Recalling that when the dark world creatures came in before, the magma blocked the exit, they suspected that the magma could flow.

They looked at the magma around them with caution, but the magma was very quiet and did not flow to block the exit like before, which made them confused.

Chapter 255 Upgrade Talent Shadow Demon, Level 9 Shadow Demon

As the group of dark world creatures carefully explored everything around them, Lin Fan opened his eyes on the stone and looked at the group of dark world creatures calmly.

There was a group of dark world creatures guarding at the exit, ready to run away. Once the magma erupted, they would escape.

Seeing this group of people guarding here, Lin Fan's mind moved.

The next second, a field with a diameter of 100 meters instantly enveloped the group of people.

The group of people's eyes blurred.

The next second, they appeared in a circular space with a diameter of 100 meters.

"What's going on?"

"What is this!"

The group looked at the space around them in confusion. They found themselves in a void space with a diameter of 100 meters. The exit behind them disappeared and they could not see anything outside.

They were separated into a separate space.

Since Lin Fan comprehended this domain for the first time, the domain he created now was a void, surrounded by chaos, and they could not see anything outside clearly.

These people were shrouded in the domain and could not see anything outside clearly. They tried to leave this space.

They soon came to the border of the domain. They felt a layer of resistance blocking their way and someone attacked.


A member of the mechanical sect punched the border of the domain, making a clear tremor, but the border of the domain was not broken.

The man's hands were mechanized and turned into a gun barrel. He fired an energy shell fiercely and hit the border, but the border just trembled.

The whole space also shook, but it was not broken. Seeing this, others also launched attacks.


This space can withstand a single attack from one person, but when everyone attacks together, it can't stand it and cracks begin to appear.

Seeing the dense cracks on the border, Lin Fan sighed. The field he comprehended was too fragile after all. It couldn't imprison everyone, nor could it kill the people inside.

However, he didn't give up and kept trying. Slowly, some magma appeared in this space.

These magmas were controlled by him in imitation of the fire world outside.

He could also take materials nearby. He directly controlled the magma outside and ran into this space. When magma appeared in the space, these creatures in the dark world were terrified.

They knew how terrible these magmas were. They had done tests before. Solid weapons would be melted if they fell into them.

Now, seeing these magmas suddenly appear around them, everyone was scared. They accelerated the speed of attack and prepared to break through this space to escape.


The cracks on the space were getting bigger and bigger, and they would soon break.

A layer of magma appeared in this space. This group of dark world creatures had to float in the air, but the magma slowly spread from the bottom, just like the rising water level, filling the entire space.

They had to fly upwards, but the magma in the space was getting more and more, so they had to attack the space above their heads, trying to open a gap from above their heads and escape.

Lin Fan was struggling to control this space. He couldn't expand the scope of the space, so he could only think of ways to create something out of nothing.

See if he could use the control of everything to control some magma, or other offensive objects to appear in the space.

In the space, in addition to the magma, a gust of wind slowly appeared. This wind was composed of wind blades.

They were like a stepmother's slap, blowing fiercely at the dark world creatures one by one. When these winds blew over, the dark world creatures' scalps numbed, and they dodged quickly.

Some people didn't dodge in time, and were blown on their bodies by the wind, and the wind blades cut wounds one after another.

At this time, it started to rain, and the rain poured down on them from the top of their heads. The rain was extremely corrosive.

Their skin was corroded and pitted, turning into black liquid. They felt severe pain, as if sulfuric acid was poured on their bodies.

Lightning suddenly appeared in the space, and these lightning struck their bodies, making them twitch all over.

In the space, magma, wind, lightning, and corrosive rain strangely appeared in the small 100-meter space, leaving a group of dark world creatures confused. They didn't understand how these threatening attacks on them appeared?

This is a bit contrary to common sense. How could there be such weather in the world?

Lin Fan is trying one by one. He tried to make this 100-meter space into a world of fire. He summoned various attacks, causing the weather in this 100-meter space to be capricious and full of various terrible natural disasters.

Those lightning, rain, magma, etc., all posed a threat to the dark world creatures, but they did not have much lethality.

The most they can do is get hurt, which depends on Lin Fan's strength. Although Lin Fan is powerful now, the domain space he summoned is not very powerful, and he is just in the exploratory stage.

But as he continued to explore and master this rhythm, the things he summoned would become more and more powerful.

Especially after he summoned the magma of the flame world into the 100-meter space, the temperature in the space began to rise wildly.

One by one, the creatures in the dark world began to feel dry mouth and tongue, and felt their skin melting. The mechanical bodies of the members of the mechanical sect were melting into silver liquid and falling into the magma.

They felt the threat of death. The biggest threat in this space was magma.

Because except for the magma that Lin Fan summoned at the beginning, the rest were diverted from the flame world. The magma of the flame world was the most terrible and the most threatening to them.

The magma that Lin Fan summoned by himself could not be compared with the magma of the flame world.

After all, the magma of the flame world was once the existence of the Water Emperor. It was created by the super boss. Lin Fan even suspected that the flame world was the domain of a true god and was left here as a cage to imprison the Water Emperor!

At the level of a true god, everyone can summon their own domain, and some of these domains can exist forever in the later stages!

For example, even if a true god dies, their domain can be preserved forever. Now, Lin Fan suspects that this flame world is the domain left by a dead true god, and is used by the Federation as a cage to imprison the Water Emperor.

Only after the death of a true god will their domain stay in a certain place without moving.

If the true god is alive, then this domain will be summoned by them to any place, and it is impossible to stay in one area.

This flame world has been here for two hundred years, which means that the true god who controls it has long passed away...

Of course, all of this is Lin Fan's inner speculation, but he feels that it should be close to the truth.

At this moment, the domain space he summoned surrounded a group of dark world creatures, but it could not pose a fatal threat to them. He could only summon the magma of the flame world and fill the entire space to kill these dark world creatures.

This group of dark world creatures are also frantically attacking this space, trying to save themselves.

But the rain, wind blades, lightning, and space cracks in the space were too threatening to them. They could only dodge and had no way to attack.

The entire space was filled with all kinds of threatening attacks. They dodged and attacked at the same time, which made them less efficient.

At the same time, the dark world creatures outside who were looking for threats suddenly found that a chaotic space had appeared inexplicably at the exit.

This chaotic space, like a ball with a diameter of 100 meters, blocked the exit. They could not see the dark world creatures guarding the exit, nor could they see the people outside the exit.

"What's going on?"

"Why did a ball appear here!"

Some people came to the vicinity of the chaotic space and found that this space blocked the exit like this, and they could not leave.

Moreover, they tried to attack this chaotic space, but they could not break through it or move.

The huge ball with a diameter of 100 meters was blocking here, blocking their way out.

At this moment, the magma around them suddenly rolled up.

Seeing the magma rolling, they were forced to leave.

Although Lin Fan couldn't do two things at once, he could still control some magma to roll and drive away the dark world creatures attacking the chaotic space outside.

All the dark world creatures near the space were forced back to a distant place by the magma and could not stay nearby.

They looked at the chaotic space in confusion, not understanding how it appeared, and the dark world creatures in the chaotic space were now in trouble. They were severely damaged.

Whether it was the wind blade or the corrosive rain, as well as the space cracks, lightning, magma, etc., they all caused great damage to them.

Some people couldn't avoid it in time and eventually fell into the magma and melted into liquid.

Some people were directly cut by the space cracks and had hideous wounds, which were eventually corroded by the rain into fatal injuries.


The wind blade cut through and a dark world creature was killed.

Dark world creatures killed by wind blades, rain, and lightning can allow Lin Fan to gain experience points.

Lin Fan could not gain experience points from the dark world creatures killed by the magma of the flame world.

Because they were not summoned by him.

Only the dark world creatures killed by the magma he summoned personally could be counted as his experience points.

Even so, he gained a large number of experience points. He constantly controlled everything in the space and killed as many dark world creatures as possible.

A group of dark world creatures were severely damaged. The corrosive rain corroded their bodies. In this space, they could not hide at all.

Because this space was only a hundred meters in diameter, the entire space was filled with corrosive rain. No matter where they escaped, the rain would fall on them.

Slowly, the rain corroded their flesh and blood, and began to corrode their internal organs. When their internal organs were attacked and their hearts were corroded, they died completely.

Whenever a dark world creature was corroded and died, Lin Fan would receive a large number of experience points. Many of these dark world creatures were in the three-god realm, a few were in the four-god realm, and there was no one in the five-god realm.

But this can also bring him a lot of experience points, and his experience points are growing rapidly.

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