These dark world creatures were worried, and the water tribe people were also anxious. They could isolate the high temperature, but they could not isolate the magma.

"The magma is coming. Can your bubbles resist the magma?"

Seeing the magma spreading around, a group of dark world creatures were terrified. They began to ask the water tribe people whether the bubbles around them could isolate the magma.

However, the water tribe people did not answer them, but looked at the magma outside solemnly.

Whether it can be resisted or not is not up to them, and it depends on the result after the collision.

The water tribe people did not answer, and the group of dark world creatures became more and more worried. Looking at the magma outside, they were sure that the dark world creatures and snipers who came in before must have been killed by these flowing magma.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be annihilated.

Lin Fan controlled the magma of the whole world, roaring and creating high temperatures, but he found that these high temperatures had no effect on the water tribe and dark world creatures. They surrounded the bubbles.

The bubbles contain rich water elements, which directly isolate the high temperature, which means that the high temperature of the flame world has no harm to them.

The high temperature is blocked, so they can only be killed by magma.

Countless magmas spread from all directions, forming huge waves, rolling, and directly hitting the bubbles.

The water tribesmen and dark world creatures in the bubbles stared at the magma coming from all directions with serious faces. Whether they can resist the magma depends on the bubbles around them.

When the magma hits, some bubbles are instantly submerged by the magma. The bubbles persist for a while, and some cracks gradually appear on them.

When they see the cracks appear, the water tribesmen and dark world creatures are desperate. After all, their bubbles can't stop this terrible magma.

"I told you long ago that this world of fire is very dangerous, but you still don't believe it!"

"Damn it, you killed us. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you in!"

"You water tribe people are just in name only. You said that the water element is powerful, but you can't even stop a lava."

A group of dark world creatures cursed loudly. They regretted following in. They were deceived by the confidence of the water tribe people before. They thought that these water tribe people had some tricks.

Unexpectedly, after entering, they couldn't even stop a lava wave. The first few bubbles burst directly, and the water tribe people inside were swallowed by the lava.

Their whole bodies were flashing with rich water elements. They were not melted by the lava at the first time, but swam in the lava.

Seeing that they could actually swim in the lava, a group of dark world creatures were also very surprised.

However, they also found that these water tribe people could not hold on for long.

The lava was very wide, and even if they could swim in the lava, they could not hold on for long.

Sure enough, after several water tribe members persisted in it for a while, the water elements in their bodies were exhausted and melted directly into liquid by the magma.

The water elements of the water tribe members are indeed powerful and can resist the magma of the flame world, but this depends on the water element energy in their bodies.

When the energy in their bodies is exhausted, they will die.

The reason why the Water Emperor is powerful is that his water element is rich, which is also the reason why he can persist in this world for two hundred years without dying.

Because the water element in his body is rich, as long as the water element is not exhausted, then he can survive.

However, these water tribe members can't compare with the Water Emperor at all, and the water elements in their bodies are not very rich.

When the water element is exhausted, they die.


The bubbles in the front were broken one by one, and the water tribe members fell into the magma one by one.

They relied on their own water elements to resist the melting of the magma, but they couldn't hold on for long and were killed.

Finally, some water tribe members ran into the creatures of the dark world, and they collectively took action to control the bubbles outside.

A huge bubble enveloped all the survivors. The people of the water tribe attacked together to increase the power of the bubble. The surrounding magma squeezed over and directly enveloped the entire bubble.

Finally, the bubble was squeezed by the magma, and the dark world creatures and the water tribe people inside turned pale.

Looking at the bright red magma outside, once the bubble was broken by the magma, then all of them would fall into the magma, life and death were only a moment away, and everyone was desperate.

"Aren't you very strong? Think of a way to escape from here."

A group of dark world creatures angrily urged the water tribe to find a way. They followed them in because of the water tribe's nonsense.

Originally thought they had a way to deal with the magma, and even could take them to kill the night watchman, but now they are all trapped here.

The water tribe people are also very panicked now. Who knew that this would happen.

This flame world is not dead, but intact. I am afraid that only the water emperor can resist this terrible magma, but they did not give up.

They controlled the bubbles to wriggle in the magma. They wriggled towards the exit, preparing to let the bubbles touch the exit. Then, they could leave through the exit.

The bubbles wriggled slowly in the magma, and the group of people saw hope. As long as the bubbles could keep wriggling to the exit, they could escape from here.

Lin Fan controlled the magma of the flame world, surrounded and intercepted, and submerged the entire bubble.

Seeing the bubble slowly creeping in the magma, he also took a deep breath. These water tribe people were really powerful. Relying on the water element, they actually opened a path in the magma and slowly moved towards the exit.

Lin Fan naturally understood what these people wanted to do. Watching them move towards the exit, Lin Fan also controlled the magma around and constantly attacked the bubble.

Even some magma turned into swords and directly chopped on the bubble, trying to chop it up.

However, this bubble was formed by all the water tribe people working together. It was very stable and the magma could not break it for a while.

"Everyone, work together to break that bubble!"

Lin Fan could not break this bubble temporarily with his own strength. Once this bubble ran to the exit, then these people would escape.

He also decisively removed the excess magma around, exposing the bubble inside, so that other night watchmen could work together.

When the night watchers on the stone saw the bubbles in the distance, they nodded and then attacked together.


All the night watchers attacked together, and the terrible attack instantly hit the bubbles.

After all, this flame world is only 10,000 meters in diameter, and everyone's attack range exceeds 10,000 meters, so it is easy to hit the bubbles.

When Lin Fan was alone, he couldn't do anything to the bubbles, but when so many night watchers attacked together, the bubbles began to tremble wildly.

There were even cracks on it. The night watchers present were very powerful, and those who could survive until now were at least in the fourth god realm.

The three god realms were all dead, and even several were in the fifth god realm. With so many people attacking together, how could the bubbles resist? They trembled in the magma and couldn't continue to wriggle.

"Kill them!"

The dark world creatures in the bubbles are now empty-handed. Seeing the night watchers show up, they are also ready to fight back.

Everyone's attack range exceeded 10,000 meters. The Night Watch could attack them, so they could attack the Night Watch.

But just as they were about to attack, a piece of magma suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their vision and making it impossible for them to see the Night Watch.

This made them angry. Without seeing the Night Watch, they had no idea where the target was and could not hit the Night Watch.

On the contrary, the Night Watch could attack them accurately.

But this group of dark world creatures did not sit still and wait for death. They launched attacks based on their previous memories. One after another, the attacks were like meteors, crossing the sky and flying towards the Night Watch on the stone.

However, the accuracy was a little off. Many attacks flew near the stone. Of course, some attacks could also threaten the Night Watch. However, when these attacks flew over, the Night Watch could accurately dodge them.


When the Night Watch's attacks hit the bubbles again and again, the bubbles finally showed dense cracks. Although the water tribes resisted with all their strength, they were ultimately doing useless work.

In addition, the surrounding magma also made them very distressed, and the bubble was about to burst.

Chapter 257 Upgraded Talent Destruction Thunder, Level 9 Destruction Thunder


When dense cracks appeared on the bubble, the dark world creatures and aquatic people inside were desperate.

The surrounding magma continued to press over, and the attack of the night watchman made them unable to defend themselves.

At this time, Lin Fan summoned his 100-meter space again.

The next second, the 100-meter space directly blocked the exit, preventing the bubble from passing.

The bubble was wriggling in the magma and moving towards the exit, but at this time, a 100-meter space appeared at the exit, directly blocking the way for the bubble to approach.

The bubble could not get close to the exit, they could not leave, and the surrounding magma was still wriggling over, and the people inside were getting more and more dangerous.

"What is blocking the exit!"

Some people saw the chaotic space in front of them. The 100-meter chaotic space directly blocked the exit, preventing the bubble from getting close, and many people were anxious.

Because the cracks on the bubbles were getting bigger and bigger, the faces of several water tribe members changed. Then, they left the bubbles without hesitation, ready to swim to the exit with their powerful water elements and leave from the exit.

When they left the bubbles and entered the magma, the magma swallowed their bodies, but they did not die. They relied on the water elements in their bodies to withstand the corrosion of the magma and swam quickly towards the exit.

They were not very far from the exit, only more than 100 meters, but the exit was blocked by a 100-meter space, so they could not leave from the exit at all.

They also came to the vicinity of the 100-meter space and tried to break this 100-meter space, but this 100-meter space was controlled by Lin Fan.

No matter how they attacked, they could not break this space. At this time, a crack appeared on the 100-meter space, and then a crack opened.

Seeing this crack, they were happy.

Then, they followed this hole into the 100-meter space without hesitation. They thought they had cracked this 100-meter space.

After passing through this crack, they might be able to leave the exit.

However, what they didn't know was that when they entered the crack, they directly entered the hundred-meter space and entered Lin Fan's world.

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