessels.

When these viruses and blood stasis are discharged from his body, his injuries are recovering rapidly.

The organs of the human body have self-healing functions. As long as all the virus cells are discharged from the body, the tissues and organs of the body will automatically heal and heal.

His blood bar is also recovering rapidly, and soon, it reaches 60%.

He opened his eyes, and the blood bar reached 60%, and he was able to take action.

He saw 5 people in front of him, and these 5 people were already 3 kilometers away from him. Of course, it should take some time to find him.

These people were searching for Lin Fan everywhere. Lin Fan looked at these five people. The leader was a Four God Realm.

The other four were Three God Realm. If Lin Fan took action, it would be enough. After all, his control of all things had an attack range of 20,000 meters.

Now, these five people were already 3 kilometers away from him.

But he had to consider one thing. If he killed these five people, the noise of their death would attract the attention of others.

At that time, other people would most likely come nearby, and 3 kilometers was a very dangerous distance. Some powerful Four God Realm people could sense his presence within this range.

Lin Fan's eyes flickered, and then he looked around within 20,000 meters, and he saw another group of people appear nearby.

This made him more cautious, but after seeing that the five people were about to reach 2 kilometers near him, he finally decided to take action. First, he targeted the Four God Realm and prepared to kill the strongest person first.

Kill the other four people as well.

He locked onto this person, and the next second, he used time to stop.

"Control everything, time stops!"

Then, the five people were stunned in place under the influence of time stop, and Lin Fan chopped the Grim Reaper's sickle in his hand fiercely.

A Grim Reaper's sickle appeared on the neck of the Four Gods, and directly cut her neck.

Under the time stop, she was also struggling frantically. Although she broke free from the time stop in an instant, the Grim Reaper's sickle still cut her neck, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. She covered her neck and tried to make a sound, but nothing came out at all.

Her health bar dropped madly. She did not die immediately and was still trying to save herself. However, at this moment, another Grim Reaper's sickle appeared next to her.

Cutting her neck, and even the five fingers on her neck were cut off, her head flew out and fell on the ground, and she died with eyes open.

Lin Fan instantly gained 100 million experience points.

At the same time, the other four Three God Realms also woke up. When they saw the head of the Four God Realm fell to the ground, they turned around in horror and wanted to send a distress signal.

However, at this moment, they felt their hearts broken. Then, their life breath disappeared, some opened their mouths, and died without even making a sound, and the four fell to the ground.

Lin Fan gained 40 million experience points again. Looking at the five dead people on the ground, he stood up decisively, left the tree hole, hid in the shadows, and shuttled away from here.

When he just left, a large group of people came to the side of the five corpses from all directions. When the other members of the Serpent's Hand looked at the five corpses on the ground, they were all shocked.

These five people should have been killed instantly, without any resistance at all, and they didn't even have time to send a distress signal.

If there were no strong people sensing the movement here, I'm afraid they wouldn't know that their people were assassinated.

"He's so strong!"

"Isn't he at low health?"

The group of members of the Serpent's Hand were puzzled. In their impression, Lin Fan had been seriously injured. Now he was hiding in the forest. He should not have such strong combat power.

But now all five of them were killed. One of them was in the Four God Realm and was killed instantly. This made them realize that Lin Fan's real combat power was probably not as weak as they thought.

"Be careful!"

"Team of ten!"

To be on the safe side, they were no longer in teams of five, but in teams of ten. They began to disperse in the forest. The distance between them was not too far, just a few hundred meters apart, which was convenient for them to support.

Lin Fan shuttled through the forest, avoiding the teams that were searching for him. Sometimes, he could have taken action, but he didn't dare.

Because these people were searching too intensively, he was worried that if he took action, he would expose his position. Once surrounded, he would probably die without a burial place.

Although his health bar recovered to 60%, he was seriously injured after all. Every time he took action, his injury would be affected.

Although he succeeded in killing the five people just now, his health bar also dropped by 5 percentage points. During his escape, he also used the control of all things to restore his health bar, and finally restored it to 60%.

He didn't dare to attack casually unless his health bar was restored to 100%.

This forest had a geographical advantage for him. He could use the big trees to avoid the sight of others. As long as he didn't show any movement, it would be difficult for others to see him.

He looked around to find his enemies, and a strong killing intent flashed in his heart. He didn't want to let these people go.

If these people dared to chase him, he would kill them in return.

He glanced around, and then he used the control of all things to make a noise. The big trees 20,000 meters to the left suddenly exploded one by one. The explosion of the big trees attracted the attention of the members of the Serpent's Hand.

Soon, these people rushed to the location of the big tree from all directions, thinking that Lin Fan had exposed his whereabouts.

However, at this time, Lin Fan made a noise to the big tree 20,000 meters away on the right.

Those big trees also began to explode.

The explosion at 20,000 meters on the right attracted the attention of these people again, and they were a little confused.

Lin Fan was obviously just one person, why did there appear movement in different places!

"Is it the support of the Night Watchmen?"

"Be careful!"

Lin Fan used the control of all things to constantly create movement in all directions, first on the left, right, then behind and in front.

At the back, there were movements everywhere, which confused a group of Serpent's Hand members. The movement around seemed to have a lot of people. Could it be that they have been surrounded!

Suddenly, many people were scared, and just when these Serpent's Hand members were scared, Lin Fan took action.

He locked onto several people 5 kilometers away and directly used the control of all things to break their hearts and brains.

The next second, these people's hearts were broken, their brains were shattered, and they fell to the ground and died.

Their death did not attract too many people's attention. After all, there were big trees exploding everywhere, and the movement was too loud.

The sound they made when they died and fell to the ground was too weak. Apart from the people nearby who saw them die, no one else could know about it and could not come to support them.


Lin Fan continued to use the control of all things to control the hearts and brains of the three-god realm Serpent's Hand members to break.

They fell to the ground one by one.

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